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As a result of the current climate crisis, which reflects people's unsustainable consumer behaviour, there is an increased need for companies to apply sustainability strategies. One of the responses to the crisis is the increasing number of packaging-free grocery stores that have opened across Europe. These new stores have the intent of reducing waste by using, for instance, Circular Economy s

Smart Contracts, Insurtechs and the Future of Insurance

The insurance industry is notoriously conservative and has seen comparably few technological improvements in the last fifty years. A wave of new technology- driven insurance firms, or insurtechs, is changing that. By leveraging new technology and offering more customer-centric and innovative products, these firms have captured shares in many insurance markets. One technology — yet to be broadly a

En studie om IPOs och hur uppmärksamhet påverkar aktiekursen och dess prisutveckling

Börsintroduktioner sker årligen vilka uppmärksammas i media i olika utsträckningar. Dessa medievågor mäts av ett så kallat Search Volume Index vilket vi använt oss av för att se hur aktiekursen och avkastningarna påverkats av uppmärksamheten bolagen får vid börsintroduktion. Prisutvecklingen baseras också på om aktien är under- eller överprissatt vilket också undersöks i studien. Indexet har sats

The Adaptation of Communication Professional Roles to Organizational Complexity During Change Situations

Scholars discuss about the importance of processes of communication in which all stakeholders actively participate influencing the constitution and development of change and organizations. However, communication professionals struggle to em-brace these assumptions and modify their roles and practices in these complex set-tings. This study aims to understand how practitioners adapt their roles in t

Infästning av celler på bomullstopsar och hur frisättningen av DNA kan underlättas

A great number of cotton swabs from crime scenes are sent to the Swedish National Forensic Center each year for analyzation of DNA. Many of the swabs contain small amounts of cells and therefore it’s important to optimize the sampling of cells and the extraction of DNA. This would make more samples useful for DNA profiling and possibly be used as evidence. Today, a large amount of cotton, to wher

Säkerhetshotet större än EU-åtagandet? Polens agerande i migrationskrisen 2015

In September 2015, in the aftermath of the European refugee crisis, the European Union made a decision regarding a relocation program to move refugees from Italy and Greece to other member states. Poland voted in favor of the decision, but then didn’t follow through their obligations. The purpose of this paper is to study Poland's decision not to participate in the relocation program and to un

Development of a Bath Aid

This report describes the development of a bathtub aid, called the tub insert. The report is a part of a master thesis and primarily focuses on the concept development of this tub insert, which is based on the front-end process presented by Ulrich and Eppinger. The development is conducted at a Swedish company within medical technology. The purpose of this report is to initiate the design process

Gas & Broms - Barriärer och Drivkrafter för biogas i godstransportsektorn

Biogas istället för diesel i lastbilarna - Varför inte? Det är bråttom att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser i samhället om vi ska kunna motverka klimatförändringarna och undvika de allvarliga konsekvenser som mänskligheten och ekosystem riskerar att drabbas av. En stor utmaning i Sverige är att byta ut dieseln i alla lastbilar som rullar på våra vägar. Kanske kan biogas vara den klimatsmarta lösnIn order to counteract the ongoing climate change, fossil fuels must be replaced with renewable alternatives in all sectors of society. The transport system is one of Sweden’s most important fossil dependent branches to redirect in this regard. Research suggests that biogas is a renewable alternative that in comparison with other biofuels seem to have a substantial potential and environmental adva

Missnöjesrörelser i den svenska välfärdsstaten : En studie av "Försäkringskassanupproret!"

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine posts in the facebook group“Försäkringskassanupproret!” and it’s discontent with the Swedish Social Insurance Agencyas a part in a larger critique of the welfare state and its institutions. To do this we developed atheoretical framework out of the literature surrounding grievance and framing through whichwe analyzed our research material. The mater

The dung beetle wind compass: a structural and behavioural study

Vind, sol och en hel del dynga Innan den sydafrikanska dyngbaggen Kheper lamarcki kan kasta sig över sin gourmetmåltid måste den ta sig bort från dynghögen och den hastigt ökande konkurrensen. Det mest effektiva sättet att åstadkomma detta på är att backa i en rak linje. Hur lyckas man med detta om man är en dyngbagge? Studier har visat att dessa baggar har förmågan att utnyttja himlavalvets olikOnce the South African dung beetle Kheper lamarcki has constructed its ball of dung, it strives to escape the competition at the dung pile and locate soft ground to dig down. The most efficient way to do this is to move away along a straight path. One way to achieve this is by using celestial cues as orientation references. However, when these cues fail to provide sufficient directional informatio

The Role of Social Influence in Tourists’ Environmentally Friendly Decision-Making

Purpose: This study aims to explore the phenomenon of social influence in driving environmentally friendly tourist behaviors. Methodology: To obtain deep and diverse insights about the phenomenon, 20 semi-structured interviews were conducted with respondents representing 13 nationalities. Results: This study revealed that contemporary tourists obtain two conflicting messages from their social en

Sexuell hälsa hos individer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning - arbetsterapeuters arbete inom daglig verksamhet och vuxenhabilitering.

