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Inter-religious Relations: Conflict and Community in the Historical Past and the Lived Present

Each session will equip students with an understanding of the historical roots and contemporary impacts of inter-religious relations between the three faiths. Students will learn about the core narratives at the heart of inter-religious discourses and will gain a new understanding of both the challenges facing inter-religious engagement as well as points of co-operation. Themes include gender and Each session will equip students with an understanding of the historical roots and contemporary impacts of inter-religious relations between the three faiths. Students will learn about the core narratives at the heart of inter-religious discourses and will gain a new understanding of both the challenges facing inter-religious engagement as well as points of co-operation. Themes include gender and

Governance and Conflict in the Middle East

I kursen ägnas särskild uppmärksamhet åt att studera konfliktens utveckling under 1900-talet ur ett inhemskt, regionalt såväl som internationellt perspektiv. Olika israeliska och palestinska rörelsers inverkan på konflikten kommer att studeras liksom det pågående engagemanget från regionala och internationella statliga och icke-statliga aktörer. Kursen avslutas med en analys av konflikten under 20In the course, particular attention is paid to studying the development of the conflict over the course of the 20th century from a domestic, regional as well as international perspective. The impact of various Israeli and Palestinian movements on the conflict will be studied as well as the ongoing involvement of regional and international state and non-state actors. The course concludes with an an

Grön ekonomi - att uppnå de globala målen

The aim of the course is to allow students to explore greening the economy and the sustainable development goals on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation, and look at the relationships between these levels. Practical examples of the complexities and solutions across each level are discussed. A particular focus is placed on examples from Scandinavia, but the course also features examThe aim of the course is to allow students to explore greening the economy and the sustainable development goals on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation, and look at the relationships between these levels. Practical examples of the complexities and solutions across each level are discussed. A particular focus is placed on examples from Scandinavia, but the course also features exam

The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire, although largely a product of warfare, lasted for half a millennium. In many ways it still survives, imbedded in present institutions, explicitly addressed in contemporary architecture and constantly reemerging in literature, cinema and most recently, in computer games. The present course primarily focuses how this big empire came into being and how come that it lasted for so lonThe Roman Empire, although largely a product of warfare, lasted for half a millennium. In many ways it still survives, imbedded in present institutions, explicitly addressed in contemporary architecture and constantly reemerging in literature, cinema and most recently, in computer games. The present course primarily focuses how this big empire came into being and how come that it lasted for so lon

Introduction to Scandinavian Culture and Society

This course introduces aspects related to Scandinavian culture and society, with a particular focus on the emergence of modern society - not least the welfare state. This is done by reading novels, watching movies, listening to music and discussing architecture, politics, health issues and the impact of democracy on societal changes.This course introduces aspects related to Scandinavian culture and society, with a particular focus on the emergence of modern society - not least the welfare state. This is done by reading novels, watching movies, listening to music and discussing architecture, politics, health issues and the impact of democracy on societal changes.

Swedish Art in a Scandinavian Context

A chronological outline is given of artistic expressions from the rock carvings of the Bronze Age to contemporary art and architecture. As part of the outline the gradual evolution of artist roles, the formation of an indigenous body of artists as well as related institutions, expressions of nationalism and international contacts are discussed. The chronological outline is combined with thematic sA chronological outline is given of artistic expressions from the rock carvings of the Bronze Age to contemporary art and architecture. As part of the outline the gradual evolution of artist roles, the formation of an indigenous body of artists as well as related institutions, expressions of nationalism and international contacts are discussed. The chronological outline is combined with thematic s

The Religious Impact of Migration in Sweden

In this course we will study the various religious communities in contemporary Sweden following from migration and its impact on Swedish society.In this course we will study the various religious communities in contemporary Sweden following from migration and its impact on Swedish society.

