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Zooma ut?: Studenters användaracceptans för digitala onlineföreläsningsverktyg efter Covid-19-pandemin

Digitalisering inom högre utbildning är ett länge pågående projekt som fått sig en upptrappning under Covid-19-pandemin. Lärosäten världen över fick snabbt anpassa sig och ställa om till onlineundervisning för att skydda folkhälsan. Efter perioden av påtvingad onlineundervisning har högskolor och universitet mestadels återgått till campus-undervisning med en fortsatt strategi för digitalisering avDigitalization in higher education is a long-running project that has escalated during the Covid- 19 pandemic. Higher education institutions around the world had to adapt quickly and switch to online teaching to protect the public health. After this period of forced online teaching, universities have mostly returned to campus teaching with a continued strategy for digitization within higher educat

Prototyping of an automated cyclic Neutron Activation Analysis setup

A prototype Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) setup based on a Deuterium-Tritium (DT) neutron generator is under development at Lund University. It serves as proof-of-principle for NAA based on a Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Source. One purpose of the setup is to test the possibility of providing environmental monitoring of pure alpha-emitters for the European Spallation Source currently und

Extraction of avenanthramides from oats (Avena sativa) using pressurized hot water extraction

Introduction: Avenanthramides are antioxidants present in oats, which are interesting as a food additive for functional foods. Background: The most common method used for extraction of avenanthramides is a relative time consuming solid-liquid extraction with aqueous ethanol, which is not suitable for large scale extraction. A greener alternative could be pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE).

Politik och expertis: En studie av politikers förhållande till expertkunskap inför beslutet att avskaffa straffrabatten vid allvarlig brottslighet

There is a consensus among criminologists that an increase in the severity of punishments does not lead to a decrease of crime rates. Despite this fact many western countries have imposed more severe punishments over the last decades. The aim of this essay is to study the relationship between expertise and politics. I will use a content analysis to examine how the politicians in Sweden related to

Utländska militärbaser - ett säkerhetshot?

Previous research has indicated that foreign military bases harm states and its residents. The thesis paper seeks further evidence for military bases’ consequences on residents' perceived safety in Niger. The study aims to investigate the impact states with no previous presence of foreign military bases are affected by newly implemented bases. The results are based on a regression on geospatia

Komplexa och volatila hotbilder. En kvalitativ studie om hotbilder i den militära underrättelse- och säkerhetstjänstens årsöversikter.

Conflicts, crises, and acts of violence in Europe have marked the twentieth century, which has led to a change in the view of threats. The Swedish military intelligence and security service (Must) is one of the operations that work to identify and report threats to the Swedish armed forces and the Swedish government. Therefore, Must has the power to control how others view threats. This essay aims

Anställdas integritetsskydd vid digital kontroll och övervakning – Enligt EKMR, GDPR och svensk arbetsrättslig reglering

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka privat anställdas integritetsskydd gentemot digital övervakning och kontroll till följd av det ökade värdet av mänskliga rättigheter i horisontella relationer och en ökad teknisk utveckling. Med digital kontroll och övervakning avses att arbetsgivaren kontrollerar och övervakar den anställdes användning av datorer, inklusive kommunikation via denna. I uppsThe purpose with this essay is to examine the privacy protection of private employees against digital monitoring and surveillance due to the increased significance of human rights in horizontal relations and the digital development. Digital monitoring and surveillance refer to monitoring of the use of and/or communication by means of computers. The following research question is answered in the es

Hur slutar berättelsen?

Tinder är en av världens största dejtingplattformar och de har blivit kända för sin “Swipe Right”-funktion. Bumble har samma grundare som Tinder men lägger ett stort fokus på att bryta förlegade könsnormer och låter kvinnan ta kontroll över onlinedejtingen. Syftet med undersökningen är att analysera de olika varumärkenas externa kommunikation och hur denna skiljer sig emellan de två plattformarna.Tinder is one of the world's leading online dating platforms, and they have become known for its "Swipe right" invention. Bumble has the same founder as Tinder but focuses on challenging the rules of dating and giving women control over online dating. The purpose of this study is to analyse the two brands' external communication and how the communication differs between the platf

Sustaining Lessons Learned in Work Design from COVID-19 Restrictions

After the covid-19 restrictions were lifted in Sweden, managers were faced with considerations such as how to proceed with work design and how to sustain the lessons learned from the pandemic, as well as potential challenges of doing so. The purpose of this study is to document lessons that have been sustained or enhanced after the restrictions were lifted and the challenges of sustaining those le

Representations of Women and Gender relations in Jamaican Tourism Promotional Marketing: An analysis of visual images on Jamaica’s national DMO website.

