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Competitive low-tech manufacturing and challenges for regional policy in the European context – lessons from the Danish experience.

Today, low-tech firms in high-wage countries are focusing on increasing investments in highly skilled labour and advanced machinery, incremental innovation and high value-added niches. Danish policy, however, gives little attention to the new specificities of low-tech manufacturing, and the understanding of innovation in national and regional strategies is dominated by a science-based perspective.

Objectively best or most acceptable? Expert and lay knowledge in Swedish wind power permit processes

This article analyses legal aspects of the Swedish wind power development, theoretically based on how different types of knowledge are represented in legal contexts, mainly in the courts. A sample of appealed wind power permits is analysed, a handful of relevant informants are interviewed – including two judges in the Land and Environment Court and the appeal court – and the legal setting is analy

Genotype–phenotype correlations in THAP1 dystonia: Molecular foundations and description of new cases

An extensive variety of THAP1 sequence variants have been associated with focal, segmental and generalized dystonia with age of onset ranging from 3 to over 60 years. In previous work, we screened 1114 subjects with mainly adult-onset primary dystonia (Neurology 2010; 74:229-238) and identified 6 missense mutations in THAP1. For this report, we screened 750 additional subjects for mutations in cod

Time-dependent motor properties of multipedal molecular spiders

Molecular spiders are synthetic biomolecular walkers that use the asymmetry resulting from cleavage of their tracks to bias the direction of their stepping motion. Using Monte Carlo simulations that implement the Gillespie algorithm, we investigate the dependence of the biased motion of molecular spiders, along with binding time and processivity, on tunable experimental parameters, such as number

Lattice Free Stochastic Dynamic

We introduce a lattice-free hard sphere exclusion stochastic process. The resulting stochastic rates are distance based instead of cell based. The corresponding Markov chain build for this many particle system is updated using an adaptation of the kinetic Monte Carlo method. It becomes quickly apparent that due to the lattice-free environment, and because of that alone, the dynamics behave differe

Neuronal and Glial Alterations in Complex Long-Term Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment.

Purpose: To explore neuronal and glial alterations in eyes with complex long-term rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). Methods: Morphological analysis was performed on eight retinal specimens derived from patients treated with peripheral retinectomy for RRD complicated by retinal shortening or retinal thinning. All eyes had undergone previous surgeries including silicone oil tamponade, and

Pediobius cajanus sp n. (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), an important natural enemy of the Asian fly (Melanagromyza obtusa (Malloch)) (Diptera, Agromyzidae) in the Dominican Republic

Pediobius cajanus sp. n. is described based on material from the Dominican Republic, where it is widespread, and it is anticipated to have a much larger distribution in tropical America. It is compared to other species of Pediobius from the New World, and is also compared to P. vignae (Risbec), a similar species from Africa with similar biology. The new species is a gregarious endoparasitoid of th

Genes encoding WFDC- and Kunitz-type protease inhibitor domains: are they related?

We have previously demonstrated that the genes of SCPs (semen coagulum proteins) and the WFDC (whey acidic protein four-disulfide core)-type protease inhibitor elafin are homologous in spite of lacking similarity between their protein products. This led to the discovery of a locus on human chromosome 20, encompassing genes of the SCPs, SEMG1 (semenogelin I) and SEMG2, and 14 genes containing the s

On the efficiency and gain of antennas

The fundamental limits of the gain and e±ciency of an antenna are explored. These are very important quantities for, e.g., superdirective arrays. The antenna is in this paper con¯ned in a sphere and all of the currents are assumed to run in a material with a given conductivity. It is shown that one can ¯nd the current distribution in the sphere that optimizes the gain, given the frequency and the

A nationwide cohort study of the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in coeliac disease.

Objective. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) continues to be an important cause of morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs in the western world. Although smoking is an important trigger of COPD, other factors such as chronic inflammation and malnutrition are known to influence its development. Because coeliac disease (CD) is characterized both by dysregulated inflammation and malnutri

Vilja att minska svinn och stölder bakom videoövervakning i handeln

Främsta orsakerna till satsningar på videoövervakningslösningar i detaljhandeln är en vilja att minska oönskade förluster i form av svinn och olika typer av kriminalitet riktad mot butiker. Det visar en studie utförd av forskargruppen Lusax vid Lunds universitet. Studien visar också att den svårtolkade lagstiftningen är ett hinder för bredare användning av videoövervakning.

Sämre kognitiv funktion som barn--okad hjärt-kärlrisk som vuxen. Riskökning kan grundläggas redan i fosterlivet.

The neurocognitive development of children is shaped by growth patterns during fetal and early postnatal life, as well as conditions during childhood and adolescence. Adverse factors might harm this development, for example lack of nutrients or under-stimulation of cognitive function. In several contemporary observational studies based on follow-up of cohorts from childhood into adulthood, positiv

The European registry of quality outcomes for cataract and refractive surgery (EUREQUO): a database study of trends in volumes, surgical techniques and outcomes of refractive surgery.

A European web-based registry for refractive surgery was established in 2008; The European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (EUREQUO). The aim of the registry was to improve treatment and standards of care for refractive surgery. Further aims were to offer a tool for benchmarking by establishing a reference database and for surgeons to enter and analyze their own ou

Genetic Variability Overrides the Impact of Parental Cell Type and Determines iPSC Differentiation Potential.

Reports on the retention of somatic cell memory in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have complicated the selection of the optimal cell type for the generation of iPSC biobanks. To address this issue we compared transcriptomic, epigenetic, and differentiation propensities of genetically matched human iPSCs derived from fibroblasts and blood, two tissues of the most practical relevance for bio