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“Hope is passion for what is possible”: A Case Study of the Development Program with a Territorial-based Focus (DPTF) in Tolima, Colombia

This study is a qualitative case analysis based on fieldwork and multiple semi-structured interviews in Tolima, Colombia. It investigates the community level of the Development Program with a Territorial-based Focus (DPTF) in the south of the department. The program is a result of the peace agreement that was signed between the Colombian government and the guerrilla group the Revolutionary Armed F

Investigating result quality indicators in industry foundation classes to city geography markup language conversion

Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) models from the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) -industries can contain information on building life-cycle entities. Urban planning and related domains are interested in data conversions between IFC and City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) because of this. However, the maintenance and versioning of CityGML life-cycle building data poses a s

Deep Learning techniques for classification of data with missing values

Two deep learning techniques for classification on corrupt data are investigated and compared by performance. A simple imputation before classification is compared to imputation using a Variational Autoencoder (VAE). Both single and multiple imputation using the VAE are considered and compared in classification performance for different types and levels of corruption, and for different sample size

Det praktiska förnuftet

Uppsatsen behandlar det praktiska förnuftets första principer enligt St. Thomas rättsfilosofiska teori. Den tar sin utgångspunkt i två nutida författares tolkningar av denna och jämför dessa bådas tolkningar av St. Thomas originaltexter. De båda författarna är Jean Porter respektive Germain Grisez. Uppsatsen finner att de främst är eniga, men punkter där de tycker olika hittas också. Uppsatsen böThis paper covers the subject of the first principle of practical reason in the legal and moral theory of St. Thomas of Aquinas. It takes its starting point from the two Contemporary authors Jean Porter and Germain Grisez. It compares these two authors view of the operations and function of the practicla reason in the theory of St. Thomas. It focuses on similarities and differencis between the two

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The present study examines in a quantitative manner the relationship between the attitudes toward gender equality and those toward gender-inclusive language. It also studies how a text written with gender-inclusive language is evaluated and observes what factors can act thereupon. The influence of gender, linguistic area and an argumentation promoting this kind of language on attitudes and on the

Embarking upon circular construction

The building industry consumes approximately 40 per cent of materials entering the global economy while facing significant challenges related to unsustainable consumption of natural resources and greenhouse gas emissions. The concept of the circular economy is gaining momentum as a solution which addresses these issues while generating economic benefits. To transition towards a circular economy, s

Changing the current fashion system: Paving the way towards a sustainable production and consumption of clothing in Spain

The fashion industry has always been a synonym of new trends, creativity, design and a form of expression and individuality. Notwithstanding, the impact on the environment and the development of societies derived from the production and consumption of fashion has been underestimated. The current system is extremely polluting and wasteful, and it is closely related to poverty, gender issues and exp

Visitationszoner – den svenska modellen – En studie av kroppsvisitation i brottsförebyggande syfte och visitationszoner i relation till skyddet för privatlivet i artikel 8 EKMR

Den utbredda gängkriminaliteten och bruket av vapen eller andra farliga föremål på offentliga platser är ständigt närvarande i den politiska debatten i Sverige. Frågor rörande vilka medel och befogenheter polisen har och bör ha återkommer frekvent och i diskussionen framkommer ofta referenser till Danmark och systemet med visitationszoner som där finns. En liknande, men inte identisk, lagstiftningThe widespread gang violence and the use of weapons in public spaces are often focal points in Swedish political debate. Questions regarding which means and authorities the police have and should have are raised frequently and references to Denmark and their system with ‘stop and search’ zones are often mentioned in the discussions. A similar, but not identical, legislation to the one in Denmark h

Expression of connexin 43 gap junctions and hemichannels following cerebral ischemia in near-term fetal sheep

Connexins are proteins that make up the gap junctions that directly link the intracellular spaces of neighboring cells. Each gap junction is formed by the joining up or docking of two hemichannels in the cell membranes. It has been proposed that the gap junctions themselves or opening of hemichannels to the extracellular space may allow the spread of cytotoxic signals after injury, leading to prog

Predicting Pro-environmental Behaviours with Locus of Control and Ecoanxiety

The climate crisis is not only affecting the physical world, but individuals’ mental health. The concept of ecoanxiety has reached major attention in the public discourse and more individuals report psychological consequences as a result of climate change. The call for action is urgent, but what are individuals doing to prevent further harm to the planet? Does the experience of ecoanxiety leave th

#metoo - now what? - En komparativ studie mellan svenska och amerikanska arbetsgivares ansvar vid sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet

I samband med att hashtagen #metoo blev viral världen över hösten 2017 uppmärksammades sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet under ett nytt ljus. Arbetstagarens skydd mot sexuella trakasserier ifrågasattes och frågor gällande arbetsgivarens skyldigheter väcktes. Detta ligger till grund för uppsatsens frågeställning huruvida dessa frågor behandlas och regleras i arbetsrättslig lagstiftning. I jämföreAs the hashtag #metoo went viral around the world in fall 2017, the issue of sexual harassment at work was shed a light on. The employee protection against sexual harassment was questioned in terms of employer liability regarding preventive and repressive measures. This matter is underlying the following question at issue: how sexual harassment and employer liability is regulated in employment law

Den upplevda brottsligheten - En kvantitativ studie om socionomstudenters inställning, utsatthet och oro för brott.

