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Temporary agency work. A study of numerical flexibility and working conditions for temporary workers in a comparative setting
A Scalable Formulation for Engineering Combination Therapies for Evolutionary Dynamics of Disease
It has been shown that optimal controller synthesis for positive systems can be formulated as a linear program. Leveraging these results, we propose a scalable iterative algorithm for the systematic design of sparse, small gain feedback strategies that stabilize the evolutionary dynamics of a generic disease model. We achieve the desired feedback structure by augmenting the optimization problems w
Applying a multidiscipline business case
Representing urban riots and activist martyrs in online commemoration videos
The Gendered Production---Marketing Continuum of NERICA Upland Rice in Hoima District, Uganda
Tänk om det är precis tvärtom!?
Dominerande medicinsk forskning säger att kolesterolhalten i blodet är en potent riskfaktor för hjärt-kärlsjukdom. Ju lägre kolesterol, desto bättre! brukar man säga. Parallellt med detta finns studier som hävdar att denna kolesterolhypotes är förknippad med många frågetecken. Den i Sverige mest kände kolesterolkritikern Uffe Ravnskov, har nyligen givit ut boken The Cholesterol Myths. Professor Bo
Analysis of multiphase tranport phenomena in PEMFCs by incorporating microscopic model for catalyst layer structure
The catalyst layer (CL) in polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells is one of the key components regulating the overall performance of the cell. In PEM fuel cells, there are two CLs having identical composition for hydrogen oxidation (HO) and oxygen reduction (OR) reactions. There are four phases inside the CL, namely: carbon, Pt particles, ionomer and voids. In this work, a micro-model of th
Connecting Identification and Robust Control: A New Challenge
Modelling of electromechanical behaviour of EAP materials
Diffrentiering av Serviicenivåer
On the Existence of Minimum Upcrossing Controllers
The Ideon Research Park - Functions and Effects
Sustainability transition in basic industries - the forgotten sector
Emissions of greenhouse gases in all sectors of society must reach near zero, in developed countries preferably by 2050, in order to reach climate policy objectives. Alternatives and strategies for the energy and transport sectors are relatively well understood but the basic industries are often overlooked, not least in sustainability transition and innovation system studies. The policy and techn
Är anonyma tentamina objektiva och rättvisa?
"Anonyma tentor är just nu en av de hetaste trenderna i högskole-Sverige" skrev Svenska Dagbladet i mars 2008 ( ) Frågan har under några år drivits av studentkårerna, men verkar i de flesta fall ha införts av universitetens och högskolornas ledning utan diskussion och förankring i lärarkåren och utan analys av relationen mellan fördelar och nackd
What is the Value of Translation in 21st Century Language Teaching?
Stability of improvement in patients receiving psychiatric occupational therapy: A 1-year follow-up
Modeling and Optimization with Modelica and Optimica Using the Open Source Platform
This paper reports a new Modelica-based open source project entitled, targeted towards dynamic optimization. The objective of the project is to bridge the gap between the need for high-level description languages and the details of numerical optimization algorithms. is also intended as an extensible platform where algorithm developers, particularly in the academic commu
Small Personal Computer System for Registration and Evaluation of Dynamic Physiological Events
Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Peptide (PACAP): An Experimental Study On the Expression and Regulation in the Peripheral Nervous System.
This thesis deals with PACAP and PACAP type-1 receptors in the sensory and autonomic parts of the peripheral nervous system. In the rat, PACAP is expressed in small-sized sensory neurons and in C-fibers. Unilateral transection of the sciatic nerve (axotomy) causes an upregulation of PACAP in medium-sized and large neurons, whereas the density of PACAP-IR fibers is decrea sed in the dorsal horn. In