East meets West. Cross-border Co-operation in the Öresund - a Successful Case of Transnational Region-building?
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Undersökningens uppläggning Enkäter skickades i maj 2005 till dem som tagit läkarexamen i Lund 2001 och 2002. Frågorna berör både medicinsk och allmän akademisk kompetens. En uppföljningsenkät gick samtidigt till dem som tagit examen 1997 och 1998 och ingått i en tidigare alumnundersökning. Avsikten med uppföljningen är att ge en bild av hur arbetsuppgifterna förändras i den tidiga delen av läkark
Present digital logic gates are primarily built from field effect transistors (FETs) such as complementary metal oxide semiconductors with the gate length in the deep sub-μm regime. As device feature sizes approach the nanometer regime, fundamental physical constraints and increasingly prohibitive economic costs will make further miniaturization in electronic circuits difficult, and this has motiv
In common grid installations, services responsible for storing big data chunks, replication of those data and indexing their availability are usually completely decoupled. And a task of synchronizing data is passed to either user-level tools or separate services (like spiders) which are subject to failure and usually cannot perform properly if one of underlying services fails too. The NorduGrid Sm
A review describes the sample prepn. for biochem. methods, enrichment methods, immunol. methods, and phys. methods. The pretreatment of a complex biol. sample is crucial, and for successful PCR the following requirements have to be fulfilled: complete lack or low concn. of PCR-inhibitory components in the sample and sufficient concn. of target DNA. The aim of the pre-PCR treatment is to convert a
The process of selecting the right set of requirements for a product release is highly dependent on how well we succeed in prioritising the requirements candidates. There are different techniques available for requirements prioritisation, some more elaborate than others. In order to compare different techniques, a controlled experiment was conducted with the objective of understanding differences
Fundamental issues on discovery and disclosure of evidence
In a dispatchable wind power plant, turbines are free to continuously vary their power production as long as the sum of their productions meets the total power demand. Previous research has shown that this freedom can be used to reduce structural loads by allowing turbines in the plant to coordinate their power. This paper explains the mechanisms that make power coordination useful for reducing st
The principles for today's international refugee policies were laid down in the years following World War II, with the creation of the UNHCR and the establishment of an international refugee convention. These years, which were the central phase in the development of a new refugee regime, are the topic. The refugee question is set in an East-West perspective. The rethoric of refugee policies is con
In this paper I give a short presentation of a syntactic approach to argument structure, taking a particular implementation of the minimalist framework (Chomsky (1995, 2001 and later)) as my point of departure. The proposed account allows for only 16 different argument structures, thereby reducing the syntactic variation at this level of syntax considerably. The theory also offers an explanation w