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Your search for "*" yielded 532548 hits

Synthesis of poly(styrene-graft-ethylene oxide) by ethoxylation of amide group containing styrene copolymers

Graft copolymers containing poly(ethylene oxide) side chains on a polystyrene backbone have been synthesized. Styrene copolymers synthesized by free radical mechanism and containing between 5 and 15 mol % acrylamide or methacrylamide were used as backbones. The amide groups in the copolymers were ionized by using potassium tert-butoxide or potassium naphthalene, and grafting was achieved by utiliz

Production Ergonomics: Identifying and managing risk in the design of high performance work systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Dålig ergonomi i produktionssystem kan äventyra prestationsförmågan och även orsaka muskuloskeletala besvär (eng. musculoskeletal disorders: MSD). Detta utgör en stor kostnad för samhälle, företag och drabbade individer. Denna avhandling presenterar en forskningsansats att 1) identifiera och kvantifiera arbetsplatsens riskfaktorer för MSDs, 2) identifiera hur dessa riskPoor ergonomics in production systems can compromise performance and cause musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), which pose a huge cost to society, companies, and afflicted individuals. This thesis presents a research trajectory through the problem space by: 1) Identifying and quantifying workplace risk factors for MSDs, 2) Identifying how these risks may relate to production strategies, and 3) Develo

Incorporating nutrient content elasticity in the MAKEDEP model

The MAKEDEP model is designed to produce the time series of atmospheric deposition and nutrient uptake and cycling needed by dynamic soil chemistry models such as SAFE. A range of new features were implemented in the MAKEDEP model including separate treatment of several tree compartments (e.g. root, stem, bark, branch, canopy) and variable nutrient content in the different compartments. The mo

Development of supersensitivity to methacholine in the rat detrusor following either parasympathetic denervation or decentralization

The male rat urinary bladder belongs to those few structures where both the post- and preganglionic parasympathetic nerves are accessible for severance. In the present study the sensitivity to the parasympathomimetic drug methacholine of muscle strips of either denervated or decentralized bladders was examined in vitro. One week postoperatively denervated and decentralized bladders were sensitized

Effects of inhibition of PAF, ICAM-1, and PECAM-1 on gut barrier failure caused by intestinal ischemia and reperfusion.

BACKGROUND: The role of cell adhesion molecules and transmigration of PMNs through the endothelial barrier is probably essential in intestinal ischemia and reperfusion (I/R)-induced gut barrier dysfunction. Although cytokines are released in I/R, it is unclear whether cytokines directly increase permeability or if this phenomenon requires both expression of cell adhesion molecules and PMN adhesion

Quinohemoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase-based reagentless amperometric biosensor for ethanol monitoring during wine fermentation

This paper describes the development and optimization of an amperometric biosensor for monitoring ethanol in beverages. The biosensor is constructed by cross-linking a quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase (QH-ADH) to an Os-complex-modified poly(vinylimidazole) redox polymer using poly(ethylene glycol) diglycidyl ether. The optimum biosensor configuration was evaluated by changing the ratio between e

Peacemaking through Friendships: Ambivalent Anglican Discourses in Jerusalem 1920-1948

During the British Mandate period in Palestine, Jewish, Muslim and Christian chidren studied together at Anglican missionary schools. This educational project became part of wider efforts made by the Anglican Church to promote peace in Palestine. The article focuses on statements on 'friendship' made by the Anglican bishops in Jerusalem as well as the missionary teachers and how the concept was re

DC bus voltage control for a distributed power system

This paper addresses voltage control of distributed dc power systems. DC power systems have been discussed as a result of the introduction of renewable, small-scale power generation units. Also, telecommunication power systems featuring UPS properties might benefit from a broader introduction of dc power systems. Droop control is utilized to distribute the load between the source converters. In or

Intranät : En ny arena för kommunikation och lärande

Popular Abstract in Swedish I Sverige har intranät inom loppet av ett par år införts i drygt hälften av alla organisationer – privata och offentliga. Intranät har av många setts som ett verktyg för att effektivisera kommunikationen och lärandet. Behovet av effektiv kommunikation och lärande har accelererat under 1990-talet med en allt större konkurrens mellan organisationerna. En god tillgång tillDuring the 1990s, communication and learning attracted heightened attention in organizational contexts. Generally speaking, there is great faith in the significance of ICT for people’s learning. One form of technology which has had a great impact on Swedish organizations is the intranet. Within the course of a few years, intranets have been implemented in just over half of all Swedish organization

The natural history of adnexal cysts incidentally detected at transvaginal ultrasound examination in postmenopausal women

OBJECTIVE: To determine the natural history of adnexal cysts incidentally detected at transvaginal ultrasound examination and judged to be benign in postmenopausal women.METHODS: One hundred and thirty-four postmenopausal women referred for ultrasound examination and found to have an adnexal cyst judged to be benign and not causing any symptoms were followed with transvaginal ultrasound at 3, 6 an

Development of the Qualeffo-31, an osteoporosis-specific quality-of-life questionnaire

Vertebral deformities are a common consequence of osteoporosis and are known to decrease quality of life. The Qualeffo-41 is a quality-of-life questionnaire especially developed for measuring quality of life in patients with vertebral deformities. It consists of 41 questions arranged in five domains: pain, physical function, social function, general health perception, and mental function. The obje

A comparison of patient needs as ranked by patients and nurses

A group of patients (n=69) were asked to arrange the three most important of 10 groups of needs, identified by patients in a previous study, in order of priority from one to three. A group of nurses (n=89) were asked to arrange same groups of needs in order of priority from one to three according to how they believed patients would rank them. No significant differences were found between patients

Setagin and secretagogin-R22: Posttranscriptional modification products of the secretagogin gene

We describe two new variants of the recently identified hexa-EF-hand calcium binding protein secretagogin. The first variant (secretagogin-R22) is characterized by one single amino acid exchange (Q/R) at codon 22, most likely due to RNA editing. The second variant of secretagogin (setagin) consists of 49 amino acids. Due to a frame shift, only the first 27 amino acids are identical to secretagogin