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Samhällsgeografi: Fältarbete/praktik och forskningsöversikt

SGED07 ges inom ramen för Kandidatprogrammet i utvecklingsstudier. Kursen ges inte som fristående kurs. För mer information, se Lunds universitets internationella hemsida course aims at giving the students the experience of working in a development context. It also serves as a means of gathering material for the forthcoming Bachelor’s thesis. The course is divided into three 15-credits tracks, and the student has to choose one of these. Two tracks give the opportunity to do a field study or an internship within a development organisation, while the third track

Samhällsgeografi: Landskapsgeografi och politisk ekologi

Kursen ger kvalificerade insikter i landskapsgeografi och kombinerar aktivt insikterna med kritiska förhållningssätt till miljön, miljöproblem och lösningar inom området politisk ekologi. Genom att kombinera landskapsgeografi och politisk ekologi väver kursen samman ett antal viktiga frågor om miljöförändringar. Utifrån insikten att ojämna förändringsprocesser formar den samhälls- och kulturgeogrThe course offers advanced insights to landscape geography and actively combines this with critical ways of thinking about the environment, environmental problems and solutions within the field of political ecology. Landscape and political ecology thereby weaves together a number of critical issues concerning the ways in which the environment is transformed. Recognizing that uneven processes of c

Samhällsgeografi: Kritisk urbangeografi

I kursen undersöks sambanden mellan rum, plats, byggda miljöer, urbanitet och samhälle. Genom föreläsningar, seminarier, exkursioner och textläsning utforskas kritisk stadsteori. Kursens syfte är både att utveckla en övergripande förståelse för t ex historiska urbaniseringsprocesser och att ge insikter i samtida urbana aspekter, frågor, utmaningar och konflikter som uppmärksammats av forskare, plThis course examines interrelations between space, place, built environment, urbanity and society. Through lectures, seminars, excursions and readings, students will explore critical urban theory. The course seeks to advancing both comprehensive understandings of e.g. historical urbanization processes, as well as stimulating insight into contemporary urban dimensions, questions, challenges and co

Samhällsgeografi: GIS och forskningsmetodologi i fält

Kursen är inriktad på att introducera forskningsmetoder genom tillämpat fältarbete. I kursens första del förbereds fältarbetet genom att en frågeställning formuleras, en metod väljs, ett system för datainsamling utformas och olika GIS-relaterade metoder för datainsamling introduceras. I kursens andra del genomförs ett fältarbete i eller utanför Sverige där de förberedda metoderna tillämpas och daThe course focuses on introducing methodologies through applied fieldwork. The first course element is concerned with preparation of fieldwork, including formulation of research questions, selecting between research methods, organisation of data collection and introduction to several GIS-related techniques for data collection. The second course element is fieldwork, either in Sweden or abroad, wh

Samhällsvetenskap: Dokumentforskning

Översikten täcker främst kvalitativa ansatser, inklusive tematisk analys, (kvalitativ) innehållsanalys och narrativ analys. Kursen diskuterar även några kvantitativa ansatser, såsom händelseanalys och (kvantitativ) innehållsanalys. Kursen vidareutvecklar även kring utvalda tekniker för analys av dokumentinformation. Slutligen så situeras dokumentinformation i en bredare kontext inom forskningsdesiThe course surveys mostly qualitative approaches, including thematic analysis, (qualitative) content analysis, and narrative analysis. It discusses also some quantitative approaches, such as event analysis and (quantitative) content analysis. Further, it selectively elaborates on some techniques of analysis of documentary information. Finally, it situates documentary informatio

Samhällsgeografi: Geografisk idéhistoria

Kursen ger fördjupade kunskaper om geografins idéhistoria och aktuella frågor inom kulturgeografin. Syftet är att utveckla färdigheter i att kritiskt och självständigt hantera geografiska arbetsuppgifter och frågeställningar. I kursen ingår diskussion av centrala bidrag till geografins historia samt fördjupad granskning av utvalda övergripande geografiska begrepp, diskussioner och frågeställnThe course offers participants advanced insights into the histories of geographical thought and current issues within the field of human geography. On this basis, the course aims to develop the participants’ competences to critically and independently engage with geographical work and issues. The course includes the reading and discussion of key historical and contemporary geographical contributi

