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The Great Patriotic War and National Identity in Belarus
Regering, förvaltningsmyndighet och domstol. Synpunkter på självständighet och rättssäkerhetsgarantier
National and International Benchmarking - CREDIT Report 5.
This report summarizes findings and recommendations from 24 case studies from seven participating countries addressing performance indicator benchmarking at a sectoral, national or international scale. Their distribution in scope is: – benchmarking systems and indicators (4 case studies) – offices (7 case studies) – housing (6 case studies) – school and nursery (4 case studies) – shopping centres
Latent Conditions, Safety Barriers and Situational Factors for Maritime Accidents in the Sound Area
The Sound Area, located between Sweden and Denmark, is one of the most intensely trafficked waters in the world with complex traffic patterns and a bridge/tunnel under construction, which will link the two countries. This high level of complexity increases the probability of both maritime accidents and very negative consequences of them. This paper presents the ergonomic part of an ongoing multidi
Kristen mystik. Ur psykologisk synvinkel. Del II: Från Birgitta till Thomas Merton
This is the fourth and final volume in a series of studies in the psychology of religious mysticism. As in his earlier volumes, the author focuses on central themes, such as the concept of God, the view of man, different spiritual exercises as prayer and meditation, types of mystical experience, and mors mystica, the notion that the self has to die and to be reborn. Slightly more than thirty impor
Kommunal servicevariation
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Free Energy and Surface Forces in polymer systems: Monte Carlo Simulation Studies
The thesis is focused on two major subjects: - Calculation of free energy is of great help in the study of any molecular system. The free energy determines phase behaviour of colloids and polymer solutions. It also controls the conformational properties of single macromolecules, e.g. DNA, proteins, copolymers. One of the most robust computer simulation techniques for free energy estimation is an
Affinity Two-Phase Partitioning in Acoustically Levitated Drops
Miniaturized (
Bhagavad-Gītā: vishet och yoga
Sanskrit-to-Swedish translation of the Bhagavadgītā accompanied by a scholarly introduction and notes referencing the classical commentaries of Śaṅkara and Rāmānuja.
Applying Solid-shell Elements to Laminated Glass Structures
WITFOR 2003 White Book
Recognizin the developmental opportunities ofered by digital technologies, the need for developing countries and developed countries to collaborate to exploit such opportunities, the first World Information Technology Forum (WITFOR) was organized by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) under the auspices of UNESCO. The Government of Lithuania hosted the forum in Vilnius,
Fenomenologins möjligheter i etnologin: Rapport från en nationell workshop.
Fredag den 17 december 2010 genomfördes en nationell workshop kring fenomenologins vara i etnologin vid Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Lunds universitet. Denna rapport är ett resultat från workshopen och skall ses som ett försök att intensifiera den diskussion som var på workshopen. Etnologin har tagit inspiration från fenomenologin och i denna filosofi har ämnet funnit teorier och metodolog
Festskrift till Rune Lavin
Befordra på didaktiska grunder
Violence on the Periphery of the Thai State and Nationhood
Two Leonardo Pilot Projects-Developing Internet Based Learning Programs within Geographical Information Systems (GIS), ICEE2008
Under the Leonardo da Vinci – Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) – there is a sub-programme, Transfer of Innovation (ToI). ToI is funding projects which further develop previous project outcomes. This paper deals with a new pilot project under ToI, eGIS+, which has received funding for two years (2007 – 2009). eGIS+ further develop a previous pilot project, E-GIS (European Level Developments of Fle
Paulus och missionen – några aspekter
Paulus missionsteologi är detsamma som hans apostolatsteologi, sammanfattad i Rom. 10:12–17 och för hans egen del exemplifierad i Rom. 1:5–15 och 15:19–29. Missionären är alltså utsänd av Herren Jesus, apostel och befullmäktigat sändebud. Sekundärt förväntar han att församlingarna ska ha del i hans sändning och ge vidare det de fått av honom.
Ommatidial adaptations for spatial, spectral and polarisation vision in arthropods.
Simultaneous PIV, OH- and fuel-PLIF measurements in a low swirl stratified turbulent lean premixed flame
Simultaneous OH-, fuel- planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) and particle image velocimetry (PIV)measurements were performed in turbulent low-swirl stratified premixed flames. The combined PIV/PLIF images revealed e.g. the fuel distribution, entrainment of ambient air, mixing with the air/fuel stream and the resulting stratification in the trailing edge of the flame. Flame-flow interaction was