The aim was to research the social work students attitude towards crime, their worry of being subject to crime and their knowledge of crimes committed amongst their friends. The study was made to highlight the differences based on gender and the students location of study. Information was gathered through a quantitative method where surveys were answered by students at Lund university in Lund and

BankID-based Authentication for Phone Calls

Authentication for phone calls is important for companies with hundreds of customers wanting to access sensitive information. However, it is sub-par compared to authentication when using applications or websites. In this thesis, seven models have been developed for how to use BankID as the authentication service during phone calls. The purpose of all models is to use the BankID API to provide the

Karaktärsstyrkors relation till psykologiska och sociala arbetsplatsfaktorer samt dess association till könstillhörighet

Denna studie syftade till att undersöka relationen mellan positivt värderade egenskaper och psykologiska och sociala faktorer i det svenska arbetslivet, på ett urval av 43 unga vuxna i åldern 19-29, med tidsbegränsad anställning. Vidare undersöktes huruvida relationen mellan dessa variabler skiljde sig åt beroende på könstillhörighet. Med positiv psykologi som teoretisk utgångspunkt genomfördes eThis study aimed to investigate the relationship between positively valued character strengths and psychological and social workplace factors in Swedish working life, on a sample of 43 young adults aged 19-29, with fixed-term employment. Furthermore, the study explored whether the relationship between these variables differed between men and women. While using positive psychology as a theoretical

The Most Disturbing Definition: Are Extreme Cinema Films Part of One Big Genre?

In this essay I have looked at how the term extreme cinema should be categorized. Should it be categorized as a genre, a subgenre, an umbrella term or something else. To find this out I have divided the essay into three chapters, one long and two short. The first chapter is about how style and narrative affects the way extreme cinema is categorized. The second chapter looks at how reception and aw

Impact of environmental variables on tundra vegetation onset of flowering explained by survival modelling

Timing of phenological events are highly related to climate and is one of the first signs of ecosystem responses to the climate change. Timing of flowering phenology is an important trait influencing the distribution and fitness of plants species. Tundra ecosystems are particularly important to study these effects due to short growing seasons, poor pollinator community and a particularly pronounce

Evaluation of Recombinant Amelogenin as a Potential Biomaterial Coating

Amelogenin, a protein that takes part in enamel development, has some interesting physicochemical properties such as the formation of nanospherical aggregates. Furthermore, its derivatives have shown regenerative properties and have already been commercialized for that purpose. Therefore, it was of interest for this project to evaluate mammalian cell attachment and proliferation on engineered vari

An Unequal Partnership: Nyasaland and the Central African Federation, 1953-1963.

From 1953-1963 Nyasaland was a part of the Central African Federation, along with Northern and Southern Rhodesia. The establishment of the Federation was hugely unpopular in Nyasaland due to fears it would be dominated by the white settler community in Southern Rhodesia. Supporters of the Federation, in the UK and Southern Rhodesia, argued that Nyasaland would gain financially from inclusion in th

Thermo-oxidative degradation of gasket materials

Rubber materials, preferably referred to as elastomers, are used in a wide variety of engineering applications, thanks to their unique properties and characteristics. Fluid channels between the plates of Alfa Laval’s heat exchangers are sealed with different types of elastomers, called gaskets. Gaskets are exposed to both chemical, physical and mechanical stresses during their lifetime, affecting

Unravelling the timing and distribution of Paleoproterozoic dyke swarms in the eastern Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa

I denna uppsats presenterar jag kristallisationsåldrar, petrografi och geokemisk sammansättning för diabasgångar och en lagergång i östra och sydöstra Kaapvaal kratonen, Sydafrika. Dessa nya resultat ger mer exakta och pålitliga resultat än tidigare dateringar för diabaser tillhörande den s.k. Mashining gångsvärmen, vilka daterats till 2253 ± 45 and 2202 ± 74 Ma (Ma = miljoner år). De nya resultatIn this study, I present emplacement ages, petrography and the geochemical composition of doleritic dykes and one sill from the eastern and south-eastern area of the Kaapvaal Craton. These results refine the previous 2253 ± 45 and 2202 ± 74 Ma ages of the Mashining event to ca. 2168 Ma, and shows that this swarm is intermixed with the younger 1875-1835 Ma Black Hills dyke swarm. Geochemical data o