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Förordningsförslaget “AIA” - Kommissionens förslag till AI-förordningen i relation till AI-genererad marknadsföring

Vi lever i en värld där artificiell intelligens inte är bortom räckhåll i science fiction- filmer, utan en del av vår vardag i allt större utsträckning. Tekniken utvecklas drastiskt och juridiken hänger inte med. På grund av den stora påverkan som artificiell intelligens har på EU medborgares liv och de risker som tekniken hotar med, pågår nu ett förfarande för en rättsakt om harmoniserade regler We live in a world where artificial intelligence is not beyond reach in science fiction-movies, but rather a part of our daily life. The technology is drastically developing and the world of law cannot follow. Due to the big impact that artificial intelligence has on EU citizens, and the risks that may threaten, there is an ongoing procedure regarding harmonized rules on AI. The initiative has a p

Health Systems Resilience

Health systems need to continue functioning and providing essential health services, even when they experience challenges that threaten their ability to do so. Resilience describes the ability for health systems to manage change when they are shocked, so that essential functions are maintained. The capacity to change ranges from absorbing the shock using existing resources to fundamentally reorgan

The Intermediality of Performance

This chapter looks at how different kinds of bodies and objects interact in a performance and at how the presence and emergence of an event interact with mediation and transmediation. Our intermedial approach allows us to explore the entanglement of presence and representation, of performance and media products, of performativity and intermediality. Through a combination of the perspectives of per

Lifetimes of superdeformed rotational states in [Formula Presented]

Lifetimes have been measured in a superdeformed rotational band recently identified in the [Formula Presented] nucleus [Formula Presented] A large low-spin quadrupole deformation [Formula Presented] is confirmed and a decrease in the collectivity is observed as the high-spin band termination at [Formula Presented] is approached. Detailed comparisons of the experimental [Formula Presented] values w

Spökskrivares rätt till namngivning - I upphovsrättens och avtalsrättens gränsland

När ett avtal mellan en spökskrivare (upphovsman) och en uppdragsgivare (förvärvare) ingås angående överlåtelse av namngivningsrätt, aktualiseras en av de mer intrikata juridiska frågeställningarna som berör gränslandet mellan upphovsrätt och avtalsrätt. Vid en första anblick, med utgångspunkt i vad upphovsrättslagen stadgar, verkar det inte vara möjligt för en upphovsman att totalt överlåta sin rWhen an agreement is entered into between a ghostwriter (author) and a commissioner (acquirer) regarding the transfer of the right of attribution, one of the more intricate legal questions concerning the borderland between copyright and contract law is raised. At first glance, based on what the Swedish Copyright Act stipulates, it does not seem possible for an author to completely transfer their r

En provocerande brottsbekämpning? – En rättslig analys av insatsen Trojan Shield och konsekvenserna för det internationella straffrättsliga samarbetet

Brottsbekämpande myndigheter står inför allvarliga prövningar till följd av den gränsöverskridande organiserade brottsligheten. Detta har resulterat i en ambition om effektivisering av brottsbekämpningen, inte minst genom okonventionella utredningsmetoder som provokativa åtgärder. Betydelsen av det internationella straffrättsliga samarbetet har dessutom ökat. Brottsbekämpningen och samarbetet centLaw enforcement authorities are facing serious challenges as a result of cross-border organized crime. This has resulted in an ambition to make law enforcement more effective, not least through unconventional investigative methods such as provocative measures. The importance of international criminal justice cooperation has also increased. Law enforcement and cooperation often focus on encrypted c

Cirkulär ekonomi som ekomodernism - En tematisk analys av Sveriges politiska vision om en cirkulär ekonomi

Circular economy has lately gained popularity as a way of dealing with environmental issues. It is a widely defined term and primarily used by companies and states that wish to keep expanding economically while protecting the environment. Through a thematic analysis of the investigation of a circular economy from the Swedish state, the thesis examines which environmental discourses can be read out

Ett hållbart aktiebolag? - En studie om hur nya hållbarhetskrav påverkar aktiebolagsrätten

Klimatförändringar har under de senaste åren blivit alltmer akuta. Runt om i världen förekommer naturkatastrofer på grund av den globala uppvärmningen och den globala medeltemperaturen ligger långt över målsättningen om 1,5°C. För att en förändring ska kunna genomföras krävs det att världen, enskilda länder, företag och individer vidtar åtgärder. Till följd av klimatkrisen har Förenta nationerna oClimate change has become increasingly urgent in recent years. Around the world, natural disasters are occurring due to global warming and the global average temperature is well above the 1.5°C target. In order to achieve chang-es, the world, countries, companies, and individuals need to take action. In response to the climate crisis, the United Nations and the EU have developed international agre

