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This study investigated if clothing material with reflective properties has an effect on heat gain in pilot, specifically, under solar radiation. Two materials, conventional pilot suit material (Old) and material coated with coldblack® (New, Schoeller Technologies AG, Switzerland) were tested over variety of underwear layers and in a box simulating cockpit. A hot plate was used to measure textile

Colonization processes of soil fauna and mycorrhizal fungi

Colonization consists of two parts, a dispersal phase followed by establishment and reproduction at a new site. Dispersal behaviour influences survival and the access to resources and mates of individuals and is thus closely linked to an organism's fitness. The dispersal ability of two collembolan species, Protaphorura armata and Folsomia fimentaria, was determined in a laboratory experiment. The

On the Estimation of Interferometric Phases for Multibaseline SAR Interferometry using a Relaxation-Based Technique

In this paper, we examine how one can exploit baseline diversity of a multichannel interferometric SAR system to overcome the layover problem. The problem arises when different height contributions collapse in the same range-azimuth resolution cell, due to the presence of strong terrain slopes or discontinuities in the sensed scene. We propose a multilook approach to counteract the presence of the

Water-swelling tablets based on hydrophobically modified poly(acrylic acid) - Effects of amphiphiles on swelling and drug release

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi kommer dagligen i kontakt med läkemedel i olika former, antingen som den kräm som vi smörjer in vårt onda knä eller Treon somliga tar på söndagsmorgon. Många av dessa produkter kan se enkla ut men är ofta resultatet av mycket forskning och för att förstå hur arbetet som utgör den här avhandlingen är kopplat till en Treo, så tänkte jag att vi ska börja med att förklarAn important issue within the pharmaceutical world today is the increasing number of poorly soluble drugs. These often show a low bioavailability and a susceptibility to varying conditions in the intestine. Hydrophobically modified poly (acrylic acid) (HMPAA), commercially available as Pemulen TR2, has shown promising abilities to control the release of especially poorly soluble substances. In thi

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The report presents a descriptive study of the educational system in Sweden with special emphasis on the upper level of the comprehensive school. An attempt is made to survey the goals and the realisation of the goals in the practical school situation. Thereby, the focus has been directed upon the attempts being made to adapt the school to the demands of a quickly developing modern society.

Specifications of the Evaluation Framework.

This document outlines the specifications for the evaluation framework on the basis of the requirements as described in D7.1. The framework will be further developed in D7.4 (“Test and evaluation plans”). Based on the use cases from deliverable D1.5 and the requirements from D7.1, hypotheses, indicators and test scenarios are formulated and included in this deliverable D7.2. Evaluation has, as in

A Study on Trypanosomal Polyamine Biosynthetic Enzymes

Popular Abstract in Swedish En cell är uppbyggd av många olika ämnen som är livsviktiga för dess liv. Polyaminerna – putrescin, spermidin och spermin – är några av dessa ämnen. Celler måste ha tillräckligt mycket polyaminer för att tillväxten ska ske normalt: för lite gör att cellerna slutar att dela sig och för mycket kan omvandla celler till cancer celler. Kunskap om vad polyaminer gör och hur The polyamines, putrescine, spermidine, and spermine, are essential for all forms of life. The polyamine biosynthetic pathway has been shown to be a potential target for drugs against various trypanosomal parasitic diseases. The two main enzymes in the biosynthesis of polyamines are ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMetDC). ODC catalyzes the first step of pol

IAU Meteor Data Center

The purpose of the IAU Meteor Data Center is to archive, document anddisseminate information on meteoroid orbits. At present 4581 preciselyreduced photographic recordings, 1425 video recordings and 63330 radardetermined orbits are archived at the center.