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Ska inte vara möjligt att ta patent på gener

USA:s högsta domstol har nyligen beslutat att bioteknikföretaget Myriad Genetics inte får ta patent på de två viktigaste bröstcancergenerna. Detta beslut bör leda till en ändring av den svenska genlagstiftningen. Det skriver professor Bengt Olle Bengtsson.

What do policy-makers do with scientific uncertainty? The incremental character of Swedish climate change policy-making.

This article explores how policy-makers are managing scientific uncertainty in policy-making. This is done through a case study of the Swedish climate change policy process from 1975 to 2007, based on interviews and an extensive review of official publications and documents. The study shows that scientific uncertainty played a very marginal role in the development of Swedish climate politics. When

Body Fat, Abdominal Fat, and Body Fat Distribution Is Related to Left Atrial Diameter in Young Children.

In adults, the size of the left atria (LA) has important prognostic information. In obese adults, adolescents and children enlargement of LA have been observed. This has not been investigated on a population-based level in young children. We therefore assessed if total body fat mass (TBF), abdominal fat, and body fat distribution were related to LA diameter. Cross-sectional study of 244 children (

Guidelines for establishing locus specific databases.

Information about genetic variation has been collected for some 20 years into registries, known as locus specific databases (LSDBs), which nowadays often contain information in addition to the actual genetic variation. Several issues have to be taken into account when considering establishing and maintaining LSDBs and these have been discussed previously in a number of articles describing guidelin

Stress resilience and subsequent risk of type 2 diabetes in 1.5 million young men.

Psychosocial stress in adulthood is associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, possibly mediated by behavioural and physiological factors. However, it is unknown whether low stress resilience earlier in life is related to subsequent development of type 2 diabetes. We examined whether low stress resilience in late adolescence is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in adultho

Recent Results in Fragmentation Isomer Spectroscopy with RISING

The first results from the stopped beam RISING experimental campaign performed at the GSI laboratory in Darmstadt, Germany, are presented. RISING (Rare ISotope Investigations at GSI) constitutes a major new experimental program in European nuclear structure physics research aimed at using relativistic energy (typically around 1 GeV per nucleon) projectile fragmentation reactions to populate nuclei

Zigenarfrågan : Intervention och romantik

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns två etablerade sätt att beskriva zigenarnas historia i Sverige. Historien talar antingen om hur illa myndigheterna burit sig åt mot zigenare, eller så berättar historien om zigenarnas självvalda isolering. Gemensamt för beskrivningarna är påståendet att zigenare alltid varit desamma och uppvisar ett likartat levnadssätt genom historien. I denna avhandling studThis thesis analyses Swedish gypsy policy between 1880 and 1970, as part of a larger sociopolitical project undertaken by the Swedish authorities to promote social order and stability. During this period, the treatment of marginalized groups was shaped by the same visions and objectives as for the population as a whole. Gypsies in Sweden have been subject to the same regulations for as other poor

Road profile statistics relevant for vehicle fatigue

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ojämnheter i vägen orsakar påkänningar i åkande fordon. För fordonstillverkare är det intressant att veta egenskaperna hos dessa vägojämnheter. Det är lämpligt att använda statistiska metoder för att analysera mätningar av vägytor/vägprofiler, dels eftersom mätningarna ger stora mängder data och dels eftersom vägytor har ett slumpmässigt beteende (från en 100 meter långRoad profiles are studied from a vehicle fatigue point of view. A wide range of roads have been measured: from smooth motorways to very rough gravel roads. It is observed that the road profiles consist of irregular sections, which makes the stationary Gaussian model unsuitable (Paper A). In Paper B, a method for automatic identification of such irregularities is presented. It is verified that the

Attosecond dynamics of electron wave packets in intense laser fields

We use a train of sub-200 attosecond extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses with energies just above the ionization threshold in argon to create a train of temporally localized electron wave packets. We study the energy transfer from a strong infrared (IR) laser field to the ionized electrons as a function of the delay between the XUV and IR fields. When the wave packets are born at the zero crossings o

