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A comparative case study is performed of three working groups containing pairs and triads. Effects on cohesion and group development are analyzed and a model is constructed A distinction is made between pairs formed 1. out of earlier relationships, 2. and/or to pursue work and those that form, 3. as a reaction to the former. Pairs can contribute to work and development in constructive ways, but pa
The Article is an introduction to the theology of Benedikt XVI/Joseph Ratzinger based on an analysis of his main works. It is shown that Joseph Ratzinger is part of the general renewal of Roman Catholic theology during the second half of the 20th century. Contrary to widespread assumptions there can be shown only small changes in the writings of this important theologian and present pope.
The article presents results from an investigation made in southern Sweden in 2001. Ten relatives of people whose remains were scattered were interviewed about the circumstances of the scattering. The forms for scattering the ashes varied depending on the locality. In several cases relatives scattered the ashes alone or together, and in some cases funeral directors and a minister did it. Reciting
Human systems create problem spaces that are ambiguous, uncertain and constantly changing. This requires researchers to find approaches to inquiry that can be used to explore inconsistent and ill-defined phenomena. Much analytical work is done without in-depth consideration of context. This means that important dimensions are lost – rigour in investigation is prioritised over relevance. Research m
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid hjärtsvikt är hjärtats pumpförmåga nedsatt och kroppens vävnader kan ej förses med tillräckligt mycket blod utan kompensatoriska förändringar i kroppen. Dessa kompensationsmekanismer är kortvarigt ändamålsenliga men skjuter snabbt över målet vid hjärtsvikt och förvärrar istället symptomen. Under de senaste åren har behandlingen av hjärtsvikt därför kommit att inriktAngiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors act by decreasing production of angiotensin II and by potentiating the effects of bradykinin by inhibition of its breakdown. Bradykinin exerts part of its effects via vasodilating prostaglandins. Since the cyclooxygenase (COX)-inhibitors, e.g. aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDs, block the formation of prostaglandins patients may
Abstract: The logical empiricists in Vienna and their Swedish counterparts in Uppsala shared a scientific ethos that underlined the philosophical academics as representatives for universalism, disinterest, professional loyalty, organized scepticism and public interest. Rudolf Carnap, Axel Hägerström and Ingemar Hedenius regarded themselves as intellectuals, offering their philosophical tools to so
Emission formation and flame stability were investigated, both experimentally and computationally, for premixed combustion with varying amounts of water vapor in the mixture. Emission measurements were made in a gas turbine combustor at atmospheric conditions, using Danish Natural Gas (NG) as fuel. The emissions were mapped as a function of humidity, inlet air temperature, equivalence ratio and ae
Correlations in the azimuthal angle between dijets produced in deep inelastic $e^{+}p$ scattering events, collected by the H1 experiment during 1999-2000, have been investigated. Cross sections are presented as a function of the azimuthal separation between the two jets in the hadronic center of mass frame, $Deltaphi^{*}$, in different regions of the photon virtuality $Q^{2}$ and in different regi
This thesis reports a study involving the use of Halomonas boliviensis, a moderate halophile, for production of biopolyester poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and compatible solutes ectoine and hydroxyectoine through high cell-density cultivation comprising fed-batch cultures. PHB is a biodegradable plastic produced by bacteria as energy reserve and can potentially be used as a replacement of fossil b
A qualitative model of moisture distribution in screeded concrete slabs is presented. From this model it is possible to identify humidity changes in each material and thus determine corresponding moisture properties. The distribution of relative humidity, RH, was determined in nine screeded concrete slabs before flooring and after a certain time of redistribution. Moisture redistribution is clearl
With an increasing interest for dynamic hygrothermal calculation models for short time periods, there is a need for uncomplicated and reliable methods to determine the moisture properties for materials used in the indoor environment. The traditional cup-method is commonly used for building materials to determine the water vapor permeability. When used on lightweight and highly permeable materials,