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Bundle of Powers to Access Solar Energy: Search for an enabling environment for women-to-women network in solar energy enhancement initiatives

Irrespective of the abundance of solar energy resources, its access to the low-income communities of rural Tanzania is challenged by multifaceted barriers. Again, the current access goal in energy ignored the gender perspective of access. There is no alternative to establishing women-led solar energy enhancement initiatives to mitigate those access barriers and equally address gender inequality in

Between Power and Vulnerability: National Human Rights Institutions in Post-Conflict Environments and the Uganda Human Rights Commission

In light of declining multilateralism within the field of human rights since the 1990s, National Human Rights Institutions have been presented by the UN as translators capable of vernacularizing and institutionalizing global human rights ideals within the local. Yet, the global proliferation of National Human Rights Institutions sparked by the adoption of the UN Principles Relating to the Status o

En kartläggning av idrottsskador hos svenska padelspelare – en enkätstudie

Bakgrund Padel är en idrott som har blivit populär i Sverige de senaste åren. Trots alla positiva effekter med idrott innebär padelspel, liksom många andra idrotter, även en risk för en idrottsskada. Det finns dock få epidemiologiska undersökningar gjorda inom padel där man har undersökt skadeförekomst, skademekanism, vilken typ av skador som förekommer och vilka riskfaktorer som finns. Syfte Huvu

A Knight(mare) in Shining Armour: A Foucauldian-Feminist Analysis of Sexsomnia Defence in Swedish Courts

In recent years, several men in Sweden have been acquitted of different sexual offences because the courts deemed that it could have occurred in their sleep. According to a leading expert, several of the Swedish acquitting cases are based on incorrect or irrelevant arguments and reasoning regarding sexsomnia. Therefore, it is important to gain a deeper understanding of how sexsomnia manifests with

Straffansvar gällande psykiskt våld: En analys av gällande lagstiftning från ett kriminologiskt perspektiv

Abstrakt Författare: Love Fors Titel: Straffansvar gällande psykiskt våld: En analys av gällande lagstiftning från ett kriminologiskt perspektiv. Kandidatuppsats inom Sociologi (Kriminologiprogrammet) [SOCK10], 15 hp Handledare: Katinka Johansen Sociologiska institutionen Vårtermin 2022 Våld i nära relationer är ett samhällsproblem som främst drabbar kvinnor och förekommer bakom stängda dörrar.

Chemical recycling, a potential solution for Sweden's plastic recycling industry in the transition to a circular economy?

Although Sweden collects and sorts a large share of plastic waste, a significant part of the separately collected plastic packaging waste is being incinerated and only 8 % of the plastic waste is being recycled into new products. As plastic is the main cause of greenhouse gas emissions from waste incineration, a systematic shift is needed to decrease incineration. Currently, Chemical recycling (CR

DevOps - Inte nytt men långt kvar

DevOps är ett arbetssätt och arbetsmodell som beskriver hur utvecklare och driftpersonal arbetar tillsammans för att säkerställa optimal utveckling, lansering och drift av ett mjukvarusystem. Detta är något som organisationer världen över försöker att implementera för att ligga i fram-kant. Däremot då DevOps inte omfattas av en universell struktur ser det väldigt olika från före-tag till företag.

“Rösthälsa hos äldre” - en enkätundersökning om friska äldre individers rösthälsa kopplat till kön, fysisk aktivitet och tidigare yrke

Syfte: Det generella syftet med denna studie var att utifrån en webbenkät undersöka rösthälsan hos friska äldre individer i åldrarna 65-80 år. Det specifika syftet var att undersöka hur män och kvinnor skattade sin nuvarande rösthälsa och jämföra med hur de uppfattade att rösten fungerat under arbetslivet. Denna studie var också avsedd att undersöka om det gick att finna ett samband mellan äldre iPurpose: The main purpose with this study was to examine vocal health in healthy older individuals aged 65-80 years from an online survey. The specific purpose was to investigate how men and women estimate their own current vocal health and to compare this with how they experience that their voice has functioned during their working life. This study also aimed to investigate if a correlation could

