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Corporate Social Responsibility as a Strategic Management Tool: A Comparative Case Study Between Yalla Trappan and The Vegan Bar

Abstract Purpose First, this study aimed to explore the development of CSR as a discourse and theoretical concept from the 1950’s until today. The purpose of this was to generate insights into how CSR agendas have changed over time and to better understand where it is today. The second aim was to better grasp the business-societal dynamics and implications of CSR as a practice today, so we conduct

Bollen är rund, men hur formar ekonomin sportsliga resultat?

Denna studie utreder omfattningen på den inverkan ekonomiska muskler inom elitklubbar i den svenska fotbollen har på sportsliga resultat. Med utgångspunkt från det stora utrymme ekonomin idag har inom elitfotbollsklubbar utarbetas en bivariat och en multivariat regression, vilka har till syfte att påvisa skillnader mellan lag hemmahörande i olika kommuner med skilda förutsättningar. Regressionen hThis study investigates to what extent the economic muscles within professional Swedish football clubs affect the sports performance. Using the fact that economy today takes a great space of the elite football operation as starting point, a bivariate and multivariate regression including different Dummy-variables is developed. The purpose is to demonstrate differences among various municipalities

In a State of Emergency: Crisis Management, Institutions and Economic Growth

Since its first recorded instance, the state of emergency has become an integral aspect of the modern nation state’s legal apparatus and is a crucial mode of government crisis management. A state of emergency entails a temporary suspension of the rule of law and deviation from the protection of civil liberties. Emergency powers have been examined considerably within the fields of political science

Depositional history of the Neoproterozoic Visingsö Group, south-central Sweden

De neoproterozoiska sedimentära bergarterna i Visingsögruppen är en av få kvarvarande spår från den här tidsperioden i Sverige. Tack vare dessa har vi en möjlighet att förstå hur landskapet såg ut under denna tiden. De olika miljöfaktorer som påverkade sedimenten när dessa deponerades är nyckeln till att kunna måla en större bil. Det vi ser i Visingsö-gruppen är hur en lokal, förhållandevis grund,The Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks of the Visingsö Group are one of few remaining rocks from this time. They provide a vital clue to understanding how the landscape looked at this time. The various environmental factors that prevailed and affected deposition are key to paint a bigger picture. The Visingsö Group shows how a local, fairly shallow, environment is subject to a long-term transgressio

An examination of housing segregation in Malmö, Sweden: the roles and responsibilities of different actors in finding solutions.

Spatial segregation and unequal access to housing has been recognized as a problem in Sweden for the past several decades. The increasing influence of neoliberal policies on the Swedish housing market has made segregation and social disparities a challenging obstacle in the development of Malmö. This has characterized a shift in the traditional system of the Swedish welfare state. Through a qualit

Power Relations Between States and Trans-National Economic Institutions: A Case Study of the CFA Franc

The CFA Franc – which stands for Communauté Financiaire Africaine – refers to the West African CFA franc and the Central African CFA franc, two currencies that, although separate, are in practice interchangeable and have a fixed exchange rate to the euro. The CFA franc is used in 14 countries, 12 of which are former French colonies. The currency has been criticized for its impact on the economic s

What is a Food Bank?: A cultural analytical exploration of the paradoxes and potentials of stakeholder definitions and interrelations

Summer 2018 I worked with a recycling coalition in the United States to investigate food waste as a topic essential in promoting environmental sustainability. We banded together with QFB, a large food bank, to focus on the problem of food waste in their food rescue process. During my time at QFB I noticed paradoxes between the practices and words of different stakeholders in the QFB system: most s

Landsbygden – För vem och på vems villkor? En komparativ fallstudie av norsk och svensk landsbygdspolitik

While the Swedish rural countryside has seen a decline in economic activity and population due to demographic changes and cutbacks in welfare services the Norwegian rural areas has not undergone the same decline. This essay seeks to compare two political documents, one from each country, in the belief that not only policy, but also the views on the rural areas, peripheries, and their purpose influ

Metaphors and their Making: Bodily, conventionally and contextually motivated metaphors in inter- and intra-generational conversations

This thesis examines and compares spontaneous metaphor usage in conversations within and between generations. It investigates to what extent they can be seen as motivated by bodily, conventional and situated factors with the help of the Motivation and Sedimentation Model (MSM), which operates with these three levels of meaning. The model combines and integrates earlier accounts of metaphor motivat

Fördel för försiktiga?

