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Differences in signal contrast and camouflage among different colour variations of a stomatopod crustacean, Neogonodactylus oerstedii
Animal colouration is often a trade-off between background matching for camouflage from predators, and conspicuousness for communication with con- or heterospecifics. Stomatopods are marine crustaceans known to use colour signals during courtship and contests, while their overall body colouration may provide camouflage. However, we have little understanding of how stomatopods perceive these signal
Behavioural evidence for polychromatic ultraviolet sensitivity in mantis shrimp
Stomatopod crustaceans are renowned for their elaborate visual systems. Their eyes contain a plethora of photoreceptors specialized for chromatic and polarization detection, including several that are sensitive to varying wavelength ranges and angles of polarization within the ultraviolet (UV) range (less than 400 nm). Behavioural experiments have previously suggested that UV photoreception plays
Developmental studies provide new insights into the evolution of sense organs in Sabellariidae (Annelida)
BACKGROUND: Sabellarids, also known as honeycomb or sandcastle worms, when building their tubes, produce chemical signals (free fatty acids) that are responsible for larval settlement and the formation of three-dimensional aggregations. The larval palps and the dorsal hump (becoming the median organ in adults) are presumed to participate in such a substrate selection during settlement. Notably, th
Ultraviolet filters in stomatopod crustaceans : diversity, ecology and evolution
Stomatopod crustaceans employ unique ultraviolet (UV) optical filters in order to tune the spectral sensitivities of their UV-sensitive photoreceptors. In the stomatopod species Neogonodactylus oerstedii, we previously found four filter types, produced by five distinct mycosporine-like amino acid pigments in the crystalline cones of their specialized midband ommatidial facets. This UV-spectral tun
Shedding new light on opsin evolution
Opsin proteins are essential molecules in mediating the ability of animals to detect and use light for diverse biological functions. Therefore, understanding the evolutionary history of opsins is key to understanding the evolution of light detection and photoreception in animals. As genomic data have appeared and rapidly expanded in quantity, it has become possible to analyse opsins that functiona
Meningar i text : Satsradning i teoretisk och empirisk belysning
Denna avhandling behandlar konstruktionen satsradning. Det avser ett fall av två huvudsatser som följer varandra i samma grafiska mening utan att skiljas av konjunktion, t.ex. och eller men. Satserna kan skiljas av kommatecken men inte av något annat litet skiljetecken som semikolon eller kolon. I avhandlingen undersöks satsradning såväl teoretiskt som empiriskt med utgångspunkt i gymnasieelevers The topic of this thesis is the construction labelled satsradning in Swedish, which typically corresponds to the English term comma splice. They signify a case of two syntactically independent (main) clauses which are joined in the same orthographic sentence, without a coordinating conjunction. The two clauses can either be separated by a comma or joined together with no punctuation mark at all.Th
Why Bayesian Agents Polarize
Luminescence and vacuum ultraviolet excitation spectroscopy of cerium doped Gd3Ga3Al2O12 single crystalline scintillators under synchrotron radiation excitations
Cerium doped Gd3Ga3Al2O12 (GGAG) single crystals as well as GGAG:Ce single crystals co-doped by divalent (Mg2+, Ca2+), trivalent (Sc3+) or tetravalent (Zr4+, Ti4+) ions have been studied by means of the excitation luminescence spectroscopy in vacuum ultraviolet spectral range. Synchrotron radiation from the undulator beam was utilized for the luminescence excitation in the energy range from 4.5 to
QPDAS: Dual Active Set Solver for Mixed Constraint Quadratic Programming
We present a method for solving the general mixed constrained convex quadratic programming problem using an active set method on the dual problem. The approach is similar to existing active set methods, but we present a new way of solving the linear systems arising in the algorithm. There are two main contributions; we present a new way of factorizing the linear systems, and show how iterative ref
Viktiga metoddiskussioner och myt om myter : Bokrecension. Myter om metod, Daniel Ericsson. Studentlitteratur, 2019
Återanpassning efter coronakrisen: Nytt liv för stadskärnan
Coronapandemin har inneburit ett hårt slag för café- och restaurangbranschen då kunderna i stor utsträckning uteblir, dels på grund av rädsla för smitta, dels på grund av uppmaningar från myndigheterna om social distansering. I branschen ärmånga småföretagare utan större ekonomisk buffert. Innan krisen är över kommer sannolikt många företag att ha tvingats lägga ned verksamheter (DN, 2020). Vi för
Interaction between cyclists and right turning motor vehicles at signalised intersections : Field observations and interviews with cyclists
The aim of the study presented in this report was to investigate what cues cyclists use to interpret the intention of motor vehicles (MVs) they interact with. This was done with help of on-site observations of cyclists’ interactions with motor vehicles (MV) at signalised intersections with different bicycle infrastructure facilities: A) no dedicated cycle facility, B) cycle lane and C) cycle path.The aim of the study presented in this report was to investigate what cues cyclists use to interpret the intention of motor vehicles (MVs) they interact with. This was done with help of on-site observations of cyclists’ interactions with motor vehicles (MV) at signalised intersections with different bicycle infrastructure facilities: A) no dedicated cycle facility, B) cycle lane and C) cycle path.
Using a Hierarchical Weibull model to Predict Failure Strength of Different Glass Edge Profiles
The edge strength of glass is analyzed using a Weibull statistical framework based on 78 data samples from a range of experiments recorded in literature. Based on the analysis, a 45 MPa strength value (computed as the lower bound in a one-sided confidence interval at the 75% level for the 5-percentile in the distribution) could be conservatively used with arrised, ground and polished edges when re
Novel experimental and software methods for image reconstruction and localization in capsule endoscopy
Background and study aims : Capsule endoscopy (CE) is invaluable for minimally invasive endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract; however, several technological limitations remain including lack of reliable lesion localization. We present an approach to 3D reconstruction and localization using visual information from 2D CE images.Patients and methods : Colored thumbtacks were secured in rows to the
Simulation of the Effect of Inhomogeneities in TEM Transmission Cells using the FDTD-Method
The finite difference time domain (FDTD)-method is applied to model transverse electromagnetic (TEM) transmission cells in three dimensions. The perturbation of the TEM-mode and the standard field distribution in the TEM-cell, due to inhomogeneous materials placed inside the cell cavity, is evaluated. Particularly, the dependence of the disturbance of the TEM-mode on the dimensions of the material
Effects of local microwave hyperthermia on liver tumors : an experimental study in rats.
Maria Qvist
A descriptive study of pain treatment and its follow-up in primary care of elderly patients after orthopaedic care
Background: Pain treatment post orthopaedic care in the elderly is complicated and requires careful follow-up. Current guidelines state all patients prescribed opioids should have a plan for gradual reduction, with the treatment progressively reduced and ended if any pain remains after more than three months. How this works in primary care remains to be explored.The aim was to describe pain treatm
Remarkable preservation of microfossils and biofilms in mesoproterozoic silicified bitumen concretions from Northern China
Prokaryotes, often generally referred to as “bacteria,” are the original and thus oldest life on Earth. They have shaped the chemical environment of the Earth, but they are difficult to find as ancient fossils due to their subtle structure. Here we report well-preserved fossilized microbial communities in silicified bitumen concretions from unit 3 of the Xiamaling Formation (1.39 Ga) in northern C