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Few-body Krein's formula
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Genetic variation and population differentiation in the forest herb Lathyrus vernus (Fabaceae)
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vårärt (Lathyrus vernus) är en skogsväxt som tillhör familjen ärtväxter (Fabaceae). Den förekommer hos oss i södra och mellersta Sverige och har sin nordligaste utbredning vid Höga kusten, där den förekommer i geografiskt isolerade populationer på sydsluttningar med gynnsamt klimat. I övrigt har vårärten sitt utbredningscentrum i centrala och östra Europa. Med denna avhIn the present thesis, I investigated patterns of genetic variation in the forest herb Lathyrus vernus (Fabaceae), using plant material from different-sized populations representing three geographically separated regions: central Europe, southern and central Sweden. My studies included presumably neutral or weakly selected characters (allozymes and leaflet shape) as well as characters that should
Explicating Ignorance and Doubt : A Possible Worlds Approach
Thermodynamics and Structure of Plate-Like Particle Dispersions
Popular Abstract in English Most people see chemistry as an abstract and complicated subject because it deals with species that can not be seen with bare eyes. But if one think about it, chemistry is everywhere! Chemical processes happen all around you and inside you everyday : there is chemistry in the human body where proteins play a great role, in shampoo bottles, the toothpaste, in the cement A considerable amount of mineral particles are found to have a plate-like shape. The work in this thesis concerns theoretical investigations, using Monte Carlo method, of the properties of such particles in aqueous solutions. The objectives were first to create a model that could capture the essential physics of clay suspensions and also to understand the role of thermodynamics in certain chemical
Respiratory tract mucins: structure and expression patterns
Goblet cells produce mainly MUC5AC, but also MUC5B and some MUC2 in apparently 'irritated' airways. MUC513 dominates in the submucosal glands although a little MUC5AC and MUC7 are usually present. MUC4 originates from the ciliated cells. After separation into a gel and a sol phase, lysozyme and lactoferrin are enriched in the salivary gel phase suggesting that mucus may act as a matrix for 'protec
FRIVA - risk, sårbarhet och förmåga. Samverkan inom krishantering
SOS – En segelsällskapsresa (1988)
Frösö behandlingshem
Utveckling av några typer av scintillationsspektrometrar jämte tillämpningar
[abstract missing]
Gendering Investigative Journalism: Norms and Practices Inside and Outside of the Newsroom
CERN - mellanstatligt organ för kärnforskning - fyller 20 år - bygger ny super-accelerator
Rapid prototyping of interface and control software for an intelligent toilet
A slow time constant in the neurophysiology of language processing
Abstract is not available
Class conflicts and planning. A case study of contemporary development at King's Cross in London.
Nanomechanical Studies and Applications of Cantilever Sensors
Different aspects of cantilevers to be used as sensors have been studied. Silicon cantilevers have been fabricated and integrated on CMOS chips using low-energy electron beam lithography in order to reduce the irradiation damage to the circuits. The released and integrated cantilevers have been tested and used as mass sensors in air. The resonance frequency of the cantilever was measured before an