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4-D Objects and Disposition Ascriptions
Disposition ascription has been discussed a good deal over the last few decades, as has the revisionary metaphysical view of ordinary, persisting objects known as 'fourdimensionalism'. However, philosophers have not merged these topics and asked whether four-dimensional objects can be proper subjects of dispositional predicates. This paper seeks to remedy this oversight. It argues that, by and lar
Flow and turbulence in the discharge stream of different agitators for stirred tanks
In this thesis, the fluid dynamic properties of the conventional Rushton turbine and another impeller type, the Scaba Radial flow Gas dispersing Turbine (with six concave blades) are compared. For comparison, point-wise velocity measurements were made in the discharge of the two turbine types using Hot-Wire Anemometry in constant temperature mode (CTA) with a split film probe. For the time-average
Val mellan tåg, buss och bil : resultat från en modell över regionalt arbetspendlande
SOC Test Scheduling with Test Set Sharing and Broadcasting
Due to the increasing test data volume needed to test core-based System-on-Chip, several test scheduling techniques minimizing the test application time have been proposed. In contrast to approaches where a fixed test set for each core is assumed, we explore the possibility to use overlapping test patterns from the tests in the system. The overlapping tests serves as alternatives to the original d
Binding of plasma proteins by Staphylococcus epidermidis: characterisation of protein-protein interactions
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sammanfattning på svenska Stafylokocker ingår i vår normala bakterieflora på hud och slemhinnor, men kan också ge upphov till infektioner. Staphylococcus aureus, den gula stafylokocken, är den vanligaste orsaken till sårinfektioner och "sjukhussjuka", och orsakar allvarliga djupa infektioner i ben, hjärta och andra inre organ, samt blodförgiftning. S. epidermidis, den vCoagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS), in particular, Staphylococcus epidermidis, have emerged as major nosocomial pathogens associated with infections of implanted medical devices. These organisms, which are among the most prevalent bacteria of the human skin and mucous membrane microflora, gain access to the surface of the implant at the insertion. However, the subsequent infection may erupt u
Den romantiska medicinen
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RADIOIMMUNOTHERAPY & EXTRACORPOREAL ADSORPTION Preclinical Studies of the Pharmacokinetics & Biotinylation of Radioimmunoconjugates in Immunocompetent Rats
Extracorporeal adsorption (ECAT) is a novel strategy to reduce activity in whole body (WB), blood and radiosensitive organs by removing the excess of radiolabeled and biotinylated monoclonal antibody (MAb) from blood so that tumor/normal tissue ratio (T/N) could be improved. By increasing T/N, higher amounts of radiolabeled MAb might be administered, making it possible to treat disseminated carcin
Antiporter-like protein subunits of respiratory chain complex I
Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla celler behöver energi och de skaffar den på olika sätt, t. ex. från oxidering av mat eller från solljus. Adenosin trifosfat (ATP), som kallas för cellens energivaluta, kan dock inte syntetiseras direkt från mat eller ljus. Nästan alla organismer utnyttjar proteinkomplex i form av en andningskedja som sitter i membranet för att alstra en proton potential. Det kan liComplex I is the mitochondrial enzyme complex that oxidizes NADH produced in the citric acid cycle and reduces quinone in the membrane, coupled to proton pumping out of the mitochondrial matrix, creating a membrane potential. This process generates about 40% of the energy used by living organisms. High-resolution structures of complex I recently became available, but the molecular mechanism behind
T cells in Autoimmunity: studies on murine type II collagen-induced arthritis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kan immunförsvaret orsaka ledsjukdomar? Ett väl fungerande immunsystem är en förutsättning för att kroppen ska kunna bekämpa diverse sjukdomar orsakade av t. ex. virus och bakterier. En grundläggande egenskap hos immunsystemet är dess förmåga att kunna skilja på vad som är kroppens egna celler och molekyler och vad som är främmande. Man tror att vissa sjukdomar, så kalCollagen-induced arthritis (CIA) is a mouse model for rheumatoid arthritis, in which autoimmunity is induced by immunization with type II collagen (CII), a cartilage-specific protein. In the present work, alpha/beta T cells were shown to be required for CIA and for the production of anti-CII IgG antibodies, whereas gamma/delta T cells were neither necessary nor sufficient for development of CIA. A
Historical Evidence on Business Cycles: The International Experience
Globalization and Child Health in Developing Countries: The Role of Democracy
Good health is crucial for human and economic development. In particular poor health in childhood seems to be of utmost concern since it causes irreversible damage and have implications later in life. Recent research suggests globalization is a strong force affecting adult and child health outcomes. Yet, there is much unexplained variation with respect to the globalization eect on child health, in
Periodic Motion Planning for Virtually Constrained (Hybrid) Mechanical Systems
The paper presents sufficient and almost necessary conditions for the presence of periodic solutions for zero dynamics of virtually constrained under-actuated Euler-Lagrange system. This result is further extended to detect periodic solutions for a class of hybrid systems in the plane and analyze their orbital stability and instability. Illustrative examples are given.
Efficient modelling necessitates standards for model documentation and exchange
Assessment of Aerobic Capacity A Novel Rating Scale and Further Development of an Exercise Test including Analysis of Gas Exchange
Popular Abstract in Swedish Aerob kapacitet, i dagligt tal konditionen, är den maximala förmågan att utföra ett fysiskt arbete karaktäriserat av den maximala syreförbrukningen (V'O2max). Detta maximala arbete kan endast utföras en begränsad tid, till stor del beroende på en tilltagande anaerob metabolism, vilken bl.a. avspeglas som en ökning av utvädrat CO2 i lungorna. Längre tids arbete kan emellDifferent methods are proposed to assess the aerobic capacity. A novel scale, rating of perceived capacity (RPC) based on metabolic equivalents (METs) from 1 to 20, is presented. Selected MET values are linked to physical activities. Comparison of the rating with an exercise test in a group of women revealed that a correction based on age more accurately predicted the maximal exercise capacity. An
Philosophy and Simplicity. The Problem of Classical Education in Early Christian Biography
VacSam – ett stick närmare säker barnhälsa
Utilization and allocation of organs for transplantation - medical and ethical aspects
Popular Abstract in Swedish I mitt arbete som transplantationskoordinator på Kliniken för njurmedicin och transplantation på Universitetssjukhuset MAS i Malmö kommer jag i kontakt med många patienter som väntar på njurtransplantation. Det ingår i mitt arbete att informera dessa patienter inför uppsättning på väntelistan för njurtransplantation. En annan av mina arbetsuppgifter är att koordinera ocGreat efforts have been made to find solutions to the shortage of organs, such as extending the donor pool by accepting so-called marginal donors and development of transplantation of organs from animals (xenotransplantation, xt). Due to the scarcity of organs, there is a long tradition of prioritizing among patients on the waiting list for transplantation. Rules for allocation of organs have been