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Your search for "*" yielded 532245 hits

Non-Actual Motion Expressions in Language and Gesture

This thesis studies the phenomenon of non-actual motion (NAM) (Blomberg, 2014; Blomberg & Zlatev 2014), and its expression in language and gestures. It has been documented that many languages employ expressions of motion in descriptions of static scenarios (Amagawa, 1997; Blomberg, 2014; Matsumoto, 1996; Rojo & Valenzuela, 2003, 2009; Stosic & Sarda, 2009), here called NAM-expressions

Occupational therapists should contribute to ecological sustainability

Background: 2020 many people speak of the ecological crisis, few people know what to do to contribute to ecological sustainability. Aim: The purpose of this study was to map the latest research on ecological sustainability and how occupational therapy can contribute by analyzing researchdata from 2013 and using Wagman's concepts: Adapt, Collaborate, Explore and Warn. Method: A literature revie

Interest rate modelling

Many models have been developed throughout the years to describe the evolution of short term rates. One of the famous models is the Vasicek model. It was first introduced in 1977 and describes interest rates as a mean reversion process which is a specific characteristic that sets it apart from other financial assets. This model has the ability to let interest rates to be negative which was perceiv

Den blå tråden

This thesis revolves around rain, more specifically the relationship between urban development and rain. In this part of the world rain is often considered something negative and something that we want to avoid. Architecture has been implemented in order to create structures which protect us from the water falling from the sky. Rain is something we complain about to our friends and colleagues, i

Young middle class Iranians' perspectives upon the lifted sanctions and its effects upon their private economies: A qualitative research of their perceptions and experiences from Tehran and Karaj

The purpose of this research is to investigate existing perceptions upon the sanctions relief amongst middle class Iranian youths between the ages of 25 to 30, living in Karaj and Tehran. The thesis also examines how the economic sanctions have affected their private economies in the post-sanctions era to fill the research gap within the development research field. Semi-structured interviews were

Känslan av tvång: Upplevelsen av tvångsvård ur ett brukarperspektiv

The aim of this study was to investigate patients' experiences of involuntary hospitalization and clients' involuntary treatment of alcohol and drug addiction. Three persons were interviewed by qualitative semi-structured interviews and two internet blogs were analyzed by text analysis. The theory of Goffman's total institution was used for analyzing, as well as the concepts of paterna

Communication Channel Measurement and Modeling for Inductive Wireless Power Transfer

Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) technology has experienced phenomenal success in the application of wireless charging of smartphones. With the Qi Specification becoming the dominant standard, wireless charging's convenience goes beyond cable-free charging to facilitate interoperability between chargers and devices from different vendors. For wireless charging to operate correctly, the power tr

Mechanisms of BAMLET (bovine α-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) in cancer cell death

Human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells (HAMLET) is a complex formed by human alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid that displays tumoricidal activity but does not kill healthy, differentiated cells. As the sequence of alpha-lactalbumin is conserved among mammals, lactalbumins from other species are expected to form oleic acid complexes with similar activity. This study investigated the tumo

Patterning of perovskite thin films for electrical and optical characterisation

While perovskite solar cells have become increasingly more efficient and popular, electrical characterisation of the semiconductor properties of perovskites has been limited due to the instability of the material. In this work, multiple approaches for creating such electrical test structures from perovskites are discussed. The chemical processing limitations for perovskites are laid out and common

A Missed Steak: A Study of the Value Added by Dynamic Best-before Labels

I mogna industrier prioriteras ofta verkningsgrad och processen snarare än själva produkten. Detta innebär att dessa industrier anpassar sig långsamt när de externa förhållandena skiftar. Exempel på sådan industri är Sveriges köttindustri. Denna präglas av stor klimatpåverkan, även stora mängder matsvinn. Nya teknologier undersökes i nuläget för att skärpa detta svinn; exempel på sådan teknologi äThe competitive landscape mature industries find themselves in tends to make them enforce practices that ruthlessly focus on efficiency and process. This narrow focus makes them slow to adapt to changes in the external environment in which they operate. One such case is the Swedish meat industry. Like many industries, there are downsides involved with meat production and for meat a significant one

Did you buy toilet paper?!

