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Interventionsforskning som en dialog mellan intellectus och ratio

När vi söker kunskap rör vi oss längs horisonter av icke-vetande. I en sådan bildningsresa slår vi i det här kapitlet följe med filosofen Jonna Bornemark. Den sociala barnavården är ett fält där alltmer kunskap bildas. Men hur går det till? Den här texten handlar om kunskapssökande inom socialt arbete, närmare bestämt familjehemsvård. Att söka kunskap är att göra en mängd val och överväganden. Med

Groundwater Extraction Reduction within an Irrigation District by Enhancing the Surface Water Distribution

Today, in developing countries, the low surface water distribution efficiency and the lack of supplying water needs of farmers by surface water resources are compensated by excessive aquifer water withdrawal. This mismanagement has caused a sharp drop in the groundwater level in many countries. On the other hand, climate change and drought have intensified the pressure on water resources. This stu

Combining GHG Emissions and Soil Carbon Changes as a Single Metric to Evaluate Agricultural Policy Promoting Biomass for Biofuels

Gräsvallar kan minska den regionala klimatpåverkan från jordbruket Att lägga till gräsvallar i växtföljden kan reducera den regionala klimatpåverkan från jordbruk som specialiserar sig på spannmål, med 10–20%. Samtidigt förbättrar vallarna jordhälsan och skörden kan användas till biobränsle. Intensifieringen av jordbruket under de senaste decennierna har lett till en ökad matproduktion, men ocIncorporating a multi-year grass ley into an arable crop rotation can increase soil organic carbon stocks, reduce carbon emissions and provide feedstock for biogas. This thesis set out to study how a policy promoting agricultural biomass for biogas impacts GHG emissions and carbon sequestration on a regional level over a temporal scale of 20 years. This was done in the specific case of policy prom

Operational Definitions of Treatment Response and Remission in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Capture Meaningful Improvements in Everyday Life

Introduction: The operational definitions of treatment response, partial response, and remission in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are widely used in clinical trials and regular practice. However, the clinimetric sensitivity of these definitions, that is, whether they identify patients that experience meaningful changes in their everyday life, remains unexplored.Objective: The objective was t

Ankle fractures and alcoholism. The influence of alcoholism on morbidity after malleolar fractures

The postoperative morbidity after osteosynthesis of malleolar fractures was investigated retrospectively by comparing 90 alcohol abusers with 90 controls. The two groups were selected from 626 male patients and were matched regarding trauma, treatment for cardiovascular, pulmonary and endocrine diseases, age, weight, smoking habits, anaesthesia and duration of surgery. The alcohol abusers develope

Agricultural Labor Structures: Interlinking Agricultural Transformation with Local Agricultural Labor Structures in Ghana

Agricultural transformation is regarded as a prerequisite for economic growth and development to be sustainable in the long run. However, agricultural workers are among the most disadvantaged workers as well as they are a distinct occupational group that forms an important part of sustainable agricultural development in terms of skills, knowledge, and experience. This paper explores how the ongoin

Shedding light on Energy Communities-Policy challenges towards a high share of Energy communities in Greece

In 2018 Greece enacted the Energy Communities (EC) Law which promotes energy democracy and Justice. Although there are several successful examples of ECs in Greece, they are far from becoming mainstream as they face many problems. I used the policy challenges framework provided by Busch et. all., (2021) in order to analyze the problems related to the diffusion of ECs in Greece and propose solution

Exploring the Functional Heterogeneity of Breast Carcinoma-Associated Fibroblasts

En bit i bröstcancerns mystiska mikromiljöpussel En stor del av cancerforskning fokuserar på att klargöra hur tumörers mikromiljö påverkar cancerns tillväxt och behandling av den. Cancer har kallats ”ett sår som aldrig läker”. I cancer finns en stor mängd av en specialiserad celltyp av fibroblaster som är central i just sårläkning. Vi har hittat två sådana fibroblaster i bröstcancer och visat att

Lateral gene transfer from protists could enable freshwater sponges to adapt to hypoxia

Breathing without oxygen: Lateral gene transfer from protists could enable freshwater sponges to adapt to hypoxia As humans, our existence is conditioned by oxygen. The complex mechanisms that keep our cells alive and functioning depend on this molecule and our metabolic processes would not be possible without it. Although we could not even survive in environments without oxygen, some organisms h

Planar chiral Rh(I) dibenzo[a,e]cyclooctatetraene complexes: synthesis and application in asymmetric catalysis

is an important area of study with implications for pharmaceutical development. Asymmetric catalysis is one way to perform enantioenriched products. To study this subject, enantiomerically pure Rh(I) complexes were synthesized to be applied as catalysts in these kinds of reactions. A new C2 symmetric dibenzo[a,e]cyclooctatetraene-ligand, 5,11-bis(3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl dibenzo[a,e]cyclooc

LMGROUP: A Lightweight Multicast Group Key Management for IoT Networks

Due to limitations of IoT networks including limited bandwidth, memory, battery, etc., secure multicast group communication has gained more attention, and to enable that a group key establishment scheme is required to share the secret key among the group members. The current group key establishment protocols were mostly designed for Wireless Sensor Network, and they require device interaction, hig

Fetal growth restriction followed by very preterm birth is associated with smaller kidneys but preserved kidney function in adolescence

Background: Preterm birth and fetal growth restriction (FGR) are associated with structural and functional kidney changes, increasing long-term risk for chronic kidney disease and hypertension. However, recent studies in preterm children are conflicting, indicating structural changes but normal kidney function. This study therefore assessed kidney structure and function in a cohort of adolescents

Using nudges to promote clinical decision making of healthcare professionals : A scoping review

Nudging has been discussed in the context of policy and public health, but not so much within healthcare. This scoping review aimed to assess the empirical evidence on how nudging techniques can be used to affect the behavior of healthcare professionals (HCPs) in clinical settings.A systematic database search was conducted for the period January 2010–December 2020 using the PRISMA extension for ScNudging has been discussed in the context of policy and public health, but not so much within healthcare. This scoping review aimed to assess the empirical evidence on how nudging techniques can be used to affect the behavior of healthcare professionals (HCPs) in clinical settings. A systematic database search was conducted for the period January 2010-December 2020 using the PRISMA extension for S

The type 1 diabetes gene TYK2 regulates β-cell development and its responses to interferon-α

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease that results in the destruction of insulin producing pancreatic β-cells. One of the genes associated with T1D is TYK2, which encodes a Janus kinase with critical roles in type-Ι interferon (IFN-Ι) mediated intracellular signalling. To study the role of TYK2 in β-cell development and response to IFNα, we generated TYK2 knockout human iPSCs and directed

Exploring Transnational LGBT+ Solidarities across the Norwegian-Russian Border: the Case of Barents Pride

This paper explores the case of Barents Pride, an event organized collaboratively byRussian and Norwegian LGBT+ activists located close to the Norwegian–Russian border. The idea of the Pride is to bring LGBT+ people and activists from Russia, where state pressure limits possibilities of organizing prides, to Norway and to express solidarity across borders. We use this case to investigate pitfalls

Thriving or surviving? How the physical work setting at home was experienced globally during COVID-19

One of the most prominent and widely adopted COVID-19 countermeasures globally was the recommendation to work from home for all non-essential workers. Working from home (WFH) already entails many challenges, including difficulties in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Moreover, the COVID-19 enforced remote working differed from planned remote work, as it was unplanned and involuntary, not ba