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Electromagnetic computations for analysis and design of complex systems (EMB98)
Particle-Induced X-ray Emission Analysis
The unequal exchange of time and space: Toward a non-normative ecological theory of exploitation
En skönhet som skändar
On precoder design under maximum-likelihood detection for quasi-stationary MIMO channels
We consider the problem of constructing linear precoders for quasi-stationary multiple-input multiple-output channels. We assume maximum-likelihood detection and the objective of the precoding is to maximize the minimum Euclidean distance of the signaling. Since the channel remains constant for some time, the precoding can be performed spatially as well as in time. As will be shown, the precoder d
Plasticity Driven Damage and Void Growth
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ämnet hållfasthetslära behandlar metoder och principer för att kunna bestämma deformationer och spänningar i en fast kropp som utsätts för belastning. Avhandlingen behandlar skademekanik, vilket rör hur skador (porer, håligheter, mikrosprickor och dylikt) påverkar materialets egenskaper och hur skadorna påverkas av belastning. Vidare förutsätter skademekaniken att materPlasticity induced damage evolution is considered using a thermodynamical approach. Different postulates on how to include the effects of damage in the constitutive equations have been studied. The results reveal that a mapping, similar to that of the stress, of both the kinematic and isotropic hardening variables is to be preferred. The undesired property that, irrespectively of the postulate emp
Professorn som tog jobb hos industrin är tillbaka: Undervisningen måste ligga 3-4 år för marknadsbehovet!
60 GHz Wavelet Generator for Impulse Radio Applications
A wavelet generator producing 100 ps short pulses at 60 GHz is presented. The wavelet generator consists of a gated tunnel diode (GTD) integrated in parallel with an inductor. This forms a negative differential conductance (NDC) oscillator with the ability to switch the NDC property on and off, which makes it possible to generate short pulses. In the experiments described, the wavelet generator dr
Dikten och ögat
Abstract not available
Extraction of PCBs and PCDD/Fs from Food and Feed Matrices Using Pressurised Liquid Extraction (PLE)
Since the Belgian dioxin crisis in 1999 there has been a great demand for fast, cheap and reliable methods to analyse food and feed samples. Traditional methods use large amounts of solvent for the extraction, are time demanding and laborious, but new and more sophisticated methods have been developed in recent years. Among these new techniques, pressurised liquid extraction (PLE) is a good altern
Time Curve of Heat Release for Compartment Fires with Fuel of Wooden Cribs
Traumatic events and post-traumatic stress disorder
Hjalmar Gullbergs återkomster
Varför är de här?
När jag bestämde mig för att bli bibliotekarie hade jag inte ägnat en tanke åt yrkets pedagogiska funktion. Och jag var nog inte ensam. Under min utbildning föreberedde vi oss på mycket, men någon renodlad pedagogik stod inte på schemat. Ändå har den största delen av min yrkesbana handlat till stor del om lärande: från mitt allra första sommarvikariat på folkbibliotek, via Komvux, ännu mer folkbib
Fredens illusioner. Det nationella försvarets nedgång och fall 1988-2009
Varför blev tjänstemannarörelsen så stark i Sverige?
Innovation in networks
Transformation to a Market Economy and Changing Social Values in China, Russia, and Eastern Germany
As a social change, the sudden collapse of communism1 should well be remembered as one of the most formative events of the 20th century. As a political transformation, it caused an initial rush of euphoria within the 'victorious' West and a wave of hope followed by disillusionment for hundreds of millions in the newly ‘democratic’ sphere. As an economic transformation, its effects were even more t