Tourism images and representations depict women in a stereotypical way where men and women are represented differently. Like much advertising, women in tourism promotional marketing are sexualized and exoticized. Destinations are promoted through the use of the female body. There are racial differences in how women are represented in tourism images where black women are exoticized. A country with

Actions Managers Should Take to Build a High-Performing Virtual Team

The technological field can be seen as a huge advance for mankind before it emerged employers had to hire experts located in the same geographical area as the company. This changed with the introduction of information and communication technologies. Because of this, the labor market was able to become more global, meaning that employers do not need to hire employees who are physically close to the

“Det måste vara rätt person på rätt typ av jobb”

Syfte: Studien syftar till att skapa djupare förståelse till varför juniora managementkonsulter arbetar i den utsträckning som de gör. Vidare ämnar vi bidra med kunskap till forskning kring övertidsarbete och work life balance på kunskapsbaserade tjänsteföretag genom att, utifrån respondenternas redogörelser, undersöka juniora managementkonsulters upplevelser om deras arbetssituation. Metod: Det

Testing the Grades - Study on the Impact of Online Education during COVID-19 on Student Grades

This study explores the relationship between online education and student grades at Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) during the COVID-19 pandemic. By investigating the learning environment's impact on student grades in this setting, we can take advantage of the recommendations of online education in higher education in Sweden, which resulted in an unprecedented sample

Efterbehandlingsansvar för förorenade områden: Ett arbete om hållbar utveckling

Miljöbalkens övergripande mål är att uppnå hållbar utveckling enligt balkens portalparagraf. Begreppet består av tre element: ekologisk, ekonomisk samt social hållbarhet. Hållbar utveckling ska genomsyra tillämpningen av hela balken. För att hållbar utveckling ska förverkligas krävs att underliggande delmål beaktas. Inom ramen för det övergripande målet finns 16 miljökvalitetsmål fattade av riksdaThe main objective of the Environmental Code (miljöbalken) is to achieve sustainable development, according to the code’s initial paragraph. The objective of sustainable development consists of three pillars: ecological, economic and social sustainability. Sustainable development is supposed to permeate and influence the application of the entire Environmental Code. In order to achieve the goal of

Kvinnors upplevelse av gynekologisk cellprovtagning

Bakgrund: I Sverige insjuknar cirka 550 kvinnor varje år i livmoderhalscancer och cirka 30 000 kvinnor får besked om cellförändringar. Gynekologisk cellprovtagning utförs i Sverige från 23 års ålder. Ett högt deltagande i screeningprogrammet är av vikt för att upptäcka cellförändringar för att i sin tur kunna förhindra utvecklandet av livmoderhalscancer. Syfte: Att belysa kvinnors upplevelse av g

Investigating the hydrolysis reaction of Thermomyces languinosa lipase activity at the triolein/aqueous interface : Influence of solution pH and surfactants on lipase triolein digestion

The aim of this study is to reveal how the oil-in-water interface of triolein emulsions in aqueous solutions is affected by the lipase activity when using five different surfactants as emulsifiers. For this purpose Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) were applied. Lipases are enzymes that catalyses the hydrolysis of ester bonds of lipids, i.e lipolysis, and act a

Vin och moral – politisk skandal : en kvalitativ textanalys av rapporteringen av politiska skandaler i nyhetsmedier

Uppsatsen “Vin och moral – politisk skandal” är författad av Shivani Tugwell och Raen-Osín Thelander inom ämnesområdet Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds Universitet. Undersökningen har med hjälp av en diskursteoretisk ingång studerat hur politiska skandaler med sin grund i moraliska felhandlingar tar sig uttryck i nutida nyhetsmedier. En kv

Toward establishing CO2-securitization’s warning process and likely non-conclusion

For understanding undue politicization, Wilhelm Agrell and Gregory Treverton in their book National Intelligence and Science (2015) describe ‘Intelligence Modes of Science’ at work in also science’s policy-maker-analyst interface, while analytical social epistemology points at medialization as additional background. In this paper, securitization’s process is used as frame for exploring how IPCC’s,

Invasion & kommunikation - En kvalitativ studie av den svenska och finska försvarsmaktens kommunikation på Instagram sedan kriget i Ukraina.

Den 24 februari 2022 invaderade Ryssland Ukraina vilket förändrade världshistorien. Syftet med studien är att genomföra en jämförande analys av hur den svenska och finska försvarsmakten kommunicerar kring kriget i Ukraina och vidare presenterar sin organisation på Instagram sedan kriget i Ukraina. Studien är avsedd att ge en förståelse för hur användningen av text och bild presenterar en militär oOn February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, changing world history. The aim of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of how the Swedish and Finnish armed forces communicate regarding the war in Ukraine and further present their organization on Instagram since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This study is intended to provide an understanding of how the use of text and image presents a

Konspiratoriska narrativ om COVID-19 vaccinet: En jämförelse mellan Frihet Sverige och Ryssland

The paper's broader purpose is to explore how conspiracy narratives are used for influence operations. This is accomplished by comparing conspiracy narratives regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, being disseminated by the Swedish group Frihet Sverige in Eskilstuna, with narrative strategies being used toward Sweden, and narratives occurring in Russia. My first aim is to contribute with a local pers