BITing Back - A Study of the Conditions for Respondent State Counterclaims in Investor-State Investment Arbitration under Bilateral Investment Treaties

In this thesis, I present a study of the conditions for a respondent state to introduce counterclaims in the same arbitration as an investor’s initial claim in a dispute arising from a Bilateral Investment Agreement (BIT). The study shows that although the most widely used procedural frameworks for arbitration explicitly allow for counterclaims, tribunals have adopted a restrictive approach to cou

Collective rotational motion in the N=Z nucleus 36Ar

A superdeformed rotational band has been identified in the N = Z nucleus 36Ar, firmly linked to known low-spin states, and observed to its high-spin termination at Iπ = 16+. Lifetime measurements by the Doppler shift attenuation method establish a large low-spin deformation (β2 ≈ 0.46) and a decrease in the collectivity as the band approaches termination. Comparisons with cranked Nilsson-Strutinsk

Fast rotation of the N = Z nucleus 36Ar

A highly-deformed rotational band has been identified in the N = Z nucleus 36Ar. At high spin the band is observed to its presumed termination at Iπ = 16+, while at low spin it has been firmly linked to previously known states in 36Ar. Spins, parities, and absolute excitation energies have thus been determined throughout the band. Lifetime measurements establish a large low-spin quadrupole deforma

S.O.S Support Of Supervisors - A qualitative study on how middle-level managers perceive support within their organization: A social exchange perspective

Support in an organizational context has been a topic of academic discussion for many years. While there is no doubt that organizational support has been researched thoroughly, it seems that the focus always seems to land on the employee-manager perspective. In this thesis, we aim to provide a new and intriguing perspective on support in an organizational context, by using the manager-manager and

"Det är det här jag letat efter under hela mitt liv. Jag var helt såld. Jag var fast." En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur självmedicinering med alkohol och/eller droger framställs i självbiografier

This study aimed to examine the presence of self-medication and in Swedish autobiographies, the understanding of the self-medication process. A narrated qualitative research method, with a content analysis of the autobiographies, was used to investigate the authors' descriptions of their drug and/or alcohol addiction and life story. The self-medication hypothesis and the learning model were ap

Developing a protocol for 3D-printable bioink from decellularised porcine tissue

Administration av T-celler via en artificiell vävnadsrekonstruktion är en lovande metod för att behandla inoperabla tumörer. Traditionella vävnadsrekonstruktionsmaterial saknar den komplexitet som finns hos det extracellulära matrixet (ECM), där celler vanligtvis lever. Ett alternativ är då att använda decellulariserat ECM (dECM) som material när man skapar den artificiella vävnadsrekonstruktionenT-cell administration via a scaffold is a promising tool for treatment of inoperable solid tumours. Traditional scaffold materials lack the complexity of the extracellular matrix (ECM) that cells normally grow in. An alternative is to instead use decellularised ECM (dECM) from biological tissue to create the scaffold. By making the scaffold via 3D-printing, its construction can also be a part of m

Upphovsrättens paradigmskifte i eran av den fjärde industriella revolutionen - En studie om metamorfos av upphovsmannarättens föremål och personlig integritet i ljuset av deepfakes

I dagens tidsepok, den fjärde industriella revolutionen, står vi inför en ny tek-nisk verklighet. AI-teknikens förmåga att nästintill identiskt simulera existe-rande människors röster i AI-genererade verk väcker fundamentala upphovs-rättsliga frågor om vad som egentligen bör skyddas av upphovsrätten. Dessu-tom uppstår frågor beträffande skyddet för den personliga integriteten när AI-tekniken möjliIn today's era, the fourth industrial revolution, we are facing a new technological reality. AI technology’s ability to, almost identically, simulate the voices of existing individuals in AI-generated works raises fundamental copyright issues about what should truly be protected by copyright. Additionally, concerns arise regarding the protection of personal privacy when AI technology enables c

Att häkta eller inte häkta, det är frågan - En kritisk granskning av det svenska häktningsförfarandet och bristen på alternativ

Det svenska häktningsförfarandet har i decennier fått återkommande kritik från internationella organisationer angående lagreglernas utformning i förhållande till Europakonventionen. Trots den kritik som riktats har få förändringar gjorts. Häktning har konstaterats vara det tvångsmedlet som är mest ingripande för individen då den enskildes rättigheter inskränks på ett betydande sätt, trots det häktFor decades, the Swedish remand institute has received repeated criticism from international organization regarding unwillingness to follow the ECHR legislation about pre-trial detentions. Despite the criticism, few changes have been made. Pre-trial detention has been found to be the coercive measure that is the most intrusive for the individual as the individual's rights are significantly res