Studier visar på att det finns bristfällig forskning om arbetsterapeuters arbete med sexuell hälsa. Syftet: Att undersöka arbetsterapeuters arbete med sexuell hälsa hos individer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning inom daglig verksamhet och vuxenhabilitering. Metod: Kvantitativ enkätstudie där 30 stycken arbetsterapeuter rekryterades via icke-slumpmässigt bekvämlighetsurval och snöbollsurval. Studies show that there is insufficient research on occupational therapists (OT) work on sexual health. Purpose: Investigate OT’s work on sexual health with individuals with intellectual disabilities in day-centres and adult habilitation. Method: A quantitative survey study where 30 OT’s were recruited via nonrandom convenience selection and snowball selection. Quantitative data were analyzed with

Structural Change Deconstructed: A Centre-Periphery Divide in Europe

After more than a decade since the outbreak of the financial crisis, overall economic growth in the Eurozone is still disappointing. An increasing group of economists attributes the inadequate economic performance to large and deeply engrained differences between the productive structures of the Northern and Southern Eurozone. To find out whether there is reason to believe this, we apply the Econo

Using scenarios to balance future requirements and capability development

Title: Using scenarios to balance future requirements and capability development Author: Erik Jacobsson Division: Production Management Supervisors: Bertil Nilsson at the Technical Faculty of Lund University, Innovation Advisor at the case company Keywords: Scenarios, Corporate development, Energy Sector, Capabilities, Technology Background: The speed of change in the world is ever increasing

En kvalitativ undersökning av högskolestudenters smartphoneanvändning

Den här uppsatsens syfte har varit att förstå hur studenters smartphone inkorporeras i deras vardag med fokus på fritid och studieliv. Vi har utfört djupintervjuer med fem studenter i åldrarna 21-26 för att förstå vilken roll smartphonen har i deras liv och hur den används. Tidigare forskning visar exempel på hur beroende en person kan bli av sin smartphone för att få ihop sitt vardagsliv. Den vis

Multiple Knowledges and Participation in Planning: A Case Study of the Amiralsstaden Process

Urban inequalities are one of the most important questions in contemporary times. One urban area that is struggling with inequalities is Malmö, the third largest city in Sweden. The new comprehensive plan for Malmö from 2018, states that a socially balanced city is necessary for further development of Malmö, to tackle inequalities the plan states that all citizens need to be able to shape society

New approach to investigate the relationships between Denisovan and human populations

The relationship between ancient hominins and modern humans, from a new perspective Many questions followed the discovery and identification of the Neanderthal from the fossil record in 1856 as to its place in the hominin tree and its relationship with modern humans. Was it a direct ancestor? A remote cousin? Or did it mix with humans? Once reliable nuclear DNA data became available in 2010, the

Vattenpolitik, vattenkraft och miljöhänsyn

Vattenkraft tillsammans med kärnkraft är dominerade energikällor i Sverige. Vattenkraften är till skillnad från kärnkraften en förnybar energikälla. Vattenkraften är vidare ett klimatvänligt energislag eftersom det inte orsakar koldioxidutsläpp under drift. Dessutom har vattenkraften unika förmågor som regler- och lagringskraft, vilket innebär en stor trygghet för Sveriges energisystem och samhällSweden has received criticism for insufficient implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The quality of Swedish water does not meet the conditions according to the EU. Hydropower is a climate friendly and important energy source, helping Sweden to reach the goals in energy policy. Nevertheless, hydropower causes environmental footprint in different ways. In order to implement

Förändring av det digitala kommunikationslandskapet: En kvalitativ studie om anställdas påverkan på införandet av en ny kommunikationsplattform

Denna kvalitativa studie syftar till att undersöka hur anställdas förståelse och agerande kan komma att påverka mottagandet av en ny kommunikationsplattform i en organisation. Studien utförs genom att med hjälp av akademisk litteratur identifiera svårigheter och aspekter som en anställd kan ställas inför vid övergången mellan kommunikationsplattformar. Vi har sedan använt dessa teorier och ställt