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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

The important role of the consultant

Title: The important role of the consultant Problematization: In today’s competitive markets it is important to maintain a competitive advantage. One opportunity to do this is by implementing an ERP system to the organization. Many organisations have implemented an ERP system, but a lot have been unsuccessful. Studies have been done to identify the main success factors connected with the impleme

Where are the farmers? Assessing Environmental Justice in Collaborative Watershed Management in the Upper-Most Part of Mae Cheam Watershed

Taking environmental procedural justice as a standard of assessment, this thesis sought to examine to what extent participation of all affected communities was achieved in the context of collaborative watershed management (CWM) in the upper-most part of the Mea Cheam watershed, Northern Thailand. Based on political ecology theory and discourse analysis method, the thesis first examines what charac

Evaluation of Checklists as a Diagnostic Tool in the Emergency Department: a pilot study

Introduction: The Emergency Department (ED) is a complex environment. Patients present with many different complaints with alternating severity. This setting makes time efficiency and diagnostic accuracy crucial. The use of checklists in medicine has been successful in several medical fields, such as in reducing surgical complications and in decreasing catheter-related bloodstream infections in th

Remittances and Inequality - a Case Study of Albania

The importance of migrants' remittance transfers in global capital flows is steadily growing. A large body of literature has been dedicated to the study of remittances, its underlying causes, and its effects on development in receiving countries. Albania, one of the poorest countries in Europe, experienced massive emigration in its post-communist transition era, and remittances have since cons

”Man vill ju inte skrämma dem” Barnmorskors upplevelser av samtal om hälsa och livsstil med överviktiga gravida kvinnor

Introduktion: Övervikt och obesitas medför risker för både kvinna och barn under graviditet och förlossning. Att informera om dessa risker kan vara svårt då ämnet är belagt med känslor av skuld och skam. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa svenska barnmorskors upplevelser av att diskutera livsstilsfrågor med överviktiga och obesa gravida kvinnor. Metod: En kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats ha


This thesis explores the concept of youth organizing in the context of two interrelated youth-led organizations addressing climate change in Kenya. A growing body of interdisciplinary research points to the ways in which engagement in youth organizing initiatives can contribute to the individual development of the youth involved. By engaging youth in political mobilizing efforts against forms of s

I betraktarens öga - Lekmannens förhållande till arkeologi i en komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Peru

The aim of this study is to highlight and attempt to understand the role of archaeology and cultural heritage in different domains. Lima and Stockholm represent the urban population in Peru och Sweden. It is an attempt to discuss the general public’s relation to, and view of, national archaeology through a comparative study. It also discusses what the differences and similarities may be caused by.

Frågor om Familjemedlemmar: ett instrument för att undersöka Expressed Emotions i dyader

Frågor om Familjemedlemmar (FoF) är en självskattningsskala bestående av 30 item fördelat på de fyra delskalorna perceived criticism (PC), perceived emotional involvement (PEI), critical remarks (CR) och emotional overinvolvement (EOI). Formuläret är skapat för att mäta interaktionen i dyader. Syftet med denna studie är att göra en psykometrisk analys för att undersöka om instrumentet mäter det av

Management control in professional service firms - A control package in audit companies

Management control in professional service organizations is fundamentally different from the control in classical industrial and producing corporations. This is mainly due to the special context a professional service firm has to face, as the value creation is knowledge intensive, demands a high level of education, and the professional employees have different expectations concerning their work. H

Allians med en Relation: Vilken betydelse har anknytningsstil för alliansskapande i familjerådgivning?

This study examined the connection between attachment styles of couples in couples councelling and the therapists' experience of alliance. Fifty-one couples (51 women and 51 men) were asked to complete self-report measures concerning their attachment styles when coming to councelling the first time. After three sessions in councelling the 23 therapists were asked to complete self-report measur

Ungdomar och livsmedelsgrupper på Facebook - en analys av ungdomars attityd till livsmedelsgrupper och -reklam på Facebook

Författare: Sarah Brunow, Viktor Nilsson Titel: Ungdomar och livsmedelsgrupper på Facebook - en analys av ungdomars attityd till livsmedelsgrupper och -reklam på Facebook Ämne: medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, vid institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds Universitet Nyckelord: Facebook; identitetskapande ;reklam ;livsmedel ;ungdomar; kvalitativa gruppintervjuer; Erving Goffman Under

Hur ser mjukbottenfaunans artsammansättning ut på Hanöbuktens grunda bottnar?

Hanöbukten och dess invånare Vattenkvaliteten i Hanöbukten har försämrats de senaste åren. Detta är ett aktuellt ämne som berör alla buktens invånare, land- som vattenlevande. Regeringen har nyligen insett allvaret i situationen och har delegera till Havs- och vattenmyndigheten att göra en större utredning för att gå till botten med problemet. Fågeldöd, sjuk och mager fiskar samt minskade fångsteAbstract Hanöbukten bay, on the East coast of Scania, is heavily affected by emissions from surrounding agriculture, cities and industries. This study aims to investigate the bottom fauna in the inner bay. The inventory was conducted on two depths; 0,5 and 1,0 m. Samples were collected from 26 stations along the coast. The results show that the species diversity in the sampled area is low and mos

Comparison of Sprinkler Activation in Flat and Sloping Ceilings using FDS 6

The purpose of this report is to investigate the implications of installing sprinkler systems in ceilings with a ceiling slope exceeding the maximum permitted by NFPA 13, being 9.5 ° or 18.44 ° depending on the type of sprinkler system. The objective of the report is to present a comparison and analysis of sprinkler activation times and patterns for sprinkler systems installed in ceilings with dif

Fluid and Thermodynamic Underhood Simulations

The thermal model and simulation of vehicles components is necessary within the development phase of the vehicle production process. It is important to understand the thermal processes of high temperature components in the vehicle, such as the exhaust system. The exhaust system presents a high thermal activity that increases the temperature of the exhaust system itself and the nearby surrounding e

Lexikala och syntaktiska svårigheter vid skönlitterär översättning. Om The Buddha in the Attic av Julie Otsuka

Det här examensarbetet grundar sig på en översättning av de två första kapitlen i Julie Otsukas roman The Buddha in the Attic från 2011. Uppsatsen består av en källtextanalys, som utgår från Lennart Hellspong och Per Ledins (1997) textanalysteorier, och en översättningskommentar, som utgår från Lita Lundquists (2007) översättningsstrategier och Yvonne Lindqvists (2004, 2005) teorier om skönlitterä

A Case Study Approach on Manufacturing Alternatives in an Emerging Market - Evaluation from a Cost, Flexibility and Risk Management Perspective

Title: A Case Study Approach on Manufacturing Alternatives in an Emerging Market – Evaluation from a Cost, Flexibility and Risk Management Perspective Authors: Marianne Johansson and Robin K Rendahl Supervisors: Charlotta Johnsson, Department of Automatic Control, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Sweden Måns Kjellsson, Department of Business & Administration, School of Economics and M

Stigma and Challenges Faced by HIV-Positive Adolescents

The aim of this study is to examine how the “empowering” strategies of Botswana Baylor Adolescent Programme (BBAP) are addressing problems HIV-positive adolescents are facing and how stigmatisation around HIV might be contributing to these problems. The main theories applied were “empowerment” and “stigma”. The study was carried out with a qualitative approach during a period of ten weeks at the B