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Guerrilla Marketing Technique Effectiveness: A Quantitative Experiment

In the past, guerrilla marketing was about getting maximum impact for the least amount of advertising dollars. Now, big companies are spending substantial amounts of money on campaigns that are more subtle and can appear ‘grassroots’ to consumers. Guerrilla marketing as an emerging field encompasses many specific techniques a marketer can use to untraditionally, creatively, and inexpensively promo

Standardisering i Peab PGS:s montageprocess

Peab PGS AB är ett dotterbolag till Peab AB med syfte att genom en industriell byggprocess uppföra flerbostadshus med ökad kvalitet till sänkt kostnad. Detta ska ske med hjälp av ett standardiserat byggsystem och ett standardiserat arbetssätt. I nuläget finns det i Peab PGS:s industriella byggprocess fortfarande ett antal traditionella, hantverksmässiga – icke-standardiserade – inslag. I detta arb

Unstoppable Speech: Diverging Putonghua Pronunciations and the PRC Government‟s Efforts to Curtail Their Emergence in Media

This thesis looks at the phonological changes and variations of Putonghua, the standard language spoken mainly in the People‟s Republic of China (PRC). It examines how linguists and other scholars regard these changes and also how the PRC government has reacted to their recent upsurge in broadcast media. While some scholars view language developments, including phonological such, as something expe

Ricardiansk Ekvivalens

Hur påverkas hushållens sparande av det statliga sparandet? Ifall privata hushåll kompenserar för statliga underskott genom att öka sitt sitt sparande kommer detta leda till att fiskala stabiliseringsåtgärder blir mindre effektiva. Jag undersöker 10 länder under 30 år för att studera hur stort detta fenomen är.

A Historical Evaluation of Inflation Dynamics and the Role of Inflation Expectations

We employ a VAR-model to study the dynamics of inflation and the role of inflation expectations and other macro economic variables to the inflation process with annual data over the period 1880-2005 in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, The UK and The US. We divide the period into four sub-periods following the Lucas critique (1976). The periods under examination are: 1880-1913, 1914-1939, 1

No title

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the concept of shame as it is described and applied in the writings of Norwegian psychiatrist Finn Skårderud. Methodologically the point of departure is an extensive and critical reading of his articles produced during the last decade. The reading consists of describing his work and of positioning him to other research in the field of shame in general. Issu

Nationalism som överlevnadsmetod för auktoritära regimer? Den burmesiska militärregimen och nationellt identitetsskapande

1962 grep militären makten i Burma efter en kortare period av demokrati sedan självständigheten från britterna 1948. Under snart 50 års tid har den burmesiska politiken präglats av statsfrämjad nationalism, ett politiserat identitetsskapande, historierevidering och etniska motsättningar. Denna uppsats ämnar visa hur den burmesiska militärregimen har skapat, format och använt sig av nationalism oc

Aldrig mer! : inte riktigt så lätt

This thesis covers the concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) out of the perspective of international law. Buy looking into the fundament of sovereignty and humanitarian intervention the aim of the thesis is to answer the following questions: • How does the implementation of R2P affect sovereignty? • From the perspective of international law, is R2P considered to be legitimate? The study conc

Våld och vårdnadstvister - betydelsen av att barn bevittnar våld i nära relationer

The purpose of this study was to examine if and how children witnessing domestic violence affects the judgement a Swedish District Court delivers in cases of child-custody and parents’ right of access to their child. We also wanted to examine if a child’s right to State compensation for witnessing domestic violence affects said judgements in a District Court. This right to State compensation stems

Sexualupplysning – Hur då? En intervjustudie om RFSU Malmö och RFSU Stockholms sexualupplysning

In this study, I investigate different ways in which sexuality education can be carried out. The study focuses on different pedagogical approaches towards sexuality education within the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education, RFSU. More specifically, two local branches of RFSU (RFSU Malmö and RFSU Stockholm), with different methods of teaching matters of sexuality, are examined. The study is

Enabling Economic Growth

In this thesis I argue that the absence of energy utilization as a component in contemporary economic history and economic growth theory severely limits our understanding of economic development as a process. Although energy is not sufficient to explain the unprecedented expansion in the world economy since the industrial revolution, it is however absolutely necessary. Technological progress remai

Analysis of factors of economic growth in countries with transitional economy

The present master essay discusses the factors of economic growth in countries with economies in transition. We consider two time intervals: transitional recession (1989-1998) and transitional recovery and growth (1998-2008). There are four groups of factors affecting growth: initial conditions, macroeconomic policies, structural reforms and social policies. The work was conducted with the help of

Kommunal krisberedskap i Skåne – Inventering av sju skånska kommuners dokumenterade

The aim with this report was to evaluate whether it is possible for the county administration in Skåne to assess the emergency preparedness in the county based on available documented information produced in the county’s municipalities. Seven municipalities’ documented emergency preparedness was evaluated using a direct content analysis. The analysis was based on an assessment template reflecting

Flexibilitetens konsekvenser

Problem/Bakgrund: Flexibiliseringen av arbetslivet har påverkat och ändrat arbetsförhållandena för människor. I den här studien undersöker vi arbetsflexibilitetens konsekvenser så som de upplevs av enskilda individer i arbeten som innebär en frihet vad gäller arbetstider, distansarbete och eget ansvar. Syfte: Vi ämnar pröva om sociologen Richard Sennetts teori stämmer för svenska arbetsförhållan

Mechanical Keyboard for Concept Mock-up

Problem statement This master thesis was initiated since today, when developing a new mobile phone at Sony Ericsson, it is difficult to get a perception of the ergonomics and the tactility of the keyboard before the first design prototype (DP0 and DP1) is built. The SLA block model used today is completely solid and consequently a secured decision of the final design can not be made in this phase

Security Solutions for RV Accessories

Problem Statement Thule is the world leading developer and manufacturer of transportation solutions. Their company strategy is to enable active families, professionals and outdoor enthusiasts to transport equipment by vehicle safely, easily and in style. RV users of today have higher demands on their equipment and they fill their cars with every type of conveniences found in a modern home. With

Dust to dust

The aim of the project is to get a holistic picture of what happens to a person from the moment she dies till she is buried – transport, storage, ceremony etc. What can be done to adapt this procedure to the demands of the environment? Changing the material of a coffin is only one way of making the funeral closer to a total adaptation to the environment. I cannot change the contaminating burial me

Konstruktion av skrovventil

The goal of this thesis was to design a Multiple Hull Valve (MHV) with the purpose to increase the safety and decrease the amount of hull penetrations in a submarine. The safety is improved by a double shut of function where the outer plate valve is closed by the pressure difference in case of failure. A great advantage with the MHV is that the systems in an early stage are protected from both mar