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Simultaneous channel and symbol maximum likelihood estimation in Laplacian noise

This paper treats channel estimation and signal detection in Laplacian noise. The received signal is assumed to be a transmitted signal which has been corrupted by an unknown channel, modeled as a FIR filter, the output being further disturbed by additive independent Laplacian noise. The transmitted signal is assumed to depend on an unknown parameter belonging to a known finite set. The simultaneo

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Querying the whereabouts of Mao Zedong in July 1966.

ASD, Eating Problems, and Overlap with Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa

Abnormal eating behaviors are overrepresented in the autism spectrum disorders, including food refusal, pica, rumination, and selective eating. Those disturbances can have detrimental complications and are often resistant to treatment. In autism spectrum disorders the background factors to eating disturbances are more complex than in the general child population, and sensory abnormalities, rituali

Pheromone-mediated mating system in a moth species

Popular Abstract in Swedish Feromonmedierat parningssystem hos ett nattfly Min avhandlings huvudsakliga mål är att identifiera och bestämma faktorer som påverkar det feromon-medierade parningsystemet hos sädesbroddflyet Agrotis segetum. Dessa faktorer inkluderar både honkönets produktion av sexualferomon såväl som hankönets feromon-inducerade respons, men också andra överlevnads- och reproduktionIn a series of studies, carried out in the laboratory and in the field in southern Sweden, I have examined factors influencing the mating behaviour of the turnip moth Agrotis segetum. The reproductive potential of the sexes and the mating behaviour was studied. The reproductive potential of males is greater than that of females. Males are ready to mate every night, while females rarely mate more

Structure, evolution and expression of glandular kallikrein genes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Prostatacancer är idag den vanligaste sjukdomen hos män, och är den cancer form som leder till flest dödsfall bland män i Sverige (av de män som får diagnosen avlider 35% på grund av sjukdomen). Det har visats att risken att utveckla prostatacancer påverkas av ålder, etnicitet och diet (bla asiatisk mat och tomater verkar ha skyddande effekt), men också av genetiska fakProstate-specific antigen (PSA) is a worldwide used tool for the diagnosis and monitoring of prostate cancer. It is a serine protease and belongs to the family of glandular kallikreins. Humans have three classical glandular kallikreins, but it has been reported that rodents have many more. Lately, the family has been expanded to contain 12 new genes, KLK4–KLK15, that are situated at the same locus

Organization of Packaging Resources at a Product-Developing Company

Purpose of this paper The outcome of product development, i.e. the product design, together with the packaging solution, has a great impact on the logistics performance of supply chains. Despite this, packaging has traditionally been given a very modest role in the product development literature as well as in the logistics literature. The aim of this paper is to show how logistics performance an

Sorption hysteresis and scanning in a flooring screed implications for moisture induced degradation

Sorption isotherms (moisture content as a function of relative humidity (RH) at equilibrium) are an important tool in designing buildings to limit moisture related problems. Normally only a single sorption curve is used so that each moisture content uniquely corresponds to one RH. Sometimes two curves are used, one curve for absorption and one for desorption, as it is well known that sorption has