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An Atlas of Amplitude-integrated EEGs in the newborn
Sediment pigments as biomarkers of environmental change
This thesis demonstrates the usefulness of sedimentary pigments as biomarkers of environmental change in estuarine systems and as biomarkers in lakes in relation to climate change. These are two fields where sediment pigment records as measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) are emerging areas of study. A detailed study was undertaken to examine the effects of different storage o
Source localisation of epileptiform activity in epilepsy of temporal lobe origin
In patients with drug resistant partial epilepsy, who are under consideration for epilepsy surgery, interictal and ictal EEG recorded with extracranial electrodes plays an important role in the localisation of the seizure onset area. During the past years, methods have been developed, which can be used to estimate the location of the source of epileptiform activity in the brain from extracranial E
An emergent means to assurgent ends: Societal resilience for safety and sustainability
EU:s politiska system, 2., [rev.] uppl.
Sänkta boendekostnader : erfarenheter av förenklat byggande
Rävens politik
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Utnyttjande av solenergi i energieffektiva byggnader. Stöd under projekteringsprocessen.
Ett träd med vida grenar - de indoeuropeiska språkens historia
Muslim Organizations in Bashar's Syria : The Transformation of the Shaykh Ahmad Kuftaro Foundation
Demokratisering under internationellt tryck: afrikanska transitioner i ett nytt ljus
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"Help, I need somebody..." - Consequences of a Re-regulated Competitive Electricity Market from the Customer Perspective
In 1996, the Swedish electricity market was re-regulated and if private customers wanted to change their supplier they were forced to invest in a new electricity meter with hourly metering. The cost of such a device was typically around 900 EURO. Very few customers changed their supplier at this stage. On November 1st, 1999, this requirement was abolished and replaced with load profiling allowing
Essence of Mongol-Christian diplomacy in the 13th century
Äldre svartgods från de arkeologiska undersökningarna i Skänninge 2002-2005 : teknisk rapport
Skånes mossor.
Skatterätt, en introduktion
Introduktionsbok i skatterätt.
Självkännedomens filosofi
Epidemiology and clinical manifestations of Lyme borreliosis.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det har nu gått 20 år sedan ett utbrott av ledinflammation (arthrit), i Connecticut, USA, satte forskarna på spåret till den sjukdomsbild som vi idag kallar fästingöverförd borreliainfektion och det är snart 15 år sedan man lyckades isolera bakterien som orsakar sjukdomen, Borrelia burgdorferi. Symptomen på sjukdomen har visserligen varit kända sedan sekelskiftet men heEpidemiological and clinical characteristics of Lyme borreliosis (LB) in Sweden are described through a one year surveillance-study. The findings differed only marginally when compared to studies from the United States indicating similar clinical presentation of the disease. Incidence was 69/100.000/year with large variation between counties (26-160/100.000/year) and concentration of the disease t