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Optimisation and modelling of aroma recovery by pervaporation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid framställning av koncentrerade fruktjuicer utsätts produkten för värmebehandling i form av indunstning och pastörisering. Värme-behandlingen försämrar produktens sensoriska kvalitet, dels eftersom aromerna är flyktiga och snabbt avdunstar, och dels eftersom värmen påskyndar kemiska förändringar av aromämnena. Några viktiga fördelar uppnås dock genom tillverkning av During production of concentrated fruit juices, both physical and chemical losses of aroma compounds occur due to heat treatment such as pasteurisation and evaporation. This leads to an inferior quality of the final product. By recovering the aroma complex from fresh juice and then adding it back to the processed juice, heat treatment can be avoided. Hydrophobic pervaporation is an emerging membr

The loss of a spirit: Metaphor and practice in Aymara decolonization

This paper explores the bearing had by Aymara notions of spirit loss on contemporary indigenous discourses of colonialism and decolonization and discusses the dynamics of cross-fertilization between “traditional” curing practices and cosmology on the one hand and indigenous ethnopolitical activism and discourse on the other.

Conceptual Scoring of Lexical Organization in Bilingual Children With Language Impairment

The aim was to evaluate conceptual scoring of lexical organization in bilingual children with language impairment (BLI) and to compare BLI performance with monolingual children with language impairment (MLI). Word associations were assessed in 15 BLI and 9 MLI children. BLI were assessed in Arabic and Swedish, MLI in Swedish only. A number of syntagmatic (semantic link, different word class) and p

Death mechanisms compromising hippocampal neurogenesis after status epilepticus

Status epilepticus (SE) leads to neurodegeneration as well as neurogenesis in the adult rat hippocampus. This thesis demonstrates that even if the neurogenic response initially is very pronounced, with a several-fold increase in cell proliferation, the survival of the newly formed neurons is compromised by a death mechanism involving mitochondria-related caspases. This conclusion is based on immun

Kamratgranskning av muntliga gruppresentationer: pålitlighet och effekter på studenternas lärande

Det finns goda skäl till att engagera studenterna i kamratbedömning vid både formativ och summativ examination. Vi har under kursen Molekylär Cellbiologi för Ekosystemvetare vid LTH undersökt studenternas förmåga att bedöma muntliga projektredovisningar och jämfört den med lärarnas. Under kursen genomförde studenterna ett litteraturprojekt där en muntlig gruppredovisning med efterföljande kamratdi

Organized planar nanostructures from ligand-stabilized nanoclusters: a route to molecular nanoelectronic devices

In present work, we describe the formation and deposition of mixed Langmuir monolayers composed of inert amphiphile molecular matrix and guest ligand-stabilized metal-core nanoclusters. Such approach allowed obtaining the ordered stable reproducible planar monolayer and multilayer nanocluster nanostructures on solid substrates. The use of novel polymeric Langmuir monolayers formed by amphiphilic p

Water and Risk: Developing sustainable and resilient communities

Key Messages • Sweden has an ideal opportunity to become a more important effect, reflecting the views of several Swedish organisations active international partner in DRR and resilience activities, originating in this area. from its strong history of donor support and long engagement • Acting on this opportunity would enable timely Swedish in DRR. contributions to the increasing global debate on

Transfer-function approximations of the rainflow filter

The rainflow filter is a non-linear filter which can be used to eliminate small-amplitude oscillations in a signal. In this paper, two approaches for investigation of the filter by means of an approximating transfer function are presented. The estimates are obtained from rainflow-filtered spectral simulations. One method is based on clipped Gaussian processes, the other uses a spline interpolation

Regulation of Tubuloglomerular Feedback by Macula densa-derived Nitric Oxide

Popular Abstract in Swedish Senare års forskning har klart och entydigt pekat på njurens viktiga roll i utvecklingen av högt blodtryck. Det är mycket sannolikt att det föreligger flera av varandra oberoende mekanismer som förklarar uppkomsten av högt blodtryck, men det är möjligt att flera av dessa, på en organfysiologisk, cellfysiologisk eller genetisk nivå kan ha gemensamma patofysiologiska länkStudies were conducted to investigate the role of macula densa (MD)-derived nitric oxide (NO) in regulation of the glomerular filtration (GFR) through the tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) mechanism. Immunocytochemical localization of the neuronal isoform of NO synthase (NOS) in the kidney showed that this isoform was exclusively located in MD cells. Whole kidney clearance measurements of GFR and mi

Existential Issues in Palliative Care

The main purpose of this dissertation is to describe how terminally ill patients experienced their situation, and what their views about the future were. Further, the experiences and attitudes of relatives of such patients, and of health care professionals, were also central. Focus was on existential issues, such as autonomy, meaning, guilt, relations, dignity, and communication. In the first pape