Examensarbetets titel: Fördel för försiktiga? Seminariedatum: 3/6 2019 Ämne/kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i finansiering, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Jesper Lindgren, Philip Nossmy och Adam Persson Handledare: Anamaria Cociorva Fem nyckelord: Kreditbetyg, betingad konservatism, redovisning, Standard & Poor’s, regressionsanalys. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finTitle: Advantage for the cautious? Seminar date: 3/6-2019 Course: FEKH89, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS‐cr) Authors: Jesper Lindgren, Philip Nossmy and Adam Persson Advisor/s: Anamaria Cociorva Keywords: credit rating, unconditional conservatism, standard & poor’s, accounting, regression analysis


This study has aimed to understand the experiences of the Turkish women who share their knitting videos on YouTube through using the virtual ethnography conducted. The participant women mostly describe themselves as a “housewife” and/or specify their roles through association with domestic tasks, which is related to the position of assigned to many women by Turkish society. Most of them were born

“Den där bekräftelsen på att jag inte var som andra” En narrativ analys av hur missbruk framställs i självbiografier

The aim of this study was to examine how addiction identity is created and changed and also to examine the link between alcohol and drug addiction, social norms, and stigma by analyzing four autobiographies. A qualitative research method, with a focus on the narrative aspects of the autobiographies, was used to investigate how the authors described their experiences, and how they create understand

Bibliotekariers diversifierade profession : en studie av folkbibliotekariers upplevelser av en yrkesroll i förändring

Public libraries have in recent decades been affected by widespread cultural, political and societal changes and there are several opinions about what public libraries’ role in society should be. Three major areas that has largely affected the development of public libraries and thus librarianship are: the academization of the library- and information science educational programs, professionalizat

Who can an organization believe in social media? Exploring the process of believability assessment

Data driven decision-making is becoming more and more important for an organization to stay competitive. Data collected and analyzed from social media can teach an organization about its customers in a way that was not possible before. However, in social media there is circulating a lot of data with questionable believability, such as fake news, which risks influencing an organization’s decision-m

Understanding identity in a digital reality

Title Understanding identity in a digital reality: An explorative study of consumers’ identity negotiations through images on Instagram Course Code BUSN39 Global Marketing Authors Anna Hallner & Yasmine Ströberg Supervisor Ph. D Marcus Klasson & Jon Bertilsson Keywords Identity, Consumer, Self, Instagram, Personal branding, Digital Culture Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to empi

Beyond Symptom Amelioration: Relationships Between Work Supports, Functional Impairments and Quality of Life in Swedish Adults with Self-Reported ADHD

Denna studie syftade till att undersöka ett urval av svenska vuxna med självrapporterad ADHD på följande punkter: 1) utbildningsnivå och anställningsgrad i relation till svensk befolkning, 2) om de blivit erbjudna stöd på sin arbetsplats eller i sin studiesituation för sin ADHD, 3) om denna typ av stöd var relaterat till självrapporterad Quality of Life (QoL), nöjdhet med arbetsroll, allmän hälsa The current study aimed to survey a sample of Swedish adults with self-reported ADHD and to explore: 1) how level of education and employment status relate to the general population, 2) whether they had been offered supports from their workplace or place of education for their ADHD, 3) whether such supports were related to their self-reported QoL, job satisfaction, general mental health and work i

En studie på samband mellan jordmekaniska egenskaper och hydrodynamiska processer när erosion påverkar släntstabiliteten vid ökad nederbörd

Älvar och vattendrag i Västra Sverige utsätts för konstant erosion när ytvattnet från sjöar och mark tappas ut i havet. Den geologiska sammansättningen i älvarna under högsta kustlinjen består av glaciala och postglaciala finkorniga sediment som är avsatta i marin miljö. De känsliga lerlagrens struktur har efter urlakning blivit mer instabila och vid störning kan utlösa skred. Effekten av klimatföRivers and streams in Western Sweden are exposed to constant erosion when surface water from lakes and land discharge into the sea. The geological composition of the rivers under the highest coastline consists of glacial and postglacial fine-grained sediments deposited in marine environments. The leakage of the sensitive clay layers has become more unstable after leaching and, in the event of a di

Från ord till handling i miljömålsarbetet : Utmaningar och möjligheter för mindre kommuner vid utformning och implementering av miljömålsprogram

Från ord till handling i miljömålsarbetet – Utmaningar och möjligheter för mindre kommuner Klimatet är vår tids stora ödesfråga och en hållbar utveckling av samhället är ett måste för att hantera den. För att en sådan omställning ska bli så effektiv som möjligt måste aktörer på alla nivåer av samhället bidra. Det här arbetet handlar om hinder som måste övervinnas på den kommunala nivån. StändigaIn Sweden, environmental policy is carried out through a system of environmental objectives adopted by Parliament in 1999. Although not without its’ shortcomings, this system provides a solid ground for increased efficiency and improved prioritisation in environmental policy. This master's thesis examines which challenges face smaller (in terms of population) municipalities when designing and

Kriminalitetens påverkan på huspriser i Sverige

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how different types of crime impact housing prices in Swedish municipalities. The thesis includes regression analyses of various types of crime’s relation to house prices. In addition, a difference-in-difference analysis of a joint action plan between municipalities and state authorities in Norrbotten County to counter organized crime is made, in order to i

Analyzing GHG Emissions Reduction Effects and Potentials of Fossil Fuels Subsidies Reform Policy in Iran

Fossil fuels subsidies are intervention policies by governments to keep energy prices lower than the market price which leads to an increase in energy consumptions and GHG emissions. Iran provides the largest amount of fossil fuels consumption subsidies in the world, but it implemented the Targeted Subsidies Act to reform its subsidies and increase energy carriers’ end-user prices. This thesis inv