GIS: Geographical Information System for the Social Sciences

Kursen ger en introduktion till centrala idédiskussioner och utveckling inom GIS. Syftet är att introducera några av de viktigaste teorierna om och praktiska tillämpningarna av GIS. Under kursens gång blir studenterna uppmärksammade på potentialen hos GIS samt tillämpningar inom olika ämnesområden. De grundläggande principerna för GIS och centrala aspekter av den aktuellaste tekniken behandlas vidThe course aims to provide an introduction to the rapidly growing field of GIS, for students interested in applying it within their projects and research. It is strongly interdisciplinary in scope, and thus is appropriate for students from a diverse set of backgrounds. This would include students with undergraduate degrees in the social and human sciences, economics, sustainability and development

Samhällsvetenskap: Globalisering, konflikt, säkerhet och staten

The objective of the course is to enable the student to critically examine current debates and phenomena related to conflict, security and the state in the context of global development and to provide the student with a general overview of the field. At the same time, it offers the student with a prior interest in, and experience of,The objective of the course is to enable the student to critically examine current debates and phenomena related to conflict, security and the state in the context of global development and to provide the student with a general overview of the field. At the same time, it offers the student with a prior interest in, and experience of,

Samhällsvetenskap: Teorier och frågeställningar inom utveckling

This course is about development and sustainability in times of poverty, inequality and climate change. It is interdisciplinary and attracts students from several social science disciplines and teachers from several departments at Lund University. A major question addressed throughout the course is why there is poverty amidst plenty despite numerous development policies and comprehensive knowledgCurrent Key Issues in Development Studies This course is about development and sustainability in times of poverty, inequality and climate change. It is interdisciplinary and attracts students from several social science disciplines and teachers from several departments at Lund University. A major question addressed throughout the course is why there is poverty amidst plenty despite numerous deve

Den samhällsvetenskapliga forskningsprocessen

This course aims to teach the student about the overall research process and social scientific research design. It begins by grounding the student with a common language and the key concepts that are used in social scientific research. The student learns about the logic of research itself, including applied theory of science, research designs (including mixed-methods designs), and gains practice iThis course aims to teach the student about the overall research process and social scientific research design. It begins by grounding the student with a common language and the key concepts that are used in social scientific research. The student learns about the logic of research itself, including applied theory of science, research designs (including mixed-methods designs), and gains practice i

AI i samhället

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be understood as systems which show intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and with some degree of autonomy act to reach certain goals. In colloquial language, AI has become an umbrella term for information technology, robotics, and digitalisation more broadly, including machine learning techniques enabling computers to improve themselves.  AI cArtificial Intelligence (AI) can be understood as systems which show intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and with some degree of autonomy act to reach certain goals. In colloquial language, AI has become an umbrella term for information technology, robotics, and digitalisation more broadly, including machine learning techniques enabling computers to improve themselves.  AI c

Samhällsgeografi: Trender i politisk ekonomi

Kursen syftar till att fördjupa både omfattande förståelse av exempelvis ekonomisk idéhistoria, samt ge inblick i samtida geografiska dimensioner, frågor, utmaningar och konflikter som hanteras av ekonomiska och politisk-ekonomiska geografer. Utifrån detta ger kursen en systematisk översikt över heterodoxa ekonomiska teorier, såsom Schumpeteriansk (och Evolutionär ekonomisk geografi), KeynesianskaThe course seeks to advance both comprehensive understandings of e.g. history of economic thought, as well as insight into contemporary geographical dimensions, issues, challenges, and conflicts addressed by economic and political-economic geographers. On this basis, the course provides a systematic overview of heterodox economic theories, such as Schumpeterian (and Evolutionary Economic Geography

GIS: Geografiska Informationssystem för samhällsvetenskap

Kursens syfte är att ge introduktion till det snabbt växande fältet GIS för studenter som vill tillämpa tekniken forsknings- eller yrkesmässigt. Kursen ger en introduktion till några centrala debatter och utvecklingslinjer inom GIS samt till de viktigaste teorierna och praktiska tillämpningarna. Under kursens gång får studenterna ta del av möjliga tillämpningar av GIS inom olika områden. FöreläsnThe course aims to provide an introduction to the rapidly growing field of GIS, for students interested in applying it within their research or work. The course introduces students to some key conceptual debates and developments in GIS, and it provides an introduction to the most important theories and practises of GIS. During the course the students will learn about the potential applications of

