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Hamamoto-Kuroda, Ikuko
Vad betyder orden? [What do the words mean?]
Kulturjournalistisk klasskamp - Om hur symbolisk makt organiserades genom ABF:s litteraturkommitté
Den kvalitetsmärkta högskolan
The Excellent University In just a few years, the quest for quality has become a concern of utmost priority in higher education. Universities, faculties, research councils and the National Agency for Higher Education regularly undertake evaluations to find out whether the academic work performed by university institutions is on “highest international level” or not. Ranking-lists are constantly pu
Islam, muslimer och den svenska skola
Meningsfullt arbete i krävande arbetsmiljö - lärare i skolan
En stor majoritet av lärarna i grund- och gymnasieskolan upplever sitt arbete som mycket meningsfullt, samtidigt som de rapporterar allvarliga, i synnerhet psykosociala, arbetsmiljöproblem. Skolan har under de senaste 10-15 åren blivit ett av våra största arbetsmiljöproblem. Detta gäller såväl elevernas som personalens arbetsmiljö. Vad gäller de senare redovisas här uppgifter om lärares psykosocia
Agnumetry; Quantifying Modernization
Is possible to quantify modernization? I will refer as "agnumetry" the measure of the brokenness of an environment; from "agnumy" the Greek word for "break". The presence of broken technologies makes an environment more or less broken; the measurement of this grade of brokenness could be an interesting manner to compare these environments with each other. In this paper, I introduce some criteria t
"'Capital' imperialism and exploitation in ancient world systems"
Stochastic Analysis of Scale-Space Smoothing
In the high-level operations of computer vision it is taken for granted that image features have been reliably detected. This paper addresses the problem of feature extraction by scale-space methods. This paper is based on two key ideas: to investigate the stochastic properties of scale-space representations, and to investigate the interplay between discrete and continuous images. These investigat
Tom Gunning: Attraktionernas film. Tidig film, dess åskådare och avantgardet
Evaluation of the Communications Performance Achievable on Base Station to Handheld-Terminal Radio Links with Several Different Practical Receive Antenna Arrays
In this paper, the information extracted from Single-Input Multiple-Output sounding measurements is used to study the effect of several aspects of the receive antenna arrays on system performance. The extracted multipath parameters are used to synthesize the MIMO channel matrices of a hypothesized communication system having a fixed microcellular base-station and a handheld terminal moving through
Att tänka rätt är lätt, att tänka nytt är svårt. Om att gå från ett idésystem till ett annat
Isolation of mitochondria
Kinesisk-svensk ordlista (汉瑞词汇)
Glycoside hydrolases for extraction and modification of polyphenolic antioxidants
Antioxidants are important molecules that are widely used by humans, both as dietary supplements and as additives to different types of products. In this chapter, we review how flavonoids, a class of polyphenolic antioxidants that are often found in glycosylated forms in many natural resources, can be extracted and modified using glycoside hydrolases (GHs). Glycosylation is a fundamental enzymatic
A Modular Batch Laboratory Process
In this paper a new batch laboratory process is described. Theprocess is inexpensive, modular, and portable. Several processes canbe connected together to form a multi-purpose batch pilot plant.The use of the process in process control education is described.
Icke-våld för alla varelser
Development and regulation of alveolar fluid clearance in the guinea pig
Popular Abstract in Swedish För att lungorna ska utvecklas normalt hos ett däggdjursfoster, måste lungorna vara vätskefyllda. Det har länge varit kännt att denna vätska produceras av lungorna själva, genom s k klorid-sekretion. Vid födelsen måste det nyfödda fostret börja andas och därför är det ytterst viktigt att lungorna snabbt töms på vätskan som fanns där under fosterutvecklingen. Detta sker Alveolar fluid clearance is driven by active absorption of Na+ across the alveolar epithelium. Development and hormonal regulation of alveolar fluid clearance over 1 hour was studied by instillation of a protein-containing, isosmolar fluid into lungs of fetal, newborn, and adult guinea pigs. After 1 hour, a sample of remaining alveolar fluid was collected and the change in protein concentration wa