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Socioeconomic differences in the fertility transition: a micro level study of southern Sweden

The almost complete focus on the aggregate level in previous research on demographic, socioeconomic and cultural determinants of the fertility transition means that we to a large extent not only lack knowledge about the specific mechanisms of the decline, but also its socioeconomic patterns. In this paper we explore socioeconomic fertility differentials in an industrializing community of southern

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Abstract in German Die so genannte relative Einkommenshypothese (REH) konnte trotz intensiver epidemiologischer Forschung bisher nicht vollständig belegt werden. Die Literatur über den Einfluss von Einkommensungleichheit auf die individuelle Gesundheit nennt das Sozialkapital eines Individuums, höhere Gewalt- und Verbrechensraten sowie das Ausmaß öffentlicher Ausgaben für die Gesundheitsfürsorge e

Enzymatic Synthesis of Alkyl Glycosides. New Applications for Glycoside Hydrolases

The environmental problems caused by human interventions, such as the consumption of non-renewable resources and the emission of greenhouse gases are well-recognised. Calls have been made for immediate measures to develop more sustainable society worldwide. Attention has also been devoted to the quest for sustainability within the field of chemistry. The concept of “green chemistry” is being intro

De nordiska EEC-avtalens förhållande till intern rätt

Uppsatsen belyser de nordiska frihandelsavtalens genomslag i den interna rättsordningen i gemenskapen och de nordiska länderna. Tradition och rättspraxis i länderna belyses: Hur införlivas internationella överenskommelser: Vilken verkan får sålunda införlivade regler; och Vad gäller vid rättsliga konflikter. Uppsatsen behandlar därefter den faktiska behandlingen av frihandelsavtalen och speciellt

School choice in urban China: educational desires and life-packages between the state and the market

Questions around school choice have attracted growing attention among educational scholars worldwide, and there is by now a burgeoning body of literature that links school choice to (i) the marketization and commercialization in education, (ii) new modes of governance in education, and (iii) individualized patterns of life-planning among families who see themselves increasingly exposed to global c

The Psychological Factors Underlying Participation in Nature Conservation Projects: Wetland restoration and forest preservation examined through the framework of the Value-Belief-Norm theory

The conservation of biological diversity is a matter of uttermost importance and its significance is stressed in the environmental goals of the Swedish government. Among the environmental goals there are several distinctly defined goals related to biological diversity which are to be accomplished within a set amount of time. In order to succeed with these goals it is important to understand what i

A Survey on Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems for Adverse Weather Conditions

Adverse weather conditions involving diminished visibility through rain, snow, fog and reduced traction as a consequence of rainy, snowy, and icy surfaces have been a major cause for traffic accidents throughout the EU in recent years. In conjunction with deficient speed adjustments and improper headway control on the part of the driver, they represent one of the chief causes for traffic accidents