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Diversity of the World's Languages

This course focusses on questions that arise in the study of global diversity that characterises language structure and use. The course will deal with questions such as: How many languages are there in the world? How do new languages arise? How and why do languages change? Why do languages die? What does it mean to say that two languages are related? How much do languages have in com

Swedish Society and Everyday Life

The course provides an introduction to Swedish culture and daily life. It is based on field work in which an analysis is made of material collected through the practice of observation techniques. One of the themes studied is the articulation of modernity in Swedish daily life.The course provides an introduction to Swedish culture and daily life. It is based on field work in which an analysis is made of material collected through the practice of observation techniques. One of the themes studied is the articulation of modernity in Swedish daily life.

Cultural Perspectives on Health, Lifestyle and Medicine

The course is based on current research in ethnology, medical anthropology and cultural studies, including questions about the body, illness experiences, disability, ethics and the new health economy. Theoretical understanding of how aspects of identity, class, gender, ethnicity and age intervene in medical treatments and lifestyle patterns will be offered in lectures, seminars and group exercisesThe course is based on current research in ethnology, medical anthropology and cultural studies, including questions about the body, illness experiences, disability, ethics and the new health economy. Theoretical understanding of how aspects of identity, class, gender, ethnicity and age intervene in medical treatments and lifestyle patterns will be offered in lectures, seminars and group exercises

History of the Holocaust

The aim of the course is to offer an introduction to the study of the Holocaust, the destruction of the European Jews, its causes and mechanisms. It will offer a basis upon which to seek answers to difficult questions, such as why this tragedy occurred. But, by surveying the circumstances and mechanisms leading to genocide, and especially to the Holocaust, students are also oriented in post-war inThe aim of the course is to offer an introduction to the study of the Holocaust, the destruction of the European Jews, its causes and mechanisms. It will offer a basis upon which to seek answers to difficult questions, such as why this tragedy occurred. But, by surveying the circumstances and mechanisms leading to genocide, and especially to the Holocaust, students are also oriented in post-war in

Swedish Music in Contemporary Culture

This course explores Swedish music, musicians, musical media, record production, and music technology in contemporary popular culture. Through an emphasis on popular music and jazz, the course will consider both Sweden’s historical and recent musical contributions to a wealth of national and international genres and cultural trends.This course explores Swedish music, musicians, musical media, record production, and music technology in contemporary popular culture. Through an emphasis on popular music and jazz, the course will consider both Sweden’s historical and recent musical contributions to a wealth of national and international genres and cultural trends.

Social AI Through the Looking Glass

På den här kursen kommer vi att utforska och reflektera kring skillnaden mellan att umgås med en annan människa jämfört med en robot; och hur sociala robotar förändrar hur vi lever, tänker, interagerar och arbetar -- nu och i framtiden. På kursen presenteras kontrasterande synsätt på mänsklig social kognition, tillsammans med litteratur om forskning som rör interaktion mellan männisIn this course we will gain knowledge and share reflections on the difference between engaging with another human versus a robotic partner; and how social robots have changed the way we live, think, interact and work (now and in the future). Standard and contrasting accounts of human social cognition will be presented, along with mainstream literature on research into human-robot in

Introduction to the Middle East in the Modern Period

Kursen börjar med att utforska de stora sociala, politiska och kulturella frågorna, händelserna och ideérna som format regionen, främst från slutet av första världskriget fram till idag. Särskild uppmärksamhet ägnas åt arvet från kolonialismen och processen för statsbyggande, olika mellanstatliga konflikter och deras inhemska och regionala konsekvenser, auktoritarismens ihållande samt demokratiser

Survey of Swedish Literature

The course provides a survey of Swedish literary tradition, from the Middle Ages until today. It is centred on canonised and internationally well-known authors such as Carl Michael Bellman, Carl von Linné, Selma Lagerlöf, August Strindberg, and Gunnar Ekelöf. Additionally, more popular fiction, for example Astrid Lindgren’s children’s books and Henning Mankell’s crime novels, will be examined. TheThe course provides a survey of Swedish literary tradition, from the Middle Ages until today. It is centred on canonised and internationally well-known authors such as Carl Michael Bellman, Carl von Linné, Selma Lagerlöf, August Strindberg, and Gunnar Ekelöf. Additionally, more popular fiction, for example Astrid Lindgren’s children’s books and Henning Mankell’s crime novels, will be examined

Modern Design in Scandinavia

The subject of this course is Scandinavian design through the 20th century to the present in the light of contemporary international design. The development of modern design in Scandinavia is discussed in relation to earlier, modernistic and contemporary design.The subject of this course is Scandinavian design through the 20th century to the present in the light of contemporary international design. The development of modern design in Scandinavia is discussed in relation to earlier, modernistic and contemporary design.

Gastronomy: Sustainable Eating

The aim of the course is to give the student a broad introduction to the study of food and eating in relation to sustainability. The course has an interdisciplinary approach, combining cultural, nutritional and geographical perspectives. Local field studies are combined with a global outlook, based on literature studies.The aim of the course is to give the student a broad introduction to the study of food and eating in relation to sustainability. The course has an interdisciplinary approach, combining cultural, nutritional and geographical perspectives. Local field studies are combined with a global outlook, based on literature studies.

