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Public Reading and Aural Intensity : An Analysis of the Soundscape in John 1–4

This study investigates the public reading of New Testament writings in early Christian communities during the first two centuries C.E. from the perspective of the lectors who prepared and performed the readings. A survey of literary and pictorial sources from the Greek and Roman world indicates that only oratory and drama were delivered from memory, whereas most literary writings were read aloud

What sets could not be

Sets are often taken to be collections, or at least akin to them. In contrast, this paper argues that. although we cannot be sure what sets are (and the question, perhaps, does not even make sense), what we can be entirely sure of is that they are not collections of any kind. The central argument will be that being an element of a set and being a member in a collection are governed by quite differ

Data commentary in science writing: Using a small, specialized corpus for formative self-assessment practices

Data commentary, the verbal comment on visual material, is a complex area in science writing; yet, few studies in academic writing focus on it, and teaching material is often too generic to be of use for students. This chapter presents an approach to addressing the teaching and learning of data commentary in ESP writing courses within the science disciplines involving direct application of a small

Long-term evolution of three-planet systems to the post-main sequence and beyond

We study the stability of systems of three giant planets orbiting 3-8 M☉ stars at orbital distances of >10 au as the host star ages through the main sequence (MS) and well into the white dwarf (WD) stage. Systems are stable on the MS if the planets are separated by more than ~9 Hill radii. Most systems surviving the MS will remain stable until the WD phase, although planets scattered on to small p

Lärarutbildningens olika undervisningspraktiker : En studie av lärarutbildares olika sätt att praktisera sitt professionella uppdrag

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling syftar till att belysa vilket professionskunnande som blivande lärare ges möjlighet att utveckla under sin högskoleförlagda utbildning och hur detta professionskunnande kan karaktäriseras. Detta belyses genom ett antal forskningsfrågor: Vilka olika undervisningspraktiker konstituerar den högskoleförlagda lärarutbildningen? På vilket sätt upprättas dessaThe starting point for this dissertation was the reform of the school system in Sweden with consequences for teachers´ work and new demands on their professional knowledge. This thesis aims to illuminate the issue of what professional knowledge student teachers are offered during their time in the university, and how this professional knowledge can be characterised. This is carried out with respec

Kloka djur och erotisk konst

Intervju med anledning av den svenska utgåvan av Beverley Naidoos Aisopos fabler (vetenskapsjournalist Urban Björstadius).

Molecular studies of pancreatic cancer: Characterization of the transforming growth factor beta signaling pathway

Popular Abstract in Swedish Pankreascancer (cancer i bukspottkörteln) drabbar ungefär 900 personer om året i Sverige. Tumörformen har tidigare varit vanligare hos män men är numera lika vanlig hos män och kvinnor. Pankreascancer är ovanligt före 40 års ålder, men ökar stadigt med åldern och ungefär 80% av dem som drabbas är över 60 år gamla. Pankreascancer är en aggressiv tumörform och på grund avIn the present thesis, genetic abnormalities in pancreatic cancer were studied, with special emphasis on alterations of components involved in the transforming growth factor beta (TGFB) signaling pathway. In the first study, fluorescence in situ hybridization and cytogenetic analyses revealed aberrations of chromosome 18 in all 13 pancreatic carcinoma cell lines studied, in particular frequent bre