Fusion enligt ABl 14:8 - en skatte-, bolags, och redovisningsrättslig studie

Summary in English This dissertation bears the title "Fusions as defined by the Swedish Companies Act 'ABL' of 1975 (14:8) - a study of tax, corporation and accountancy legislation". The dissertation constitutes a study of fusions from the perspective of (as the title suggests) taxation, corporation and accountancy legislation. The Swedish Companies Act (ABL) includes rules concerning two forms o

No title

The brief study aims to identify the genesis of the first dramatic protagonist Mihail Sebastian imagined, both the autobiographical and the literary earlier experiences and expressions of his playwriting philosophy of the evasion, a philosophy that is to be regarded as a prototype for his future drama. For this a rather exhaustive synthesis of the critical references is required as well as a minut

Oxidation of Pyrite by Acidianus brierleyi: Importance of Physical Contact Between the Pyrite and the Microorganisms

Experiments were done in order to study the thermophilic archaebacterium Acidianus brierleyi during oxidation of pyrite (FeS2). The microorganisms were grown both separated from the pyrite by a membrane and in close contact with the pyrite. From the results it can be concluded that direct contact is needed for good growth of the strain studied. The obtained results indicated that the direct contac

Magnetic properties of GaMnAs single layers and GaInMnAs superlattices investigated at low temperature and high magnetic field

Magnetotransport properties of GaMnAs single layers and InGaMnAs/ InGaAs superlattice structures were investigated at temperatures from 4 K to 300 K and magnetic fields up to 23 T to study the influence of carriers confinement through different structures. Both single layers and superlattice structures show paramagnetic-to-ferromagnetic phase transition. In GaMnAs/InGaAs superlattice beside the Cu

Two- and three-body correlations: breakup of halo nuclei

Nuclear knockout reactions at relativistic energies provide a sensitive tool to determine the ground state properties of nuclei close to the drip line. Studies with kinematically complete measurements reveal the initial correlations in the reacting systems and yield spectroscopic information on the continuum states populated in the decay channel. The coincident data of charged fragments and neutro

Partitioning of hydrophobic amino acids and oligopeptides in aqueous two-phase system containing self-aggregating block copolymer - Effects of temperature, salts and surfactants

The partitioning of hydrophobic amino acids and oligopeptides in the Pluronic P105-dextran-water system has been studied. Pluronic P105 is a member of a family of triblock copolymers with the structure PEO-PPO-PEO, where PEO is poly(ethylene oxide) and PPO poly(propylene oxide). The partitioning was studied for tryptophan, phenylalanine and di- and tri-peptides composed of these amino acids at 5 a

Teaching Top Down Design of Analog/Mixed Signal ICs Through Design Projects

This paper describes a project course that focuses on the design of analog and mixed signal circuits through a systematic top down design flow. In the project, the student will be involved in the planning, modeling, circuit level design, physical level implementation and measurement verification of for example a successive approximation (SA) ADC or a class-D audio amplifier. Throughout the project

Diabetes och tobak - dubbla hot mot hälsan

Smoking is a serious risk factor for cardiovascular disease, retinopathy, and nephropathy in patients with diabetes. Furthermore, epidemiological studies have shown that heavy smokers run an increased prospective risk of developing type 2 diabetes, probably due both to the fact that smoking is a marker for an unhealthy lifestyle and that smoking via nicotine may deteriorate glucose metabolism by n

Tubular repair of the median or ulnar nerve in the human forearm: a 5-year follow-up.

The long-term outcome from silicone tube nerve repair was compared with the outcome from routine microsurgical repair in a clinical randomized prospective study, comprising 30 patients with median or ulnar nerve injuries in the distal forearm. Postoperatively, the patients underwent neurophysiological and clinical assessments of sensory and motor function regularly over a 5-year period. After 5 ye