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Your search for "*" yielded 534177 hits
Enabling communication: Pictures as language
A developmental disability often includes a language disorder, the result of which render learning, in part, if not entirely impossible. This has drastic consequences for children and adults, and gradually ends up becoming the primary disability. With to
Coaching och lekmannaterapi – en modern väckelse
Denna bok diskuterar föreställningar, ledarskap, uppbyggnad av praktiker och marknadsföring av nyandlig terapi och coaching i Sverige. Nya, egencertifierade entreprenörer vill med ett terapeutiskt språk sälja specialdesignade lösningar till individen för att bekämpa ohälsa, diskutera existentiella frågor eller hitta strategier för självförverkligande och framgång i privatlivet såväl som på arbetsp
Föränderlig död
New trends in rituals and customs concerning death and funerals.
Abstract is not available.
F.P. Ramsey
Helsingborg hyser Skånes transmedianav. Utvärdering av BoostHbg 2011-2014
Russian and American options under exponential phase-type Lévy models
Consider the American put and Russian option (Ann. Appl. Probab. 3(1993)603; Theory Probab. Appl. 39 (1994)103; Ann. Appl. Probab. 3(1993)641) with the stock price modeled as an exponential Lévy process. We find an explicit expression for the price in the dense class of Lévy processes with phase-type jumps in both directions. The solution rests on the reduction to the first passage time problem fo
Digital billedbehandling
In-situ studies of the formation mechanism of SBA-15
The formation process of SBA-15 has been investigated by time resolved TEM, in-situ SAXS/SAXD and in-situ NMR. The synthesis was done at 35 degrees in acidic solution with tetramethylorthosilicate as the silica source and Pluronic P123 as the structure directing amphiphile. The initially formed silica-polymer composite consists of flocs of spherical micelles in a silica matrix. The micelles then c
Russisch und Kirchenslavisch in Gustav Adolfs Schweden
Abstract not available
Att leva med tiden : samhälls- och kulturanalytiska perspektiv på ålder och åldrande
Mexican Mural Movement. Myths and Mythmakers
The aim of this study of the Mexican Mural Movement is to analyze the myths it expressed and the myths it produced. The two main characters of my study are the minister José Vasconcelos and the painter Diego Rivera, because I believe these two personalities are indispensable for an understanding of the myths surrounding the Mexican Mural Movement. While the painter is well known, the personality a
En intellektuell revolution
"Why 'You can't go home;' the legacy of law and Indoneisan Public Administration"
Blockchains, Real-Time Accounting and the Future of Credit Risk Modeling
In this paper (letter) I discuss how blockchains potentially could affect the way credit risk is modeled, and how the improved trust and timing associated with blockchain-enabled real-time accounting could improve default prediction. To demonstrate the (quite substantial) effect the change would have on well-known credit risk measures, a simple case-study compares Z-scores and Merton distances to
Atomic Spectroscopy for Applications in Energy Technology
Popular Abstract in Swedish En stor del, kanske den största delen, av den information som vi dagligen får om världen tillhandahålls genom ett av våra fem sinnen: synen, med vilken ögat registrerar det ljus som vi omges av. Det ljus som vi kan registrera och uppfatta som färger är egentligen bara en bråkdel av den elektromagnetiska strålning som universum är uppfyllt av: Det finns även röntgenstrålThis thesis intends to provide spectroscopic information which may be of use in the investigation of low-density plasmas. Developed since the 19th century, the spectroscopic approach has proven to be a versatile method for measuring properties in hot gases, such as electron and ion temperatures and densities, the abundance of various elements in the gas, etc. However, such investigations rely on k
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Creating an Interactive Learning Environment: Experience of using a Student Response System
The purpose of this paper is to briefly discuss the rationale for using Student Response Systems (SRS) and to share our experience of using this teaching technology in a training session. Our experiences support existing pedagogical research and show that SRS can be used to transform traditionally passive lecture-based classes into stimulating, active learning environments. Students demonstrate be
Sustainable Pastoralism in the Himalayas
The papers in this volume seek to adress three principal areas of concern: Pastoral issues and development, Biodiversity and grazing resource availability, and Range resource management. This unique collection of research papers touches on the value of the unique flora and fauna of the rangelands and the need to preserve them in order to conserve biodiversity.