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Ett levande monument - Verkstad för textilt handarbete i Santiago, Chile

This project aims to propose an alternative memory architecture that allows space for a society to process and heal after having experienced collective trauma. The project site and setting is my mother’s home country Chile where the military coup in 1973 and the following dictatorship is still a source of grief and conflict. The point of departure for the project is the concept of architecture

Is Politics Downstream from Personality? The Five Factor Model’s Effect on Political Orientation in Sweden

Differences in political orientation are partly rooted in personality, with left-wing political attitudes being predicted by Openness to Experience and right-wing attitudes by Conscientiousness. This has been validated across numerous studies from different countries. This essay adds to that body of research by examining whether personality differences between the political sides also exist in the

Att utnyttja det uttalade och locka fram det outtalade

Att skapa ett hem innebär inte bara faktorn att bygga ett hus med fyra väggar och tak. Det innefattar att skapa en trygg punkt där människor ska kunna trivas. Det innebär att det finns en rad olika krav och behov som behöver motsvara kundens önskemål för att skapa värde. Inte minst eftersom det är en stor och dyr process som vanligtvis bara sker en eller ett fåtal gånger i livet. Denna studie inne

Developing microscopy methods for evaluating bio-processed Brewers Spent Grain (BSG)

Spent grain (BSG) is the solid residue obtained during brewing containing leftover malt and adjuncts. Though nutrient-dense, it is found to negatively impact texture and colour when used its raw form as an ingredient in food. Bio-processing presents an interesting method to alter the structure of BSG, rendering it a possible novel food ingredient to increase the nutrient capacity of products along

”Vi har en tendens att säga att man får nästan skylla sig själv”: Hemtjänstens syn på sin roll i relation till äldres missbruk

The aim of this study was to investigate professionals’ views on their responsibility in elderly care, regarding substance abuse who have the home care services’ and what they perceive as solutions. Particular focus was on how professionals in the elderly care highlights their boundaries in relation to older addicts. The study was based on six semi-structured interviews with care professionals in

Vuxnas bemästring av sin livssituation vid inflammatorisk reumatisk sjukdom

Bakgrund: Andel som insjuknar i reumatiska sjukdomar är stor. Sjukdomarna innefattas av symtom som inte alltid ses på utsidan, vilket kan bidra till missuppfattningar. På grund av sjukdomarnas komplexitet samt att dessa ofta betecknas som kroniska sjukdomar, kan det innebära en påverkan på livskvalitén. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa hur vuxna med IRS bemästrar sin livssituation. Metod: En icke-s

What About the People, Though?

In a developmental context, income inequality has so far been investigated primarily from the angle of its relationship with economic growth. This paper contributes to the limited but growing body of empirical literature examining the interplay between income inequality and human development, here perceived through the capabilities approach. Fixed effects models do not suggest the existence of a w

Hur aktiviteter i hemmet upplevs av kvinnor som lever med endometrios - En intervjustudie om vad som upplevs underlätta och försvåra utförandet av aktiviteter i hemmet

Bakgrund: Tio procent av kvinnorna i Sverige lever med endometrios som kan leda till svåra smärtor och påverkad livskvalitet. Syfte: Att undersöka hur aktiviteter i hemmet upplevs av kvinnor som lever med endometrios. Metod: Nio kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med kvinnor som lever med endometrios. Datan analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det övergripande temat var; utfBackground: Ten percent of women in Sweden are living with endometriosis, which can lead to severe pain and affect life quality. Aim: How activities in the home are experienced by women living with endometriosis. Method: Nine qualitative interviews were conducted with women living with endometriosis. Data was analyzed through qualitative content analysis. Results: The overall theme was; The per

Rebuilding Senses

Built environments, that include urban spaces, landscapes, and buildings, shape human lives profoundly. According to numerous scientific studies, disciplines such as biology, psychology, cognitive neuroscience and phenomenology steadily yield evidence of that the environments we create can alter our minds and our capacity for thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. This is a subject of growing importa

Submesoscale variations in sea surface temperature and salinity - a comparison between satellite data and in situ measurements from a mobile platform

Sea surface temperature and salinity are important variables for understanding many ocean and climate processes. They can be measured both by in situ sensors and satellite remote sensing, each method with its own advantages and disadvantages. Satellite data provides unmatched spatial and temporal coverage on a global scale, but is limited by its spatial resolution which cannot always resolve varia

