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Hur långt bör varumärkesrätten sträcka sig? Kommentar till NJA 2003 s. 163 (Jägarbrännvin)
Macro-/nanoporous Silicon Matrices for Life Science Applications
Svår semantik och grammatik: regeln för subjekt-verbkongruens i engelska som L2
Regeln för subjekt-verbkongruens i engelskan anses vara enkel, både att förstå och förklara. Ändå gör L2-inlärare överraskande ofta fel, vilket ständigt påpekas av lärare i skolan och på högskolenivå. Därför har vi undersökt om källan till inlärarnas bristande förmåga är 1) ofullständig kunskap om regeln för subjekt-verbkongruens (d.v.s. explicit kunskap), eller 2) inlärarnas oförmåga att tillämpa
IR in Software Traceability: From a Bird's Eye View
Several researchers have proposed creating after-the-fact structure among software artifacts using trace recovery based on Information Retrieval (IR). Due to significant variation points in previous studies, results are not easily aggregated. Aim. We aim at an overview picture of the outcome of previous evaluations. Method. Based on a systematic mapping study, we perform a synthesis of published r
Att bedöma personer med kriminell belastning
Measurement Setup for Impedance Tuning Unit Characterization
An Impedance Tuning Unit (ITU) has the ability to tune the impedance of for instance the antenna to better match another impedance. To effectively characterize a circuit containing an ITU, several functions in a measurement system need to be remotely controlled. In this paper such a measurement system is described. A line tune screw creates impedances for the ITU to match and a digital acquisition
Library Performance in Activity Reports
‘Design for Desirability’–Postgraduate Collaboration between Academia and SME Industry
Production, prices and mortality: Demographic response to economic hardship in rural Sweden
Parton showers in a phenomenological context
[abstract missing]
Is Iran Creating Its Own State Within Iraq?
Given the strength of nationalist sentiment across all Iraqi sects and the broad-based recognition of Sistani as a force for national unity, it will be difficult for Shia PMU groups to form a quasi-state in parallel to the Iraqi government once Isis is dislodged. In the eventuality of such a political outgrowth, the PMUs are bound to lose Sistani’s backing, and with it their legitimacy in the eyes
Balancing value creating logics in construction
Construction companies apply different logics to create value. Some companies are organized according to one primary logic, while others are based on multiple logics. Different value creating logics have different cost and value drivers according to the type of activities involved and the interdependencies between them. Where multiple logics coexist, the different cost and value drivers may genera