Undersökning av hur penetrationstalet i bitumen påverkar styvheten av cementstabiliserad asfalt i laboratoriepackade prover

A semi-flexible pavement is a composite material consisting of an open-graded asphalt skeleton with an air void content between 25 - 35% that is filled with a cement sludge. Limited research has been done regarding factors which can affect the mechanical properties of this material. Therefore, this study explores the affect the penetration value of a bitumen has on the stiffness of a semi-flexible

Female Internal Migration: The case of Peru

The purpose of this study has been to provide a comprehensive analysis of the socioeconomic situation of migrant women in the context of Peru, a country historically marked by internal migration rates. It has been found that migrant women are socially excluded in relation to three socioeconomic indicators (1) employment sector, (2) educational attainment and (3) healthcare coverage, predominan

Legitimation och profession - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur hälso- sjukvårdskuratorer upplever sitt yrke efter att de fått legitimation

This study aims to investigate how health care social workers experience their license relative to the professionalization of the occupation. Seven qualitative semi-structured interviews were performed with licensed hospital social workers. The framework in this study consists of theory about profession through a set of concepts that constitute criteria for an occupation to be considered a profess

CAPM Beta and Geopolitical Risk

Recent years, geopolitical risks have dominated the news feed for the financial markets. There have historically been some geopolitical events that have resulted in major declines in the stock market and such a market day can be classified as a geopolitical Black Swan. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the area of CAPM beta and geopolitical risk where the main investigation is if beta is

New work behaviour on the rise? - A mixed-method study concerning stress levels and work related characteristics of HR-professionals within Staffing- and recruitment when working from home

The purpose of this study was to develop an understanding of how the perception of stress for HR-professionals within staffing- and recruitment, might differentiate when working more or less from home. An additional ambition was to develop an understanding of how the work characteristics, job-demand, control and support, could have an impact on the above association. To examine this, an explorator

A generic system for adhering cells to supported lipid bilayers

One of the main contributors in the immune system are T cells. The exact molecular mechanisms behind T cell activation are not yet fully understood but it starts through the contact between the T cell and an infected cell. In order to study such interaction, supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) are used to mimic cell membranes and to reduce its complexity but still retaining the fundamental property of

Climate change and Banking regulation: How Swedish professionals think about regulating climate-related risk drivers

Syfte: Denna masteruppsats ämnar att deskriptivt beskriva hur bankanställda och experter på bankregleringsområdet ser på de regleringen av de finansiella risker som härrör från klimatförändringarna. Material och metod: Semistrukturerade expertintervjuer genomfördes med fem bankanställda från svenska banker av olika storlek samt med fyra experter på bankreglering och en expert på översvämningar ocPurpose: This master thesis aims to describe how bank employees and experts in the field of banking regulation view the regulation of financial risks incorporating climate-related risk drivers. Material and method: Semi-structured expert interviews were conducted with five bank employees from Swedish banks of various sizes, as well as with four experts on banking regulation and one expert on floo

“De har mer att vinna på det kriminella livet än vad de har att förlora” - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialarbetares upplevelser av att arbeta med unga män som har varit inblandade i gängkriminalitet

The purpose of our study is to understand how social workers work with young men who have previously been involved in gang crime and what risk factors the social worker considers to be the basis for young men's previous involvement in gang crime. We also want to research the difficulties social workers experience while working with this group. The study was based on qualitative semi-structured

The EU Waste Shipment Proposal and Its Implications for the Secondary Route Steel Production - A scenario analysis considering energy use, CO2 emissions, and environmental costs

The steel industry is one of the most polluting industries globally. There exists an EU waste shipment proposal that aims to restrict the EU export of waste in order to raise safe, environmental standards and circularity within the EU. Under this proposal, steel scrap is defined as waste and since the EU is the largest exporter of steel scrap globally, this has implications for the EU steel indust