Sammanfattning: Titel: Köpte du toalettpapper?! - En uppsats om den emotionella påverkan av konsumenters beslutsfattande i tider av COVID-19 Seminariedatum: 2020-06-03 Kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare: Abbo, Waseem; Mannheimer, Niki; Vasileva, Yana Handledare: Jayne Jönsson Nyckelord: COVID-19, känslor, påverkan, konsumentens besAbstract Title: Did you buy toilet paper?! - A Thesis on Affective Influence on Consumer Decision-Making in times of COVID-19 Seminar date: 2020-06-03 Course: FEKH29 Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing, Undergraduate Level, 15 credits Authors: Abbo, Waseem; Mannheimer, Niki; Vasileva, Yana Supervisor: Jayne Jönsson Key Words: COVID-19, emotion, affect, consumer deci

Does “Where do you come from” matter in internal migration choices? A study of the nativity and ethnicity impact on internal migration status in the US from 1994 to 2019

The migration issue has been a hot topic for decades. However, internal migration has not received as much attention as international migration. Furthermore, the internal migration pattern can differentiate from ethnicities and nativity status, further impacting their social-economic status. This thesis aims to discover the ethnic differences in internal migration patterns and the differences betw

Generic Object Tracking with NVIDIA Jetson Nano Using Siamese Convolutional Neural Networks

In this thesis, a generic object tracker was constructed that was applied to both a commonly used tracking dataset using a regular computer as well as a robot powered by a small NVIDIA computer. The architecture of the tracker consisted of two parallel convolutional neural networks convolving to a single output. The input consisted of two separate cropped images that were fed into the networks sep

Relationen mellan influencers och följare - En kvantitativ undersökning om sambanden mellan följares varumärkesuppfattning, känslor till varumärket och beteendeintention till influencers som human brands

Syftet är att undersöka relationen mellan en influencers varumärke som ett human brand och dess följare genom att studera sambanden mellan varumärkesuppfattning, känslor till varumärket samt beteendeintention till influencern. Studien utgår från en kvantitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv ansats där hypoteser har formulerats. Insamling av data gjordes genom en webbaserad enkätundersökning där rThe purpose is to investigate the relationship between an influencer’s brand as a human brand and it's followers in order to examine the conjunction between brand perceptions, brand emotions and behavioral intention. This study is based on a quantitative research method with a deductive approach, where hypotheses have been developed based on theory. The data has been collected using an online

Incitament till prestation – värdelöst eller kanon?

Purpose The aim of this thesis is to examine whether there is a significant correlation between use of Long-Term Incentive Programs and their Total Shareholder Returns within companies listed on the Nordic market. Furthermore, this study investigates if there is an existing correlation depending on which sector the firm operates in and if Long-Term Incentive Programs can affect their Shareholder r

How is ESG Affecting Stock Returns? A Portfolio- and Panel Data Analysis of US Firms in the S&P 500

The last two decades, socially responsible investing has emerged such that there is a value in itself to invest responsibly. This paper analyzes the relationship between Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) and stock returns, and investigate if any of these three individual pillars have a more significant impact during the period 2005 – 2018. The study contributes to the field by applying an ES

The spatial distribution of dark matter in the Universe

Mörk materia är en av huvudkomponenterna av universum. Det går inte att observera den på något direkt sätt, men dess närvaro är uppenbar, eftersom rörelsen av stjärnor och gas påverkas av dess dragningskraft. Mörk materia bildar gravitationsbundna klumpar som kallas för halos. Att förstå dessa objekt utgör en grundläggande del av kosmologin, vilket är vetenskapen som handlar om universums usprung It was previously found that the density profile of dark matter halos is well-fit by a universal, smooth function over a vast range of masses and redshifts, named the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile after its discoverers. Despite its impressive goodness of fit, the NFW model remains an approximation of the density profile of realistic halos. In the literature, this model has been used for fittin

Agricultural Transformation in Ghana - Changing Farm Size Patterns and their Impact on Regional Poverty Outcomes

In the past, agriculture for development has proven an effective tool for developing countries to stimulate economic growth and development and hence alleviate the incidence of poverty. This paper puts a particular focus on Ghana´s recent agricultural transformation process and scrutinizes the effect of regional farm size patterns – expanding predominantly from small- to medium-sized – on poverty

An App for Measuring Guest Satisfaction During a Hotel Stay

Denna studie berör gästnöjdhet och återkoppling vilka är viktiga aspekter när man arbetar med kunder. Speciellt inom hotellindustrin är detta viktigt då bra service handlar om att känna sin gäst. Hotellen vill veta alla bekymmer eller funderingar som gästen har medan de är kvar på hotellet för att kunna kompensera innan de lämnar. För att möjliggöra detta behöver hotellen ha bättre kommunikation mThis study concerns guest satisfaction and feedback which are important aspects when working with customers. In the hotel industry this is especially important since good service is about knowing your guest. The hotels want to be aware of any concern while the guest is still at the hotel to be able to compensate before they leave. In order to do so, the hotels need a better communication with thei

Mitigation of Inter-cell Interference in an Industrial Communication Network by Coordinated Scheduling

With Industry 4.0, the manufacturing industries are transitioning from wired to wireless communication between machines which put high demands on the network system. This can be achieved with the fifth generation (5G) of wireless communication by utilizing two fundamental key features in New Radio (NR), Massive Machine-Type Communication (mMTC) and Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC).