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Ralsgård & Tullberg : Traditional Flute Music from Sweden
Striving against oblivion : Tombs and cemeteries in the mid-Republic
Writing as dusk fell on the mid-Republic, Ennius (238–169 BCE) purportedly remarked, ‘Kings throughout their kingship are in quest of statues and sepulchres; they build up a name and strain with all their might and main’. A poet whose verse mediated between the Greek and Roman worlds, he knew the weight of his words, and they usefully highlight the political presence of a tomb. Not that this is un
Vägar mot nollutsläpp i industrin – tre starka trender
Industrin står inför stora utmaningar när det gäller att minska sin klimatpåverkan. Globalt står industrin för runt 30% av klimatgasutsläppen, och under lång tid har dessa utsläpp ansetts vara svåra att minska. I många av de scenarier som studerats och redovisats har man visat hur energisektorn och transportsektorn kan gå mot nollutsläpp, medan delar av industrins utsläpp legat kvar i scenarierna
How much effectiveness for the EU Damages Directive? : Contractual Clauses and Antitrust Damages Actions
The Damages Directive has been celebrated as a milestone for the private enforcement of EU competition law. The Directive harmonises national procedural laws and aims to facilitate full compensation for damages occurred as a result of competition law violations. At the same time, US and EU businesses more frequently use contractual clauses that might present obstacles in obtaining compensation. Re
Emergency Department Chest Pain Patients With or Without Ongoing Pain : Characteristics, Outcome, and Diagnostic Value of the Electrocardiogram
Background: In emergency department (ED) chest pain patients, it is believed that the diagnostic accuracy of the electrocardiogram (ECG) for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is higher during ongoing than abated chest pain. Objectives: We compared patient characteristics and the diagnostic performance of the ECG in ED patients presenting with ongoing, vs. abated, chest pain. Methods: In total, 1132 un
Sakta i backarna - vad ekonomer anser om digitalisering i kommuner och regioner
I föreliggande studie har ekonomerna ombetts att besvara ett antal påstående om sin egen arbetssituation men också hur de uppfattar ”digitaliseringstillståndet” i sina kommunala och regionala organisationer. Utifrån dessa svar och kompletterande intervjuer konstateras det i rapporten bland annat att det tas påtagliga digitaliseringssteg i Sveriges kommuner och regioner, men att det går relativt saIn the present study, controllers have been asked to answer a number of statements about their own work situation but also how they perceive the "digitization state" in their municipal and regional organizations. Based on these responses and supplementary interviews, the report states, among other things, that significant digitization steps are being taken in Sweden's municipalities and regions, b
An exploration of musician/musical instrument relationships
What is a musical instrument? A meaningful answer must go beyond the description of a physical object. Depending on the perspective from which the question is asked, it can be answered in many different ways. But one aspect of the answer probably remains – that the identity of a musical instrument shifts through time and across genres, and that it has different potentials depending on the musician
An Operational Anthropogenic CO₂ Emissions Monitoring & Verification Support Capacity : Needs and High Level Requirements for in situ Measurements
This is the third report form the CO2 Monitoring Task Force on the multiple input streams of in-situ observations that are requirement for the Copernicus CO2 Monitoring and Verification Support capacity to: (i) calibrated and validate the space component, (ii) assimilate data in the models and integrate information in the core of the system, and (iii) evaluate the output generated by the system fo
Carbon nanotube bolometers
A cryogenic bolometer has been fabricated using a bundle of single-walled carbon nanotubes as absorber. A bolometric response was observed when the device was exposed to radiation at 110 GHz. The temperature response was 0.4 mV/K, with an intrinsic electrical responsivity at low frequency up to 109 V/W and noise equivalent power of 3 × 10-16 W/Hz1/2 at 4.2 K. The response is largest at input power
En folkmördares vittnesmål
Entydighetssatser till Helmholtz ekvation, randvärdesproblem med oändlig begränsningsyta
I detta arbete kommer vi att visa några entydighetssatser för Helmholtz' ekvation. Området begränsas av en yta S som är oändlig. Främst kommer satser som visar entydigheten hos material med förluster att tas fram, men för vissa speciella ytor S kan även rent förlustfria medier behandlas.Randvillkoren kommer att vara av Churchills typ eller mot svarande för permeabla medier. Som ett led i beviskedj
Continuing education in neurometabolic disorders - Serine deficiency disorders
Serine deficiency disorders comprise a new group of inborn errors of serine metabolism. Patients affected with these disorders present with major neurological symptoms including congenital microcephaly, seizures, psychomotor retardation or polyneuropathy. The diagnosis of serine deficiency is based on the detection of low concentrations of the amino acids serine and glycine in fasted plasma and ce
Beneficial effects of L-serine and glycine in the management of seizures in 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase deficiency
3-Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (3-PGDH) deficiency is an inborn error of serine biosynthesis. Patients are affected with congenital microcephaly, psychomotor retardation, and intractable seizures. The effects of oral treatment with amino acids were investigated in 2 siblings. L-Serine up to 500 mg/kg/day was not sufficient for seizure control. Addition of glycine 200 mg/kg/day resulted in comple
Recurrent nonimmune hydrops fetalis associated with carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome
A Global Screen for Assembly State Changes of the Mitotic Proteome by SEC-SWATH-MS
Living systems integrate biochemical reactions that determine the functional state of each cell. Reactions are primarily mediated by proteins. In proteomic studies, these have been treated as independent entities, disregarding their higher-level organization into complexes that affects their activity and/or function and is thus of great interest for biological research. Here, we describe the imple
Evolution of overall survival (OS) in patients (pts) with incident NSCLC in Denmark and Sweden : A SCAN-LEAF study analysis from the I-O Optimise initiative
Background: As part of I-O Optimise, a multinational research platform providing real-world insights into the management of lung cancers, the SCAN-LEAF study aims to describe the epidemiology, clinical care, and outcomes for pts with NSCLC in Scandinavia. Here, we report temporal OS trends among pts diagnosed with incident NSCLC from 2005 to 2015 in Denmark and Sweden. Methods: The SCAN-LEAF Danis
Quantifying the impacts of climate change and extreme climate events on energy systems
Climate induced extreme weather events and weather variations will affect both the demand of energy and the resilience of energy supply systems. The specific potential impact of extreme events on energy systems has been difficult to quantify due to the unpredictability of future weather events. Here we develop a stochastic-robust optimization method to consider both low impact variations and extre
Nos Honks : Prisma
Genetic mechanisms for stroke in young adults. A clinical perspective.
A range of cardiovascular risk factors associated with stroke are known, but they do not explain all cases of stroke. Genetic factors can be responsible for certain forms of stroke, and are further investigated in this thesis. The aims of this thesis were to study the occurrence of familial clustering of stroke, compile known stroke-associated genetic conditions for diagnostic and research genetic