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The European Social Dialogue in Perspective : Its future potential as an autopoietic system and lessons from the global maritime system of industrial relations

Denna avhandling har tre utgångspunkter. Den första är den europeiska sociala dialogen (ESD), vilken har kritiserats för att sakna kapacitet för att förbättra arbetsvillkor i EU. Den andra är det globala systemet för kollektivavtal och förhandlingar som har utvecklats genom ITFs kampanj mot bekvämlighetsflagg (ITF FOC), vilket anses ha kapacitet att förbättra villkor för sjömän på global nivå. DenThere are three starting points for this thesis. First, there is the system of ESD, which is criticised for lacking capacity to improve the working conditions within the EU. Secondly, there is the system developed through the global ITF FOC campaign, which is considered to have capacity to improve working conditions for seafarers at a global level. Thirdly, there is the theory on self-referential

Singing in Action : An inquiry into the creative working processes and practices of classical and contemporary vocal improvisation

This dissertation explores performative perspectives on classical and contemporary vocal improvisation (CCVI) as a critical, creative tool for development of and research in vocal performance. It consists of one introductory part and five articles, with additional documentation on a homepage. The artistic projects have been performed in close collaboration with fellow classically trained singers a

A Consensus Set of Outcomes for Parkinson's Disease from the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement

Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition that is expected to double in prevalence due to demographic shifts. Value-based healthcare is a proposed strategy to improve outcomes and decrease costs. To move towards an actual value-based health care system, condition-specific outcomes that are meaningful to patients are essential. Objective: Propose a global con

Social and economic burden of recurrent urinary tract infections and quality of life : a patient web-based study (GESPRIT)

Background: Uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections (UTIs) occur in approximately 50% of women, and 20–30% experience recurrent UTI. Data on UTIs and quality of life (QoL) in Europe are limited. Methods: This was an anonymous, self-administered web-based survey conducted in 5 countries (Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Russia and Italy), on adult women who had experienced recurrent UTI and were

Frequency of Achilles Tendon Xanthoma in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

AIM: We studied the frequency of Achilles tendon xanthoma (ATX) in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Furthermore, we investigated the differences in clinical findings between ACS patients with and without ATX.METHODS: Patients with ACS (n=335) were admitted to the coronary care unit of Nippon Medical School between July 2011 and December 2014. Informed consent for the measurement of Ach

A biokinetic and dosimetric model for ionic indium in humans

This paper reviews biokinetic data for ionic indium, and proposes a biokinetic model for systemic indium in adult humans. The development of parameter values focuses on human data and indium in the form of ionic indium(III), as indium chloride and indium arsenide. The model presented for systemic indium is defined by five different pools: plasma, bone marrow, liver, kidneys and other soft tissues.

Identification and characterization of candidate therapeutic targets in acute myeloid leukemia

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a fatal disease that is characterized by a rapid expansion of myeloid leukemic blasts with impaired differentiation that accumulate in the bone marrow. The prognosis for AML is generally poor, with a five-year overall survival of around 20% in patients over 60 years old. Current AML treatment strategies, including chemotherapy and hemapoietic stem cell trasplantatio

Continuing global improvement in human papillomavirus DNA genotyping services : The 2013 and 2014 HPV LabNet international proficiency studies

Background: Accurate and internationally comparable human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA detection and typing services are essential for HPV vaccine research and surveillance. Objectives: This study assessed the proficiency of different HPV typing services offered routinely in laboratories worldwide. Study design: The HPV Laboratory Network (LabNet) has designed international proficiency panels that can

Double-Thinking and Contradictory Arrangements in Iranian Law and Society

Although thinking double thoughts and living dual lives are not specifically Iranian traits, Iranians have nevertheless become more susceptible to them for historical reasons, which may be traced back to when Persians became Muslims. The gradual normalization of double-thinking over the centuries has given rise to social and political patterns of behavior and institutional arrangements which oscilAlthough thinking double thoughts and living dual lives are not specifically Iranian traits, Iranians have, nevertheless, become more susceptible to them for historical reasons, which may be traced back to when Persians became Muslims. The gradual normalization of double‐thinking over the centuries has given rise to social and political patterns of behavior and institutional arrangements which osc

The Regulatory Role of microRNAs in the Mouse and Human Brain

microRNAs (miRNAs) are 20-24 nucleotides small, single-stranded, non-coding RNAs. They associate with Argonaute (AGO) proteins and exert their function by inhibition or degradation of messenger RNAs. A single miRNA can target hundreds of genes and one gene can be targeted by several miRNAs, hereby giving rise to a complex post-transcriptional network. In the brain, hundreds of miRNAs are expressed

‘Why not make films for New York?’ : The interaction between cultural, political and commercial perspectives in Swedish film policy 1963–2013

During the last two decades or so, film support, film policy and the public financing of audiovisual production in Scandinavia and particularly Sweden have undergone extensive transformation. In diverse ways, these changes can be seen as responses to globalization, to increased sub-national regional independence as well as to the emerging idea of nurturing ‘creative industries’ taking hold. They m

Design and Characterization of Functional Structures for Electromagnetic Waves

This dissertation deals with design and characterization of functional structures for scattering of electromagnetic waves. An abundance of these structures can be found in nature, such as the structural coloration in the feathers of a peacock, the scales of butterflies and the shell of scarab beetles. Human design of structures providing specific interactions with electromagnetic waves have a long

Genetic Predisposition to Multiple Myeloma at 5q15 Is Mediated by an ELL2 Enhancer Polymorphism

Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignancy of plasma cells. Genome-wide association studies have shown that variation at 5q15 influences MM risk. Here, we have sought to decipher the causal variant at 5q15 and the mechanism by which it influences tumorigenesis. We show that rs6877329 G > C resides in a predicted enhancer element that physically interacts with the transcription start site of ELL2. The r