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Från integration till motivation

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Från integration till motivation Seminariedatum: 2021 - 01 - 15 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Max Ekholm Stenberg, Tesa Manxhuka och Jenny Wang Handledare: Roland Paulsen Fem nyckelord: Motivation, integration, välmående, utländska akademiker, mångfald Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att få Abstract Title: From integration to motivation Seminar date: 2021 - 01 - 15 Course: FEKH49, Business Administration: Bachelor’s degree Project in Organization Undergraduate, 15 credits Authors: Max Ekholm Stenberg, Tesa Manxhuka och Jenny Wang Advisor: Roland Paulsen Keywords: Motivation, integration, well-being, foreign academics, diversity Purpose: The purpose of this study is to get a dee

Optimering av vattenförbrukning - En studie på Perstorp AB

Produktionen av kemikalier på Perstorp AB genererar kontaminerat avloppsvatten som renas i industriparkens egna avloppsreningsverk innan de kan återanvändas till processen igen. Industriparken i Perstorp har villkor från avloppsreningsverket på hur mycket vatten som fabrikerna får släppa ut till avloppsreningsverket. Det finns fortfarande kapacitet kvar innan villkoret uppnås, men marginalerna serThe production of chemicals at Perstorp AB generates contaminated wastewater that is treated in the industrial park’s own sewage treatment plant before it can be reused in the process again. The industrial park has conditions from the sewage treatment plant on how much water the factories may discharge. There is capacity left before the condition is reached, but the margins look to decrease in the

Unemployed individuals` preferences towards social investment policies. A case study of unemployed people`s preferences between labor market trainings and unemployment cash benefits in Sweden.

This master`s thesis designed to understand the social policy preferences of unemployed people from human capital investment perspectives. The aim of the research is to explain social policy preferences by referring to human capital theory to understand unemployed people`s preferences between unemployment cash benefits and labor market trainings. The research takes upskilling, earnings, together w

Unlocking Fossil Fuel Dependency in the European Union: Studying the Failures of Removing Fossil Fuel Subsidies in the European Union and Possible Pathways Forward.

Despite the well-known threat that the use of fossil fuels poses to the climate many countries continue to provide large subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. The EU has declared that its member states should phase-out fossil fuel subsidies, but progress has been lacking and subsidies for fossil fuels in the EU remain large. This paper aims to understand which factors explain the persistence of s

The road to a minimum winning coalition?: A study of coalition building during the negotiations of the Mobility Package

The European road transport sector is an integral part of the European Single Market. Since the Central- and Eastern enlargements the sector has grown and today more than 45% of all haulage in the EU is performed by truck. With that backdrop, the Commission in 2017 proposed the Mobility Package to regulate the social and safety aspects of the sector. This thesis assesses the becoming of the Mobili

Vem har makten över politiken

This thesis will study the political power of the organisations that give their views on political proposals and if this power has changed with the “january-agreement” between the swedish government and the center and liberal parties. This system, where the government sends out proposals to the public, authorities and organizations has been in place in Sweden for a long time. With the introduction

Finska Försvarsmakten från nedskärning till uppbyggnad Hur har detta påverkat finska marinen?

This bachelor's thesis analyses the transformation of the Finnish Armed Forces between 2004 and 2017. The aim is to answer the question of what the changes have been like and in what way these changes have affected the Finnish Navy. In the long run, could the changes affect the Swedish-Finnish defence cooperation? The thesis is mainly based on the four defence policy reports published during t

When Symbols Strike : The role of symbols and visual media for online activism, networks, and connection in the Women’s Strike in Poland

The case study in focus for this research is the Women’s Strike in Poland movement during its articulation in late 2020. This movement was organized to campaign for reproductive rights and women’s rights in Poland after a restrictive abortion law was proposed in 2016, put into motion in 2020, and passed in 2021. This is an example of a contemporary movement supporting body autonomy and gender equa

Access vs. Learning: Kenyan Teachers’ Experiences in Free Primary Education Implementation

Despite advancements world-over in access to basic education, hundreds of millions of children cannot read simple texts nor solve simple math problems, whether or not they have been to school. While there is evidence signalling the significant role of teachers in education outcomes, they are often seen as contributing to the learning crisis. The purpose of this thesis was to explore the perception

The Push from Below : Contested Narratives by Bangladeshi Fans towards Influencers on YouTube in Bangladesh

The purpose of my research is to investigate the contestation of narratives formed by Bangladeshi fans towards online influencers on YouTube. The evolution of digital technology and the usage of social media platforms (Facebook, YouTuber, Instagram, etc.) is competing with traditional media. It has given power to ordinary people and led to the rise of micro-celebrities. Microcelebrities are gainin

Under the shade of rumour refutation : a critical analysis of #PoliceRefuteRumour campaign on Chinese social media

Rumour refutation is a series of campaigns that the Chinese authorities invest in combating 'the overflow' of network rumours, especially since 2017. These campaigns reflect the Chinese's knowledge of rumour as false and harmful. Among which #PoliceRefuteRumours on social media platform Weibo is one of the most typical forms conducted most explicitly and exposed problematically. Throug