Kunskap och inställning kring smärta och smärtlindring hos sjuksköterskor på akutmottagning

Bakgrund: Majoriteten av patienter på en akutmottagning upplever smärta. Långa väntetider påverkar tiden till smärtlindring. Tidigare forskning har påvisat brister i sjuksköterskors kunskap och inställning till smärta och smärtlindring, men har inte studerats i svensk akutkontext. Syfte: Genom enkäten Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (KASRP) undersöktes kunskap och inställning kring

Quantification of I-131 Activity from Gamma Camera Images of Thyroid Cancer Patients

Jod är ett grundämne som är livsnödvändigt för människan. Det finns att hitta i bland annat fisk, skaldjur ägg och mejeriprodukter. Många av oss har även jodberikat salt på middagsbordet. En del av det jod vi får i oss via kosten kommer att ansamlas i sköldkörteln - ett organ som sitter under struphuvudet, på halsens nedre del. Sköldkörteln har i uppgift att producera hormoner. Dessa hormoner utsöBACKGROUND: Radioiodine (131I) has been used in thyroid cancer treatments for many years, and has demonstrated good results with regards to disease management. Radioiodine therapy is however partially empirical, as not very much is known concerning radiation dosimetry. At Skåne University Hospital, the number of treatments has been growing steadily over the past couple of years, resulting in an in

Vad är viktigast, ditt namn eller dina meriter? Undersökning av etnisk diskriminering i restaurangbranschen på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och mäta förekomsten av diskriminering av personer med utländsk bakgrund på Malmös arbetsmarknad, specifikt restaurangbranschen. Uppsatsen belyser även diskrimineringen som de arbetssökande i sådana situationer utsätts för. Undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av metoden Correspondence testing där två fiktiva personer, en med svenskt namn och den andra med u

Noviser inom socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om nyutexaminerade socionomers första tid inom socialtjänsten

The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of newly educated social workers having spent their first time working in the Swedish social services. The method chosen for this study was qualitative. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five professional social workers, who had spent three to nine months working with social assistance in Malmö Stad. When analysing the results, Mich

The Stagnation in The Reduction of Germany’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The Energiewende is seen as the infrastructure project of the century. An energy transition that effects every sector in German society. While the expansion of renewable energy source technologies, such as solar photovoltaics and wind turbines has been rapid in Germany the country will miss both its national greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction target and the lower target set by the EU. Using t

Debt sustainability in countries participating in the Belt Road Initiative: Which countries face the risk of sovereign default?

The event of the Hambantota port, Sri Lanka’s major port, raised concerns about the Belt Road Initiative. The Sri Lankan government had to hand over the country’s most important port to the Chinese government due to the inability to pay back its loans owed to China. Similar cases have been noticed in other participating countries of the Belt Road Initiative. However, the Chinese government does no

Robotic Process Automation as an administrative aid: The utilization of RPA to manage supporting business processes for self-employed craftsmen

Technological advancements continue to drive changes in our modern society. To keep up with these changes, it is of utter importance to stay competitive, whilst remaining flexible enough to be prepared for future changes. A sector which has struggled in this aspect, traditionally, is self-employed craftsmen - individuals who run a business based upon an aptitude for their trade. This study focuses

Could System-Focused Incident Review in Healthcare Bridge The Gap Between The "Work-As-Imagined" and The "Work-As-Done"?

World Healthcare Organization identifies patient Safety as a global public health concern. Despite concerted efforts made to improve the healthcare system, incidents continues to happen at same rate (Braithwaite, Wears, & Hollnagel, 2015). The most contemporary approaches to safety such as System thinking, and Safety II remain underutilized in healthcare where learning from incidents is mainly

Environmental performance of kitchens – A case study of a Ballingslöv kitchen from a life cycle perspective

Kök är en grundläggande del av inredning i byggnader. Ett ökat fokus på hållbarhet i byggbranschen medför att det finns ett intresse att undersöka köks miljöprestanda. Genom att använda livscykelanalys (LCA) som verktyg undersöks tre olika bänkskivor (komposit, massivträ och laminat), en lucka, en stomme och även ett helt standardkök. En litteraturstudie om kundbeteende samt trender och drivkrafteKitchens are an essential part of the interior design in buildings. With the increased focus on sustainability in the building industry it is therefore of interest to investigate the environmental performance of kitchens. By using life cycle assessment (LCA) as a tool three different tabletops (composite, solid wood and laminate), a door, a frame as well as the entire standard kitchen are investig