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Undersåten som förstod : den svenska reformatoriska samtalsordningen och den tidigmoderna integrationsprocessen

The subject who understood. The Swedish Reformation discourse and the early modern process of integration The thesis concerns why it in the discourse of the Reformation was so important to repeat statements about the need for Christendom to go back to its true heritage and that the sermon should be understood by everyone, and the statements consequences for the possibility of formulating order, co

Oskar Schindler and Raoul Wallenberg - National, European and American Heroes

In the research on two of the most prominent persons among those who rescued Jews from the Holocaust, Oskar Schindler and Raoul Wallenberg, a reappearing purpose has been to separate mythical, and therefore more or less false, elements in the story from the true, and implicit, academic historical writing. However, during the last decades, it has been obvious that history is not only, and sometimes

On the Facets of Stakeholder Inertia: A Literature Review

Intense competition in rapidly changing markets puts intense pressure on product definition and the associated requirements engineering processes. An extensive literature review has identified that brand inertia, customer inertia, inappropriate market entry strategies and an inability to satisfy customer needs or expectations are the principle contributors to customer product rejection. While RE p

Critical Creative Moments in Swedish Classrooms

The aim was to study critical creative moments (CCM:s) – that is creativity related situations – in Swedish 5th grade classrooms and discuss these with teachers and students. Two observers visited each of the two classrooms on four different occasions in different types of classes (different subjects). The lessons were videotaped and the creative moments were identified by the observers during the

Mass spectrometric studies of cellulose ethers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cellulosa etrar är en grupp ämnen som har många tillämpningar inom olika områden. Det stora antalet tillämpningar ställer höga krav på de teknologiska egenskaperna hos cellulosa etrarna. För att kunna kontrollera de teknologiska egenskaperna är det nödvändigt att utveckla analytiska metoder, med vilka egenskaperna kan korreleras till den kemiska strukturen. Ibland går dCellulose based derivatives, such as cellulose ethers, today find many applications in a diverse range of fields. The numerous applications put high demands on the technological performance of the cellulose ethers. In order to be able to control the technological properties it is necessary to develop analytical methods by, which they can be correlated to the chemical structure. In some cases va

Jugendvillorna på Olympia i Helsingborg : en essä om arkitektur och livsmiljö i förvandling

Summary in English The Art Nouveau houses in the Olympia district in Helsingborg. An essay on architecture and living space in transformation The aim of this study is, in a longer term perspective and from various aspects, to discuss a group of distinctive buildings in Helsingborg. This consists of almost 30 detached apartment houses in the Art Nouveau style. They were built during a period of a

Verification and validation in industry - a qualitative survey on the state of practice

Verification and validation activities take a substantial share of project budgets and need improvements. This is an accepted truth, but the current practices are seldom assessed and analyzed. In this paper we present a qualitative survey of the verification and validation processes at 11 Swedish companies. The purpose was to exchange experience between the companies and to lay out a foundation fo

A dynamic model of an atmospheric solid oxide fuel cell system for stationary power generation

This paper focuses on the transient behavior of a solid oxide fuel cell system used for stationary power production. Dynamic modelling is applied to identify the characteristic time scales of the system components when introducing a disturbance in operational parameters of the system. The information on the response of the system may be used to specify the control loops needed to manage the change

The Growth of Complexity and Accuracy in L2 French: Past observations and recent applications of developmental stages

This chapter addresses the question of the growth of accuracy and complexity in L2 French from the perspective of developmental sequences of morphosyntax, developmental stages and linguistic profiling. We examine the systematic growth of morphosyntactic features expressed by the learner during the acquisition process (sequences). Furthermore, we investigate the relatedness of different development

Arbetstidsmodeller för en ny tid : ett personalekonomiskt perspektiv

I rapporten redogörs för ett antal arbetstidsmodeller som kan användas vid en arbetstidsförkortning. Modellerna var föregångare till de digitala arbetstimodeller typ Time-care som senare utvecklades. Rapporten är ett resulatat av ett fältarbete som genomfördes tillsammans med SPRI och Stockholms läns landsting.