Bakom missbruket och den psykiska ohälsan finns det också en människa : Om yrkesverksammas upplevelser av samsjuklighet i den svenska tvångsvården

Samsjuklighet av missbruk och psykisk ohälsa är ett komplext problem som enligt social forskning ofta är förankrade med varandra. Det är en aktuell problematik som föreligger i flera länder. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur de yrkesverksamma inom socialtjänsten och hälso- och sjukvården upplever att samverkan och samsjuklighet tar sig uttryck mellan de båda instanserna. Metoden Comorbidity of addiction and mental illness is a complex problem that according to social research often is linked to each other. This is a current problem that exists in several countries. The purpose of this study has been to investigate how the professionals in the social services and health care experience that collaboration and comorbidity are expressed between the two instances. The chosen m

“Looking for the trees in the forest“ An attempt to finding the best segmentation-based methodology to discriminate deciduous trees in the Dubbarp area, Sweden

Finding a solution to automatically identify tree crowns in has been a well discussed topic in the academic community. Different ideas have been put to practice, with researches mainly targeting coniferous forests. In a global context, papers concerning deciduous trees are rare and their results differ in relation to their respective study zone. Segmentation-based methodologies are a newcomer in t

Rätten till arbete - arbetsgivarens ansvar att motverka diskriminering av personer med funktionsnedsättning

För en person med funktionsnedsättning kan det finnas hinder som innebär att rätten till delaktighet i arbetslivet på lika villkor som andra begränsas. Denna utredning syftar till att med den rättsdogmatiska metoden utreda vad som innefattas i arbetsgivarens ansvar att motverka diskriminering och främja personer med funktionsnedsättnings rätt till deltagande i arbetslivet. I såväl internationell sFor a person with a disability there may be obstacles which imply that the right to participate in working life on equal terms as others is limited. The purpose of this essay is to, with the dogmatic method, examine the meaning of the employer's responsibility to counteract discrimination and support people with disabilities' right to participate in working life. As well in international a

Yttrandefrihet inom ramen för lojalitetsplikt - Arbetstagarens rätt att använda sociala medier

Internet och sociala medier blir mer och mer integrerat i vårt samhälle och dagliga liv. Det är en stor plattform där individer snabbt kan uttrycka sina känslor och tankar. Denna arbetsrättsliga uppsats undersöker betydelsen av internet och sociala mediers framväxt kopplat till arbetslivet. Vad en arbetstagare får göra och inte på sociala medier och hur en arbetsgivare får begränsa detta. ArbetstSocial media is getting more and more integrated in our society and our daily life. It is a big platforme where individuals easily can express their feelings and thoughts. This essay aims to examine the social media's importance connected to the labour market. The essay will examine what an employee is allowed to do on social media and how the employer can control what their employee does. Em

Tucker Carlson Tonight och Hannity som meningsskapande ritualer för det konservativa samhället i USA

Tucker Carlson Tonight och Hannity är två konservativa, republikanskt vinklade, nyhetsprogram på den amerikanska nyhetskanalen Fox News (Grynbaum, 2020). Under sommaren år 2020 hade de två programmen flest tittarsiffror av alla amerikanska program på kabelkanaler i USA. Detta, trots att de stödjer ett republikanskt parti som enligt V-deminstitutets demokratiindex under flera år brutit mot ett fler

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The aim for this study was to examine what expectations parents have on the collaboration with their children’s public school in socio-economically disadvantaged areas in Landskrona and how they experience this collaboration. The aim was also to examine if the collaboration gets influenced by their position in the social class system. Using a phenomenological perspective, the study was based on 12

Adoptivfamiljen i policydokument : skiftande ideal över tid

The adoptive family in policy documents – changing ideals over time The purpose of this study was to examine the construction of the adoptive family. More specific, the aim was to explore, how the adoptive family are constructed in policy documents and what consequences are described for the adoptive family as a special family type. The theoretical framwork for this study was based on a social co

Är gräset grönare på andra sidan? En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur debattartiklar framställer konsekvenser av en legalisering av cannabis

The purpose of this study is to examine how debate articles in Swedish newspapers manufacture the consequences of legalizing cannabis, in two different time periods, 2005 to 2010 and 2015 to 2020. The study is based on a qualitative content analysis of 59 debate articles from five different Swedish newspapers. 26 debate articles represented the first period and 33 debate articles represented the l

Arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsskyldighet vid alkoholmissbruk jämfört med medicinskt missbruk - När finner vi grund för uppsägning på grund av sjukdom

I denna komparativa uppsatsen analyseras ifall det finns skillnader på en arbetsgivares rehabiliteringsansvar hos arbetstagare som har alkoholmissbruk jämfört med arbetstagare som har medicinskt missbruk. Här kommer uppsatsen in på ett flertal övervägningar mellan bland annat uppsägning och avsked. För att sedan gå igenom några aktuella rättsfall för att tydliggöra om det finns någon skillnad i arThis comparative essay analyzes if there are differences in an employer's rehabilitation responsibility for an employee which has an alcohol abuse problem compared with an employee which has a medical abuse problem. The essay touches on several considerations between, among other things, termination and dismissal. The essay then goes through some current legal cases to clarify whether there is