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Transverse mass distributions of neutral pions from Pb-208-induced reactions at 158 center dot A GeV

Results on transverse mass spectra of neutral pious measured at central rapidity are presented for impact parameter selected 158-A GeV Pb + Pb-1 and Pb + Nb collisions. The distributions cover the range 0.5 GeV/c(2) less than or equal to MT - Mo less than or equal to 4 GeV/c(2). The change of the spectral shape and the multiplicity with centrality is studied in detail. In going from p+p to semi-pe

Connecting Social Science and Information Technology : Democratic Privacy in the Information Age

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett stort problem med samhällsvetenskapliga studier som på ett eller annat sätt behandlar informationsteknologins följder är att det är svårt, ibland helt omöjligt, att jämföra resultat och slutsatser. Detta beror delvis på att man behandlar ”informationsteknologi” eller ”IT” på så olika vis. Någon kanske konceptualiserar ”IT” som att vara en viss typ av hemsidor, andraThis work has two main ambitions. First, we will develop a generic framework which, properly used, can drastically reduce the intrinsic complexity of the continually evolving IT-environment, making it less unwieldy. That should prove advantageous for anyone trying to analyse social aspects of the moving target that is classified as "IT". Using (and at the same time demonstrating) his framework, w

Masonhalea, a new lichen genus in the Parmeliaceae.

The new genus Masionhalea is segregated from Cetraria s. lat. on the basis of anatomy, morphology, ecology and chemistry. Its only species, M. richardsonii (Hook. in Richardson) Kärnef. is described and illustrated and a distribution map is provided.

CCL25 Enhances CD103-Mediated Lymphocyte Adhesion to E-Cadherin.

Our results demonstrate that (1) CD103 is upregulated on CD8(+) T cells subsequent to their entry into the small intestinal epithelium, and (2) that the chemokine CCL25 enhances CD103-mediated adhesion to E-cadherin. These results suggest a novel role for chemokines in modulating interactions between lymphocytes and epithelial cells at mucosal surfaces.

Analysis and Design of Hybrid Control Systems

Different aspects of hybrid control systems are treated: analysis, simulation, design and implementation. A systematic methodology using extended Lyapunov theory for design of hybrid systems is developed. The methodology is based on conventional control designs in separate regions together with a switching strategy. Dynamics are not well defined if the control design methods lead to fast mode sw

Giving language a hand: gesture as a cue based communicative strategy *

All accounts of communicative behaviour in general, and communicative strategies in particular, mention gesture1 in relation to language acquisition (cf. Faerch & Kasper 1983 for an overview). However, few attempts have been made to investigate how spoken language and spontaneous gesture combine to determine discourse referents. Referential gesture and referential discourse will be of particul

Intervention thresholds for osteoporosis in men and women: a study based on data from Sweden

The aim of this study was to determine the threshold of fracture probability at which interventions became cost-effective in men and women, based on data from Sweden. We modeled the effects of a treatment costing $500 per year given for 5 years that decreased the risk of all osteoporotic fractures by 35% followed by a waning of effect for a further 5 years. Sensitivity analyses included a range of

Persistent currents in a Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of disorder

We examine bosonic atoms that are confined in a toroidal, quasi-one-dimensional trap, subjected to a random potential. The resulting inhomogeneous atomic density is smoothened for sufficiently strong, repulsive interatomic interactions. Statistical analysis of our simulations show that the gas supports persistent currents, which become more fragile due to the disorder.

Analysis of fatty acid epoxidation by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light scattering detection and mass spectrometry

Conventionally, epoxidation of unsaturated fatty acids has been studied either with titrimetric methods or in a lengthy procedure involving derivatization followed by gas chromatography (GC). We have developed a more rapid and descriptive analysis procedure for the substances using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD). Chemo-enzymatic epo

A polyphase filter based on CMOS inverters

A new idea for generation of quadrature signals on chip is presented. The topology is based on a passive RC polyphase filter, where the resistive parts are made active by using inverters. The active filter combines quadrature generation, isolation, and gain without losing quadrature performance compared to a regular RC polyphase filter. The filter technique is demonstrated in a 10 GHz front-end ap

Sleep disturbance in association with elevated pulse rate for prediction of mortality--consequences of mental strain?

OBJECTIVES: Sleep deprivation has experimentally been shown to adversely influence glucose metabolism, endocrine function and sympathovagal balance in young men without known serious disease. We investigated the impact of sleep problems and resting heart rate in a large sample of self-reported, healthy middle-aged men and women on long-term mortality. METHODS: In all 22,444 men and 10,902 women pa