Communism in East and Central Europe: Present, Past, and Future Perspectives

I kursen studeras kommunismens utveckling efter andra världskriget, med särskild inriktning på situationen i Öst- och Centraleuropa. Syftet är att studera kommunismens utveckling under det kalla kriget från konferensen i Jalta år 1945 till Sovjetunionens sammanbrott år 1991 och dess följder under 1990- och 2000- talet. Perspektiven som anläggs är både genetiska och genealogiska.The course addresses the development of communism after World War II, focusing on the situation in Central and Eastern Europe. The aim is to study the development of communism during the Cold War, from the Yalta conference in 1945 to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, and its consequences in the 1990s and early twenty-first century. The subject is addressed from both genetic and genealogical pe

Lund University in the Global World

The course is based on field studies and visits to important places of interest, museums, archives, libraries, laboratories, etc., which will give us a glimpse behind the scenes. We will visit places from the middle ages to the present time, even into the future. The course is multidisciplinary and discusses art, architecture, objects, ideas, science, and other topics that in all forms a universitThe course is based on field studies and visits to important places of interest, museums, archives, libraries, laboratories, etc., which will give us a glimpse behind the scenes. We will visit places from the middle ages to the present time, even into the future. The course is multidisciplinary and discusses art, architecture, objects, ideas, science, and other topics that in all forms a universit

Cirkulär Ekonomi: Hållbar materialhantering

The course delivers knowledge of where important materials in products we use every day are sourced from, and how these materials can be used more efficiently, for longer periods of time, and in closed loops – these being key areas of work encompassed by the concept of the CE. However, adoption of the CE does not happen on its own and requires the support of social, business, and policy interventiThe course delivers knowledge of where important materials in products we use every day are sourced from, and how these materials can be used more efficiently, for longer periods of time, and in closed loops – these being key areas of work encompassed by the concept of the CE. However, adoption of the CE does not happen on its own and requires the support of social, business, and policy interventi

Religion and Politics

It introduces different groups that have made political religion known in recent decades. Furthermore, focus is placed on how people take up issues of democracy, the environment and equality because of religious conviction and on different historical and sociological models for interpreting different forms of religiopolitical activism.It introduces different groups that have made political religion known in recent decades. Furthermore, focus is placed on how people take up issues of democracy, the environment and equality because of religious conviction and on different historical and sociological models for interpreting different forms of religiopolitical activism.

Swedish Politics - Past and Present

The course provides an introduction to Swedish politics. The political system in general, the constitution, the government and the political parties are discussed in a historical as well as in a contemporary perspective. Sweden’s role as a small country in a global context, both as a member of the European Union and the United Nations, is highlighted. Swedish attributes such as “The Swedish Model”The course provides an introduction to Swedish politics. The political system in general, the constitution, the government and the political parties are discussed in a historical as well as in a contemporary perspective. Sweden’s role as a small country in a global context, both as a member of the European Union and the United Nations, is highlighted. Swedish attributes such as “The Swedish Model”

Swedish History from a Nordic Perspective

The course includes important developments, relationships and events in the history of Sweden and the Nordic countries over a broad time span. You will particularly get: an overview of the Viking Age, and how the period is perceived by historians with regards to the sources, an overview of the political and social changes in Sweden between 1000-1800, and learn more on the historical roots of mThe course includes important developments, relationships and events in the history of Sweden and the Nordic countries over a broad time span. You will particularly get: an overview of the Viking Age, and how the period is perceived by historians with regards to the sources, an overview of the political and social changes in Sweden between 1000-1800, and learn more on the historical roots of m

One World, One Morality

Kursen One world, One Morality är en introduktionskurs på 7,5 p inom ämnet praktisk filosofi. I kursen tydliggörs den fundamentala roll som moralfrågor har inom en stor mängd områden på ett såväl individuellt som samhälleligt plan. Kursen ger en historisk bakgrund till några klassiska etiska teorier, som utilitarism, kontraktsteorier och dygdeetik, samt lyfter fram nyare feministiska omsorgsteorieThe course is an introduction to Practical Philosophy. It highlights the fundamental role of moral issues in a range of individual and social areas and provides a historical background to classical ethical theories such as utilitarianism, social contract theory and virtue ethics as well as more recent theories such as feminist ethics of care. The course presents some of the theoretical approaches

Media and Armed Conflicts - Past and Present

The course introduces the subject of Media History, you will learn how to analyse and interpret media content, form and use in a historical perspective. You will study different types of media in armed conflict, in history as well as in the present, and how to relate these to cultural, social and technical change. You will identify different media expressions, orally and in writing, and be able toThe course introduces the subject of Media History, you will learn how to analyse and interpret media content, form and use in a historical perspective. You will study different types of media in armed conflict, in history as well as in the present, and how to relate these to cultural, social and technical change. You will identify different media expressions, orally and in writing, and be able to

Critical Animal Studies - Animals in Society, Culture and the Media

Animals figure in human society and culture in multiple ways, while frequently being marginalized or reduced to commodities, production units, status symbols and tools. This course offers a critical exploration of how a shifting economic, scientific, political and media-shaped landscape assigns various roles and values to animals in contemporary Western society, and the consequences for living conAnimals figure in human society and culture in multiple ways, while frequently being marginalized or reduced to commodities, production units, status symbols and tools. This course offers a critical exploration of how a shifting economic, scientific, political and media-shaped landscape assigns various roles and values to animals in contemporary Western society, and the consequences for living con

Media and the History of Political Rhetoric

This interdisciplinary course deals with the rhetorical use of media to establish power – in the past and in the present. We study the impact of new communication technologies such as writing, print and broadcasting on rhetoric, and we critically discuss rhetorical strategies and propaganda used by politicians and potentates.This interdisciplinary course deals with the rhetorical use of media to establish power – in the past and in the present. We study the impact of new communication technologies such as writing, print and broadcasting on rhetoric, and we critically discuss rhetorical strategies and propaganda used by politicians and potentates.