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Roadmap for the ARC Grid Middleware

The Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) or the NorduGrid middleware is an open source software solution enabling production quality computational and data Grids, with special emphasis on scalability, stability, reliability and performance. Since its first release in May 2002, the middleware is deployed and being used in production environments. This paper aims to present the future development direc

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An edition of a previously unpublished liturgical legend for the Canonization Day of St. Birgitta of Sweden. The rather lengthy legend recounts the virtues of St. Birgitta in the manner of medieval preaching, then describes the process that led to her canonization, including some miracles that happened in Rome in connection with the Act of Canonization in 1391.

Feedback Scheduling of Control Tasks

The paper presents a feedback scheduling mechanism in the context of co-design of the scheduler and the control tasks. We are particularly interested in controllers where the execution time may change abruptly between different modes, such as in hybrid controllers. The proposed solution attempts to keep the CPU utilization at a high level, avoid overload, and distribute the computing resources eve

ICMP Translation within REBEKAH-IP

The third generation (3G) cellular networks are starting to be deployed around the world. These networks are predicted to bring a vast number of IP enabled cellular terminals to the Internet. The limited address space of the current version of IP in the Internet, IPv4, has made the cellular industry decide to use IPv6 for these terminals. However, their success will largely depend on the availabil

Vibration isolation on light weight floor

A theoretical and experimental study of vibration isolation for a source on a lightweight floor structure is presented. The effectiveness of one-stage and two-stage isolator systems is studied. Approximate formulae are presented for both low and high frequency for the receiver, the floor structure. For the mobility, a comparison between approximate formulae, numerical exact results and experimenta

Vetenskapsteori: Om vetenskapsteoretisk debatt och vetenskapligt praktiserande

Vetenskapen likt andra verksamhetsområden existerar i växelspel med det omgivande samhället, i sitt historiska, sociala och psykologiska sammanhang. Något som även omfattar ekonomiska, politiska och kunskapsmässigt sammansatta grundvalar. På detta fundament vilar analysen i denna bok som förmedlar flera olika aspekter avseende vetenskapligt debatterande och vetenskapligt praktiserande. Boken ger i