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In-situ studies of the formation mechanism of SBA-15

The formation process of SBA-15 has been investigated by time resolved TEM, in-situ SAXS/SAXD and in-situ NMR. The synthesis was done at 35 degrees in acidic solution with tetramethylorthosilicate as the silica source and Pluronic P123 as the structure directing amphiphile. The initially formed silica-polymer composite consists of flocs of spherical micelles in a silica matrix. The micelles then c

Robust Control under Parametric Uncertainty via Primal-Dual Convex Analysis

A numerical synthesis method for optimally robust control isproposed. The method applies to the case of linear dependenceon uncertain parameters in the characteristic polynomial. Aprimal/dual pair of infinite-dimensional convex problems is solvedby successive finite-dimensional approximations. The primal/dualpair has no duality gap, and both upper and lower bounds produced by theapproximations con

Improved Prediction for Web Server Delay Control

Control methods are being used increasingly for uncertainty management and QoS in modern web server systems. Previous approaches have suggested combined feed-forward and feedback control strategies, using queuing theory for feed-forward delay prediction. While queuing theory allows one to predict delay as a function of arrival and service rates, the prediction applies only to long-term averages, a

Ekonomisk riskanalys av ABB Automation Products verksamhet i byggnad 358

The aim of this report has been to perform a risk analysis of ABB Automation Products activity in building 358. The risk analysis consequences are expressed in economical terms and the measurement of the risk is presented as the expected annual cost due to fire. The model used is based on an event tree which describes what happens if a fire breaks out in the building. The effect of different fire

Inhibitory effect of BIBN4096BS, CGRP(8-37), a CGRP antibody and an RNA-Spiegelmer on CGRP induced vasodilatation in the perfused and non-perfused rat middle cerebral artery.

Background and purpose: A new concept for the inhibition of CGRP signalling has been developed by interaction with the CGRP molecule per se by using a CGRP antibody or a CGRP binding RNA-Spiegelmer (NOX-C89). We have compared these CGRP scavengers with two known receptor antagonists (CGRP8-37 and BIBN4096BS) on CGRP-induced relaxations in the rat middle cerebral artery (MCA). Furthermore, the role

Pointwise and Genomewide Significance Calculations in Gene Mapping through Nonparametric Linkage Analysis: Theory, Algorithms and Applications

Popular Abstract in Swedish I kopplingsanalys, eller i en något mera generell mening vid genletning, så söker man efter sjukdomsgener längs ett genom. Här kan man tolka ett genom som en mängd av hela, eller bitar av, olika kromosomer. Med avseende på en mängd sammanhängande flergenerationella släkter så observerar man då, längs genomets kromosombitar, markördata, dvs genotyper bestående av nedärvdIn linkage analysis or, in a wider sense, gene mapping one searches for disease loci along a genome. This is done by observing so called marker genotypes (alleles) and phenotypes (affecteds/unaffecteds) of a pedigree set, i.e. a set of multigenerational families, in order to locate the loci corresponding to the underlying disease genes or, at least, to narrow down the interesting genome regions. I

Neural Networks for rainfall forecasting by atmospheric downscaling

Several studies have used artificial neural networks (NNs) to estimate local or regional recipitation/rainfall on the basis of relationships with coarse-resolution atmospheric variables. None of these experiments satisfactorily reproduced temporal intermittency and variability in rainfall. We attempt to improve performance by using two approaches: (1) couple two NNs in series, the first to determi

Microwave-induced hyperthermia and ionizing radiation. Preliminary clinical results

The combination of microwave-induced (2450 MHz) hyperthermia and ionizing radiation was used in 7 patients with superficial malignant tumours, which were considered refractory to other therapy. A newly developed heating system was used, allowing for a maintained temperature at the master probe of 42.5 degrees C +/- 0.5 degrees C during 45 min, but temperature measurements at multiple sites showed

24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure is Linked to Chromosome 18q21-22 and Genetic Variation of NEDD4L Associates with Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Blood Pressure in Swedes.

Numerous linkage studies have indicated chromosome 18q21–22 as a locus of importance for blood pressure regulation. This locus harbors the neural precursor cell expressed developmentally downregulated 4-like (NEDD4L) gene, which is instrumental for the regulation of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). In a linkage study of 16 markers (including two single nucleotide polymorph

Freeze-thaw resistance of concrete : destruction mechanisms, concrete technology, test methods, quality control : a contribution to the BRITE/EURAM project BREU-CT92-0591 "The Residual Service Life of Concrete Structures"

In this report a rather comprehensive analysis is made of the frost and salt scaling resistance of concrete. Both theoretical and empirical information are provided. On that basis recommendations are given for the concrete quality that is required for a certain service life and also recommendations for testing of concrete with regard to its potential frost resistance.

A study of the ageing and deactivation phenomena occurring during operation of an iron molybdate catalyst in formaldehyde production

Catalyst from a Perstorp Formox formaldehyde plant, operating with high inlet concentration of methanol (10.2 vol.%), was discharged from single tubes of a multi-tube reactor after half the expected lifetime of the catalyst and again after termination of the load. Each tube was filled with two different layers of catalyst. From the inlet of the reactor the first layer was a catalyst mixed with ine

Alignment of Medial and Late Peaks in German Spontaneous Speech

Starting from a corpus of German spontaneous speech, the phonetic realisations of the two KIM categories medial and late peak were investigated in prenuclear position. The results show that, for both categories, the onset of the rising F0 movement (L) is comparably aligned around the accented-syllable onset, whereas the F0 maximum (H) is independently aligned and predominantly located before the a

Probing the activation of protein C by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex using structural analysis, site-directed mutagenesis, and computer modeling

Protein C (PC) is activated to an essential anticoagulant enzyme (activated PC or APC) by thrombin (T) bound to thrombomodulin (TM), a membrane receptor present on the surface of endothelial cells. The understanding of this complex biological system is in part limited due to the lack of integration of experimental and structural data. In the work presented here, we analyze the PC-T-TM pathway in t