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Moisture distribution in screeded concrete slabs

A qualitative model of moisture distribution in screeded concrete slabs is presented. From this model it is possible to identify humidity changes in each material and thus determine corresponding moisture properties. The distribution of relative humidity, RH, was determined in nine screeded concrete slabs before flooring and after a certain time of redistribution. Moisture redistribution is clearl

A modified cup-method for lightweight and highly permeable materials

With an increasing interest for dynamic hygrothermal calculation models for short time periods, there is a need for uncomplicated and reliable methods to determine the moisture properties for materials used in the indoor environment. The traditional cup-method is commonly used for building materials to determine the water vapor permeability. When used on lightweight and highly permeable materials,


Articles about the theory of genres by Jolles, Viëtor, Jauss, Todorov, Hempfer, Scholes, Genette, Bachtin, Stempel,Fowler and Schaeffer translated into Swedish

Corporate Environmental Management - Managing (in) a New Practice Area

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under 1990-talet ändrades miljöarbete i företag dramatiskt. Från att ha varit huvudsakligen fokuserad på lagstiftningens krav och tekniska lösningar för utsläpp och avfall, tog miljöarbete (d.v.s., "corporate environmental management", eller CEM) till sig nya strategiska och organisatoriska dimensioner runt om i världen. "Det gröna företaget" blev ett begrepp för denna Adopting a phenomenological, sensemaking-based approach, this dissertation reviews and critiques a variety of theories proposed as explanations of corporate “greening” and the evolution of corporate environmental management (CEM), and then presents and analyzes an organization study to explore in greater depth how sensemaking can be used for research in this context. As its object, the ethnograph

Change in Cerebral Perfusion Detected by Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Normal volunteers examined during normal breathing and hyperventilation

Cerebral perfusion parameters were measured using dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance imaging (DSC-MRI) in eight healthy volunteers examined during normal breathing and spontaneous hyperventilation. DSC-MRI-based cerebral blood flow (CBF) decreased during hyperventilation in all volunteers (average decrease 29%), and the corresponding global CBF estimates were 73 +/- 19 ml/(min 100g

Enabling communication: Pictures as language

A developmental disability often includes a language disorder, the result of which render learning, in part, if not entirely impossible. This has drastic consequences for children and adults, and gradually ends up becoming the primary disability. With to

Coaching och lekmannaterapi – en modern väckelse

Denna bok diskuterar föreställningar, ledarskap, uppbyggnad av praktiker och marknadsföring av nyandlig terapi och coaching i Sverige. Nya, egencertifierade entreprenörer vill med ett terapeutiskt språk sälja specialdesignade lösningar till individen för att bekämpa ohälsa, diskutera existentiella frågor eller hitta strategier för självförverkligande och framgång i privatlivet såväl som på arbetsp

Russian and American options under exponential phase-type Lévy models

Consider the American put and Russian option (Ann. Appl. Probab. 3(1993)603; Theory Probab. Appl. 39 (1994)103; Ann. Appl. Probab. 3(1993)641) with the stock price modeled as an exponential Lévy process. We find an explicit expression for the price in the dense class of Lévy processes with phase-type jumps in both directions. The solution rests on the reduction to the first passage time problem fo