Barbarer och romare

Kursen studerar relationen mellan det romerska imperiet och kulturerna utanför dess gränser, med särskilt fokus på germaner och kelter under perioden 100 f.Kr. till 400 e.Kr. Vi diskuterar hur kulturmötet mellan det romerska imperiet och dess grannar yttrade sig materiellt och kulturellt, och problematiserar centrala begrepp såsom imperialism, civilisationssyn, etnicitet, social identitet, romanisThis course studies the relationship between the Roman Empire and other cultures, especially Germanic and Celtic tribes, outside the realm of the Empire during the period 100 B.C to 400 A.D. We discuss the how the meeting between Romans and their neighbours took place materially and culturally and problematize central concepts like imperialism, civilization, ethnicity, social identity, Romanizatio

One World, One Language

Kursen är en introduktion till de centrala frågorna i språkfilosofin sedda ur ett globalt, flerspråkigt perspektiv. Dessa frågor inbegriper vad det innebär för ett uttryck att vara meningsfullt; hur ord och satser förvärvar meningar; hur ord kan referera till saker i världen; vad förhållandet är mellan mening och referens; hur språket förhåller sig till tanken, och hur människans språk fThe course is an introduction to the central topics of the philosophy of language seen from a global, multi-lingual perspective. These topics include what it is for an expression to be meaningful; how words and sentences acquire meanings; how expressions can refer to things in the world; what the relation is between meaning and reference; how language relate to thought; and how human languages rel

The Emergence of European Culture

During prehistory Europe changed and developed in several ways, especially in connection with the introduction of new technological and social complexes. This course consist of a number of thematic lectures and seminars concerning different central questions in European prehistory. Among them we can find; the introduction of agriculture the emergence of metallurgy the emergence of complex During prehistory Europe changed and developed in several ways, especially in connection with the introduction of new technological and social complexes. This course consist of a number of thematic lectures and seminars concerning different central questions in European prehistory. Among them we find; the introduction of agriculture the emergence of metallurgy the emergence of complex soci

European Integration at a Crossroads: History, Identities and Values

The course covers the development of European integration after the Second World War with a special focus on questions concerning national and supranational identities and values. The aim is to study the EU's development from the time of the European Coal and Steel Community to the UK's withdrawal in 2020, partly chronologically, but also based on a present-day perspective.The course covers the development of European integration after the Second World War with a special focus on questions concerning national and supranational identities and values. The aim is to study the EU's development from the time of the European Coal and Steel Community to the UK's withdrawal in 2020, partly chronologically, but also based on a present-day perspective.

Samhällsgeografi: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen i utvecklingsstudier

I kursen förvärvar studenten en allmän förmåga att bedriva självständig forskning. Huvuduppgiften är att skriva en uppsats som ska diskuteras och granskas vid ett seminarium. Studenten förväntas även delta i framläggningsseminarierna och opponera på en uppsats inom området. I arbetet på uppsatsen handleds studenten av en eller flera handledare. Vid kursens början ges allmän information om skrivprOn a general level the student acquires skills and abilities for independent research. The primary task is to write a thesis which will be discussed and reviewed at a seminar. The student is also expected to participate in the thesis seminars as well as review and discuss another thesis in the field. The writing of the thesis is guided by one or more thesis supervisors. At the start of the course

Samhällsgeografi: Afrikas aktuella utvecklingsgeografi I

Kursen ger en introduktion till samtida geografiska perspektiv på utvecklingen i Afrika. Kursens ger vidare en orientering i den socioekonomiska mångfalden i Afrika, och i synnerhet den nuvarande situationen, samt belyser såväl problem som möjligheter på kontinenten. Kartläggningen behandlar frågor som har med geografi, historia, samhälle, politik och ekonomi att göra, men med nya metoder för att The course gives an introduction to the contemporary geographical perspectives on African development. The course gives an overview of the socio-economic diversity of Africa, putting special efforts on mapping the present situation and lifting up not only the concerns, but also the potentials, of the continent. This mapping will bring up geographical, historical, social, political, and economic is

