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Your search for "*" yielded 532229 hits
Randomized trials of PSA screening
Background: The role of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing in prostate cancer (PCa) screening has evolved over recent decades with multiple randomized controlled trials (RCTs) spurring guideline changes. At present, controversy exists due to the indolent nature of many prostate cancers and associated risks of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. This review examines major RCTs evaluating PSA scre
Recombinant FVIII replacement products for haemophilia A : An updated valuation by indirect comparison measuring area under the curve
Comparing Nordic forest governance : Key informant perspectives
There is a growing call for comparative analyses of forest governance to facilitate knowledge exchange for the sustainable management of Nordic forest systems, addressing the needs of societal stakeholders in enhancing both the quality and quantity of forest resources. This study traces the development of nation-wide policy instruments implemented in four Nordic countries; Finland, Sweden, Norway
Prediction of suicide attempt in a Swedish population-based cohort
Background: Suicidal behaviors are prevalent public health concerns, and we need to improve our predictive ability to better inform prevention efforts. Methods: Using nationwide longitudinal Swedish registers, we included 344,490 males and 323,177 females born 1982–1990 with information on genetic liability and environmental exposures from birth to age 16: perinatal variables, parental psychopatho
Background: Global supply chains are confronted with the challenge of ensuring on-time deliveries while simultaneously enhancing supply chain resilience. Conventional methods aim to address the complexities of modern supply chains, promoting the transition to intelligent and data-driven strategies. Methods: This research represents an innovative methodology for predicting the risk of late deliveri
Myocardial infarction in foreign-born individuals in the total population of Sweden
Theoretical insight into key reactions in DME/NH3 co-firing : A detailed kinetic study and implications for rational combustion modelling
Dimethyl ether (DME) is promising as an additive for co-firing with ammonia (NH3) to solve the problem of its low reactivity combustion. However, the combustion modeling of blended fuels is challenging, and previous efforts primarily relied on the adjustment of rate constants for key reactions to bridge the gap between experiments and simulations. In the present work, ab initio kinetic studies wer
Tuned exchange imaging : Can the filter exchange imaging pulse sequence be adapted for applications with thin slices and restricted diffusion?
Filter exchange imaging (FEXI) is a double diffusion-encoding (DDE) sequence that is specifically sensitive to exchange between sites with different apparent diffusivities. FEXI uses a diffusion-encoding filtering block followed by a detection block at varying mixing times to map the exchange rate. Long mixing times enhance the sensitivity to exchange, but they pose challenges for imaging applicat
Att ”dra Bullis” : Klostergatan som mötesplats och miljö i studentliv och litteratur
Om Klostergatans betydelse som offentlig arena, mötes-, umgänges- och uppvisningsplats i Lund, särskilt bland stadens studenter, från sent 1800-tal till mitten av 1900-talet. Med exempel ur memoarer, skönlitteratur och samtida press.
Lundensare II : Fler universitetsöden under fyra århundraden
Tio personporträtt av mer eller mindre bortglömda lundaakademiker - studenter och lärare - verksamma mellan 1600-talet och 1900-talets första hälft.
Sofia Holmgren – professorsdotter och sexualupplysningspionjär
Kort biografisk artikel om den tidiga kvinnliga läkaren och sexualupplyserskan Sofia Holmgren. Utgör del av den virtuella utställningen "150 år med kvinnor vid akademin".
Gertrud Gussander – startade sjukhus under doktorandtiden
Kort biografisk artikel om den första kvinnan att disputera i medicin vid Lunds universitet. Utgör del av den virtuella utställningen "150 år med kvinnor vid akademin".
Louise Petrén – matematikpionjär och fredsaktivist
Kort biografisk artikel om den andra kvinnan att disputera vid Lunds universitet. Utgör del av den virtuella utställningen "150 år med kvinnor vid akademin".
Hildur Sandberg – frigjord radikal med oklart slut
Kort biografisk artikel om tidig, politiskt radikal och aktiv studentska vid Lunds universitet. Utgör del av den virtuella utställningen "150 år med kvinnor vid akademin".
Elsa Collin – spexpionjär med cigarr och studentmössa
Kort biografisk artikel om den första kvinnliga spexaren vid Lunds universitet. Utgör del av den virtuella utställningen "150 år med kvinnor vid akademin".
Anna Munck af Rosenschöld – studentikos livet igenom
Kort biografisk artikel om kvinnlig centralgestalt inom 1920-talets lundensisk astudentliv. Utgör del av den virtuella utställningen "150 år med kvinnor vid akademin".
Glacial and climatic events in Iceland reflecting regional North Atlantic climatic shifts during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition
Med näsan i vädret : Om aristokratiska näsor
Tryckt version av föredrag från 2014 vilket utgör en kåserande översikt över skildringar av kungliga och adliga näsor inom skön- och facklitteratur.
Retraction note : CCM3 is a gatekeeper in focal adhesions regulating mechanotransduction and YAP/TAZ signalling (Nature Cell Biology, (2021), 23, 7, (758-770), 10.1038/s41556-021-00702-0)
Retraction to: Nature Cell Biology23:758-770 (2021) The authors have retracted this article because it has come to their attention that numerous errors have been identified in the immunoblotting (western blotting) experiments shown in the main Figures 1c, 3a, 4f, 5b and 6b, and the supplementary Figures 1b, 1c, 2d, 3a, 3c, 7f, 8b and 9b. The authors have