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Antimicrobial susceptibility testing in Sweden. III. Methodology for susceptibility testing

A subcommittee of the Swedish Reference Group for Antibiotics, SRGA-M, has worked with standardization of methodology for susceptibility testing. In vitro data obtained with the disk diffusion procedure were collected from 5 clinical laboratories, compiled and presented as histograms of inhibition zones, and compared with data [minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and inhibition zones] obtaine

Rapid high throughput assay for fluorimetric detection of doxorubicin - Application of nucleic acid-dye bioprobe

A double stranded DNA based fluorescence bioprobe for anticancer agent (doxorubicin) detection is described. This method provides a new way for sensitive DNA/drug interaction study by a homogeneous assay. The probe employs the long-wavelength intercalating fluorophore TOTO-3((R)) (TT3). The anticancer agent, doxorubicin, which interacts with the DNA-TT3 complex, was indirectly measured by the decr

Skoldaghem: Ett alternativ för elever i behov av särskilt stöd

Popular Abstract in Swedish Studien handlar om tio elever i behov av särskilt stöd. Den förhärskande tanken inom det svenska utbildningsväsendet är att elever med funktionshinder ska integreras i den vanliga skolan. Undantag får emellertid göras och eleverna kan t.ex. få sin skolgång på ett skoldaghem. Det främsta syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka hur sju elever med skolgång på skolThis thesis concerns ten pupils in need of special support. The overriding principle governing the Swedish educational system today is that pupils with functional difficulties should be integrated into ordinary schools, but exceptions may be made and the pupils can attend a special day-school. The primary aim of the present thesis is to study the progress of seven students, attending special day-s

UAMSHO: A Theological Study of the Proclamation of the Revival Movement within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania

This thesis presents a theological study of the revival (Uamsho) movement within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT). This movement is part of the East African Revival Movement that began during the late 1920's within the Protestant churches in Rwanda, after which it spread to Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. The introductory chapter begins with a presentation of characteristic feature

Lokal översättning av svenskhet och symboliskt kapital : Det svenska rummet i Madrid 1915-1998

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under vilka villkor kan etnicitet relaterad till en invandrargrupp igenkännas och erkännas mottagarlandet? Hur omformas och förändras transnationella konstruktioner av etnicitet när de sätts in och används i lokala praktiker? Uppstår nya etniska och kulturella former när en kapitalstark transnationell grupp konfronteras med en migrationssituation? I en empirisk studie The main ambition in this study is to explore new perspectives on the relationship between ethnicity and symbolic capital, that is how different forms of ethnicity around a migrant group can be recognised and valued in the host society. At the same time, it is a case study that offers an opportunity to verify theories on local translations of transnational cultural forms by an empirical and histor

Adaptive enhancement and noise reduction in very low light-level video

A general methodology for noise reduction and contrast enhancement in very noisy image data with low dynamic range is presented. Video footage recorded in very dim light is especially targeted. Smoothing kernels that automatically adapt to the local spatio-temporal intensity structure in the image sequences are constructed in order to preserve and enhance fine spatial detail and prevent motion blu

Single framework recombinant antibody fragments designed for protein chip applications

High-throughput proteomics, based on the microarray platform, requires stable, highly functional components that will yield a highly sensitive read-out of low, abundance protein. Although antibodies are the best characterized binding molecules for this purpose, only a fraction of them appear to behave satisfactorily in the chip format. Therefore, high demands need to be placed on their molecular d

The electronic spectrum of VCr

The electronic spectrum of VCr has been studied using the complete-active-space self-consistent field complete-active-space second-order perturbation theory approach. Potential-energy curves for 12 electronic states have been computed. Transition energies, with respect to the X(2)Delta ground state, for some of the calculated electronic states are (with possible experimental values within parenthe

Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for metastatic renal carcinoma in Europe

Background: An allogeneic antitumour effect has been reported for various cancers. We evaluated the experience of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in 124 patients from 21 European centres. Patients and methods: Reduced intensity conditioning and peripheral blood stem cells from an HLA-identical sibling (n = 106), a mismatched related (n = 5)

Time-course of liver fat accumulation in man after a single load of ethanol

Three healthy young male subjects were given a single load of ethanol (approximately 3 g/kg body weight) over 5 hours. Liver aspiration biopsies were performed at the start of the experiment and 6, 14, 24, and 48 hours after the start. Blood alcohol and serum transaminase activity levels were measured simultaneously. Triglycerides and phospholipids of the liver biopsy material were determined by a