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Byzantine Tree Life : Christianity and the Arboreal Imagination
This book examines the many ways Byzantines lived with their trees. It takes seriously theological and hagiographic tree engagement as expressions of that culture’s deep involvement—and even fascination—with the arboreal. These pages tap into the current attention paid to plants in a wide range of scholarship, an attention that involves the philosophy of plant life as well as scientific discoverie
Exceptional diversity of opsin expression patterns in Neogonodactylus oerstedii (Stomatopoda) retinas
Stomatopod crustaceans possess some of the most complex animal visual systems, including at least 16 spectrally distinct types of photoreceptive units (e.g., assemblages of photoreceptor cells). Here we fully characterize the set of opsin genes expressed in retinal tissues and determine expression patterns of each in the stomatopod Neogonodactylus oerstedii Using a combination of transcriptome and
Crustacean Larvae-Vision in the Plankton
We review the visual systems of crustacean larvae, concentrating on the compound eyes of decapod and stomatopod larvae as well as the functional and behavioral aspects of their vision. Larval compound eyes of these macrurans are all built on fundamentally the same optical plan, the transparent apposition eye, which is eminently suitable for modification into the abundantly diverse optical systems
Molecular diversity of visual pigments in Stomatopoda (Crustacea)
Stomatopod crustaceans possess apposition compound eyes that contain more photoreceptor types than any other animal described. While the anatomy and physiology of this complexity have been studied for more than two decades, few studies have investigated the molecular aspects underlying the stomatopod visual complexity. Based on previous studies of the structure and function of the different types
The molecular genetics and evolution of colour and polarization vision in stomatopod crustaceans
Stomatopod crustaceans have the most complex assemblage of visual receptor classes known; retinas of many species are thought to express up to 16 different visual pigments. Physiological studies indicate that stomatopods contain up to six distinct middle-wavelength-sensitive (MWS) photoreceptor classes, suggesting that no more than six different MWS opsin gene copies exist per species. However, we
Numerical quantification of fire smoke toxicity in tunnels
Vehicle fires in tunnels can have catastrophic consequences for the road users, the property and traffic infrastructure. To support an evacuation planning, this study simulates the fire smoke toxicity and the smoke layer of a vehicle fire in a full-size test tunnel. The three dimensional prediction of the fire smoke toxicity in the test tunnel is realized by implementing the Fractional Effective D
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Gradient acoustic focusing of sub-micron particles for separation of bacteria from blood lysate
Handling of submicron-sized objects is important in many biochemical and biomedical applications, but few methods today can precisely manipulate this range of particles. We present gradient acoustic focusing that enables flow-through particle separation of submicron particles and cells and we apply it for separation of bacteria from blood lysate to facilitate their detection in whole blood for imp
Remissyttrande: Promemorian Motåtgärder på skatteområdet mot icke samarbetsvilliga jurisdiktioner samt vissa andra inkomstskattefrågor
Rich anthology about sports and human rights finds little support for idealistic views
Hescher, Achim. Reading Graphic Novels : Genre and Narration
Anmeldelse af Achim Heschers Reading Graphic Novels.
Integrated Solutions for Daylight and Electric Lighting - Newsletter 1
Road Safety Management at Work Zones : Final report
Accidents nearby work zones are a persistent road safety problem in many European countries. The Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) has initiated and finances the IRIS project (Incursion Reduction to Increase Safety in road work zones) with the aim to collect and share information about best practices in temporary traffic management at road works. An analysis of work zone accidents aAccidents nearby work zones are a persistent road safety problem in many European countries. The Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) has initiated and finances the IRIS project (Incursion Reduction to Increase Safety in road work zones) with the aim to collect and share information about best practices in temporary traffic management at road works. An analysis of work zone accidents a
On the analytical engagement of social semiotics and variation theory in physics education research
In this licentiate thesis, I explore how two theoretical frameworks—social semiotics and the variation theory of learning—used in physics education research, can be fruitfully combined to obtain additional analytical tools for analysing student learning in introductory level university physics. Each theoretical framework has on their own, or together with other frameworks, been successfully applie
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MR imaging, flow and motion
The present work is intended as a nonmathematical review of the role of flow and motion in nuclear magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. A historical review of MR flow measurement techniques is given, followed by a short overview of flow models in vitro and in vivo. The theory behind the influence of motion on the modulus and phase MR signal information is discussed and effects such as washin/washout,
Bloggstafett #1 : Om tid, processer och integrativa samtal
Oxygen, climate and the chemical evolution of a 1400 million year old tropical marine setting
The Xiamaling Formation is an exceptionally well-preserved sedimentary succession deposited on a marine passive margin about 1400 million years ago. We used a multi-proxy approach, including iron speciation, trace metal dynamics, and organic geochemistry, to explore the evolution of ocean chemistry through most of the Xiamaling Formation. This evolution is put in the context of the paleogeography