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Diplom till Kurslaboratoriet för fysik. 2011-års bästa avdelning
Heavy metals in aquatic plants and their relationship to concentrations in surface water, groundwater and sediments – a case study of Poopó Basin, Bolivia
Market orientation of retail brands in the grocery chain: The role of supplier relationships
SVARNE, an expert system to be used in the care of the mentally retarded
Successful expert systems have usually been built on fairly well established technological or medical knowledge [1],[2]. In the present article we report results from a project where interest instead is directed at knowledge connected with human behaviour
Noise-proof equilibria in two-action signaling games
Time domain analysis of open loop distortion in class D amplifier output stages
During the long history of Class AB amplifiers, many topology improvements have been developed with the aim of reducing open-loop THD. As Class D amplifiers become widely used, a new learning of such improvements is needed, since the basic distortion mechanisms are very different from those of Class AB amplifiers. This is even more important with Class D designs because the very high feedback loop
Samtal om språkbruk och språkriktighet som en effekt av olika övningsuppgifter
Det här föredraget argumenterar att noggrant utformade översättningsövningar kan ha en speciell (men dock begränsad) plats i språkundervisningen, i alla fall på de högre nivåerna på gymnasiet och på universitetsnivå. Förutsättningen är att studenter och lärare delar samma modersmål eller att åtminstone alla i klassrummet har god kunskap i det som är de flesta studenters modersmål. Föredraget baser
Predicted size-resolved lung deposition of sub-micrometer aerosol particles from domestic wood combustion in a residential area
Spike library based simulator for extracellular single unit neuronal signals
A well defined set of design criteria is of great importance in the process of designing brain machine interfaces (BMI) based on extracellular recordings with chronically implanted micro-electrode arrays in the central nervous system (CNS). In order to compare algorithms and evaluate their performance under various circumstances, ground truth about their input needs to be present. Obtaining ground
Cassava Processing: Safety and Protein Fortification
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kassava är ett stärkelserikt livsmedel, jämförbart med potatis. Det produceras främst i jordens tropiska regionerna och är ett viktigt livsmedel i Afrika söder om Sahara. Kassava har stora fördelar som gröda eftersom avkastningen är hög, den har god motståndskraft mot sjukdomar, den växer även på mager jord och den är motståndskraftig mot torka. Emellertid, kassava har Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important and cheap source of carbohydrate in tropical regions, particularly in Sub-Sahara Africa. Cassava as a human food is a good source of energy as it has a comparable high energy density of about 610 kJ/100 g fresh root. The crop has growth advantages and production can take place in soil where other crops such as maize, sorghum and sweet potatoes can
Trellis representations for quasi-cyclic codes
Frimärke hyllar instrument i Lund
Sense of coherence at work. Two investigations of creative and salutogenetic factors in human service organizations
Research question: Is the experience of sense of coherence at one’s work influenced by creativity and other factors pertaining to different levels in the organization? Starting from a systems perspective, the leadership level, the work group level, as well as the level of the individual employee were investigated in two studies. Background: Based on empirical and theoretical work it is first propo
Towards a New Standard for Modelling and Simulation Tools
Inclusive cross section and double helicity asymmetry for pi0 production in p+p collisions at root s = 200 GeV: Implications for the polarized gluon distribution in the proton.
Three Kinds of Organic Unity
Abstraact is not available.
Lexical meanings as ontologies and construals
Coldings tool life model applied on tool wear when machining the Maxthal material
Coldings tool life equation for metal cutting tools has been modified to suit the difficult to machine material Maxthal. The dominant tool wear mechanisms during machining of Maxthal are abrasive and adhesive wear and a strongly temperature dependent chemical deterioration. The combination of these three mechanisms leads to a considerable variation in tool life, even when the cutting speed has bee