Sustainable Services

Hur tjänsteproduktion och -konsumtion organiseras har enorma konsekvenser för det hållbara samhällets villkor. Den mängd energi, material och mänskliga resurser som tjänster kräver, utgör en av hållbarhetens största utmaningar. I den här kursen diskuteras förutsättningarna för ett hållbart tjänstesamhälle genom att hållbarhetsbegreppet definieras. Denna kunskap används därefter för att undersöka hServices have huge sustainability implications. The energy, materials and human resources required to deliver services are a serious challenge to achieving sustainability in the service sector. In this course students learn about the transformation to sustainable services by defining sustainability and using the examples of mobility and food to explore ways of bringing services in line with sustai

Kognitiv semiotik: Fenomenologi i teori och praktik

Kursen introducerar fenomenologisk filosofi som den systematiska studien av den levda mänskliga erfarenheten. Grundläggande begrepp som medvetande, intentionalitet, kroppen, intersubjektivitet, och livsvärld beskrivs och diskuteras. Metodologiska principer som fenomenologisk triangulering förklaras och exemplifieras. Dessa begrepp och principer tillämpas sedan på olika typer av empirisk forskning,The course introduces phenomenological philosophy as the systematic study of lived human experience. Basic concepts such as consciousness, intentionality, the body, intersubjectivity, and life world are described and discussed. Methodological principles such as phenomenological triangulation are explained and exemplified. These concepts and principles are then applied to different kinds of empiric

Samhällsgeografi: Afrikas aktuella utvecklingsgeografi II

The course starts with an overview of contemporary research on Africa.  Thereafter it introduces the diverse political landscape of Africa putting special focus on the present transformations the continent is going through. This will be done by emphasizing the problems as well as the opportunities that Africa is facing. The second part of the course offers deep insights on the present rural tThe course starts with an overview of contemporary research on Africa.  Thereafter it introduces the diverse political landscape of Africa putting special focus on the present transformations the continent is going through. This will be done by emphasizing the problems as well as the opportunities that Africa is facing. The second part of the course offers deep insights on the present rural t

Samhällsgeografi: Utvecklingslinjer inom samhällsgeografin

Kursen syftar till att ge fördjupade kunskaper inom något av forskningsområdena kulturgeografi eller ekonomisk geografi. Kursen baseras på litteraturstudier med stark teoretisk förankring, men också med kopplingar till aktuell samhällspraktik. kurslitteraturen utgörs dels av fast litteratur enligt lista och dels av egen vald litteratur. Fördjupningsstudierna kan utgöra en grund för examensarbetet For more information about the course, please visit our Swedish website at

Samhällsgeografi: Examensarbete för masterexamen

Målet med kursen är att träna studenten i att planera, avgränsa, genomföra, rapportera och kritiskt granska ett självständigt, skrivet examensarbete.The aim of the module is to train the students to plan, delimit, execute, report and critically review an independent, written dissertation.

Kognitiv semiotik: Mening, medvetande och kommunikation

I kursen introduceras kognitiv semiotik som ett närmande som kombinerar insikter hämtade från såväl semiotik som lingvistik och kognitionsvetenskap. Grundläggande begrepp som tecken, betydelse, kommunikation, medvetande, kultur, ikonicitet, indexikalitet, normativitet, livsvärld, evolution, utveckling, m.fl. exemplifieras med exempel framför allt från språk, bilder och kultur. Perspektivet i kurseThe course introduces cognitive semiotics as a field in which insights from semiotics, linguistics and cognitive science are brought together. Basic concepts such as signs, meaning, communication, mind, culture, iconicity, indexicality, normativity, life world, evolution, development etc. are exemplified by, above all, language, images and culture. The perspective of the course is based on compari

GIS för samhällsvetenskap - grundnivå

Några av de viktigaste teorierna om och praktiska tillämpningarna av GIS och GIS inom samhällsvetenskapen presenteras. Vidare behandlas några centrala debatter och utvecklingslinjer inom GIS. De praktiska momenten består av övningar i vanliga analysmetoder och verktyg för GIS i datormiljö. Under kursens gång blir studenterna uppmärksammade på potentialen hos GIS samt tillämpningar inom olika ämnesThe practically oriented course consists of exercises in a computer lab environment introducing common analytical methods and tools within GIS. During the course students will be made aware of some of the potential uses of GIS as well as its application within various fields of study. Course language is English.