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Genusdoktrinen i en europeisk spegel; En kritisk diskursanalys av ords klibbighet och rädslans politik i boken Genusdoktrinen

Since the beginning of 1990s anti-gender movements have been increasing throughout Europe, opposing LGBT rights, abortion, democracy and gender studies. However, in some countries an organized anti-gender movement has not been seen, but still the same words and arguments used to mobilize against gender issues can be found. One such case is Sweden, where academics and editorials have criticized the

"Jag är inte mig själv när jag är på jobbet" - En undersökning av det emotionella arbetet inom restaurangbranschen

Många unga vuxna, speciellt unga kvinnor, får idag sin första arbetslivserfarenhet från restaurangbranschen. Snabbmatsrestauranger och caféer utgör en del av arbetsgivarna inom branschen och kan i vissa fall vända sig specifikt till unga i sin rekrytering. Arbete inom restaurangbranschen medför en påfrestande arbetsmiljö med mycket stress, upprepade arbetsmoment och emotionellt arbete. Utförande a

Spacing Communication: Affect and the Senses in Urban Tourism Development

This research aims at assessing the role of the affective and sensory dimension of space in the communicative constitution of a touristic strategy. Lately scholarly attention has been drawn to the constitutive relation between strategic communication and space (Cassinger & Thelander 2022). Following especially the work of Lefebvre on the production of space (1991), these studies investigate ho

Wind Energy in Denmark : A Short History [History]

This history of wind energy in Denmark describes how top-down policy support and bottom-up initiatives shaped the Danish wind power sector, ultimately facilitating the integration of wind energy in the grid. From the early days of wind power, innovative entrepreneurs tinkered with and improved upon the emergent wind power technologies, but coal and oil remained the prioritized fuels for the almost

An acetonic extract and secondary metabolites from the endolichenic fungus Nemania sp. EL006872 exhibit immune checkpoint inhibitory activity in lung cancer cell.

Background: Endolichenic fungi (ELF), which live the inside the lichen thallus, contain many secondary metabolites that show various biological activities. Recent studies show that lichen and ELF secondary metabolites have antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, cytotoxic, and anticancer activities. Purpose: Here, the effects of an ELF extract and its bioactive compounds were investigated on the

Dynamic footprint for stabilising a hygiene chair

The purpose of this thesis work is to investigate whether a dynamic chassis can possibly enhance hygiene chairs used in hospitals and elderly care. The problem with a lot of today’s products is the difficulty of manoeuvring the hygiene chair in tight spaces, and to allow for a high enough seating position to contribute to a more ergonomic working position for caregivers during showering. Thereof i

The Swedish Racial Welfare Regime in Transition

A weakness in research on welfare regimes is that solidarity and deservingness has often been analysed unidimensional in relation to a capitalist class-structured society. Feminist and postcolonial scholars have argued that welfare regimes need to be situated and analysed in an intersectional setting. In this chapter, focussing on Sweden, a central contention is that in analysing welfare provision

Investigating photomultiplier tube nonlinearities in high-speed phosphor thermometry using light emitting diode simulated decay curves

Photomultiplier tube (PMT) nonlinearities relevant for single shot high-speed lifetime phosphor thermometry were investigated by simulating decay curves with a light emitting diode (LED) at repetition rates between 1 Hz and 10 kHz. The PMT gain, LED decay time, and background radiant flux were also varied to investigate their impact on the measured decay time error. Errors in the measured decay tiPhotomultiplier tube (PMT) nonlinearities relevant for single shot high-speed lifetime phosphor thermometry were investigated by simulating decay curves with a light emitting diode (LED) at repetition rates between 1 Hz and 10 kHz. The PMT gain, LED decay time, and background radiant flux were also varied to investigate their impact on the measured decay time error. Errors in the measured decay ti

Data-driven microscopy allows for automated targeted acquisition of relevant data with higher fidelity

Light microscopy is a powerful single-cell technique that allows for quantitative spatial information at subcellular resolution. However, unlike flow cytometry and single-cell sequencing techniques, microscopy has issues achieving high-quality population-wide sample characterization while maintaining high resolution. Here, we present a general framework, data-driven microscopy (DDM), that uses popLight microscopy is a powerful single-cell technique that allows for quantitative spatial information at subcellular resolution. However, unlike flow cytometry and single-cell sequencing techniques, microscopy has issues achieving high-quality population-wide sample characterization while maintaining high resolution. Here, we present a general framework, data-driven microscopy (DDM), that uses pop

Crime, disorder, and territorial stigmatization : Older adults living in deprived neighborhoods

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The existence of social problems, crime, and a diminishing sense of community are acknowledged challenges to residents of deprived neighborhoods. In research on deprived neighborhoods in Sweden, the perspectives of young residents and adults of working age dominate. This study explores how older adults in deprived neighborhoods in Sweden experience crime and disorder, an

Community energy : Entanglements of community, state, and private sector

The decarbonisation of energy systems is leading to a reconfiguration of the geographies of energy. One example is the emergence of community energy, which has become a popular object of study for geographers. Although widely acknowledged to be a contested, capacious, and flexible term, “community energy” is commonly presented as singular, bounded, and localised. In this paper, we challenge this c