Samhällsvetenskap: Introduktion till globala studier

The aim of the course is to provide students with an interdisciplinary introduction to the field of Global Studies. This involves an understanding of current theories related to processes of globalisation and transformation, as analysed in various disciplinary frameworks.  The students will be introduced to major economic, security, cultural, political and gender-based theories and conceptThe aim of the course is to provide students with an interdisciplinary introduction to the field of Global Studies. This involves an understanding of current theories related to processes of globalisation and transformation, as analysed in various disciplinary frameworks.  The students will be introduced to major economic, security, cultural, political and gender-based theories and concept

Samhällsvetenskap: Kritiska feministiska perspektiv inom social teori

This interdisciplinary course focuses on feminist and gender theoretical interventions in other surrounding fields of study. We learn about the ways in which a focus on gender, along with race, class and sexuality, as the primary objects of study and categories of analysis, can contribute to developing theories anThis interdisciplinary course focuses on feminist and gender theoretical interventions in other surrounding fields of study. We learn about the ways in which a focus on gender, along with race, class and sexuality, as the primary objects of study and categories of analysis, can contribute to developing theories an

Mellanösternstudier: Teorier och samhällsanalys

The aim of the course is to examine the utility of theoretical concepts, perspectives and approaches to the understanding of Middle Eastern societies. The student will examine a broad range of theoretical traditions and their applicatiThe aim of the course is to examine the utility of theoretical concepts, perspectives and approaches to the understanding of Middle Eastern societies. The student will examine a broad range of theoretical traditions and their applicati

Mellanösternstudier: Kontinuitet och förändring inom Mellanöstern

This course consists of two separate modules, each 7.5 credits.  The first module (7.5 credits), focuses on social movements in the MENA region (for example the Green Revolution in Iran and the Arab Uprisings of 2011) and studies their political, social, and economic roots. Through a critical inquiry embedded in political science, history, and sociology, this module will unpack the underlyinThis course consists of two separate modules, each 7.5 credits.  The first module (7.5 credits), focuses on social movements in the MENA region (for example the Green Revolution in Iran and the Arab Uprisings of 2011) and studies their political, social, and economic roots. Through a critical inquiry embedded in political science, history, and sociology, this module will unpack the underlyin

Sociala medier och demokrati

Social media has changed the preconditions for obtaining and assessing information and talking about politics. These changes entail extensive challenges for representative democracy and, more generally, democratic dialogue. Over the past few decades, there has been a discussion that connects social media to a number of different perceived problems such as political polarisation, political populismSocial media has changed the preconditions for obtaining and assessing information and talking about politics. These changes entail extensive challenges for representative democracy and, more generally, democratic dialogue. Over the past few decades, there has been a discussion that connects social media to a number of different perceived problems such as political polarisation, political populism

Samhällsgeografi: Ekonomisk geografiska omvandlingsprocesser - platser, människor och produktion

Kursen behandlar ekonomisk geografi på avancerad nivå och är inriktad på några av de viktigaste socioekonomiska problemen för samtidens städer, regioner och nationer. Den behandlar globaliseringens effekter på näringsliv och människor på särskilda platser och frågan varför vissa regioner fortsätter att utvecklas och växa medan andra går igenom svåra ekonomiska omstruktureringsprocesser. Temana anThis advanced level course in Economic Geography focuses on some of the most important socio-economic challenges that today’s cities, regions and nations face. It examines how globalisation affects firms and people in particular places, and why some regions continue to grow and prosper when other regions struggle with economic restructuring. These themes are analysed from different theoretical pe

Ekonomisk geografi: Urban och regional planering

Kursen är inriktad på urban och regional planering och hur dessa verksamheter kan möta ekonomiska, miljömässiga och sociala utmaningar på ett hållbart sätt. Teoretiska perspektiv från framför allt ekonomisk geografi kopplas till utmaningarna och ställs i relation till planeringspraxis i olika samhälleliga sammanhang. I synnerhet behandlas de olika villkoren för kärnområden och randområden. The course focuses on urban and regional planning and how these activities can manage economic, environmental and social challenges in sustainable ways. Theoretical perspectives, mainly in economic geography, are related to these challenges and then confronted with planning practices in different societal contexts. Especially the different preconditions for core regions and non-core regions are h