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Depoliticising water conflict
Disability and Quality of Life in Individuals with Post-Polio Syndrome.
The presence and meaning of chronic sorrow in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Digital preshaping of ultrasonic signals: equipment and applications
Regionalisation of Innovation Policies: The Case of Japan
Studies of various aspects of the proton structure in deep inelastic scattering at HERA and identification of quark and gluon jets
[abstract missing]
Energy Use and Economic Growth: A cross country study for 1950 to 1985
Distribution of Responsibility for Human Rights Protection
Structured Modelling of Chemical Processes with Control Systems
Adaptive Control, 3M Experience
A Simulation Study of Hierarchical Production-Inventory Control
Safety culture and organizational climate in air traffic control
Due to organizational changes in the Swedish air navigation services (ANS), which in extension could impact flight safety, the safety culture (SC), organizational climate (OC), and related areas are monitored. Study locations are the two main air traffic control centers in Sweden and parts of the central ANS office. This paper reports on a first attempt to investigate whether relationships exist b
Molecular imprinting.
Analysis of design configurations/control strategies in biological nutrient removal processes using multivariate statistics
Domstolarnas vapen i ny profil
Space wars – a street level odyssey through the center of the American empire: New York City
Progression i progymnasmata
Temat “Retorik och lärande” fångar den pedagogiska dimensionen av retoriken som ett undervisningsämne. Historiskt har utgångspunkten varit de retoriska övningarna, progymnasmata. Min översättning av Afthonios progymnasmata publicerades 2002 under titeln Retoriska övningar. I mina kurser har vi återupptagit dessa övningar så att studenterna gradvis lär sig retorikens grunder. Övningsserien bygger p