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Phl p 1-specific human monoclonal IgE and design of a hypoallergenic group 1 grass pollen allergen fragment
Movements and Mirrors: Peter Weiss and the Emergence of Swedish Experimental Cinema
Analysis of the early films of Peter Weiss (1916 - 1982).
Rewritable Reference Attributed Grammars - design, implementation, and applications
This thesis presents an object-oriented technique for rewriting abstract syntax trees in order to simplify compilation. The technique, Rewritable Reference Attributed Grammars (ReRAGs), is completely declarative and supports both rewrites and computations by means of attributes. We have implemented ReRAGs in our aspect-oriented compiler compiler tool JastAdd II. We present the ReRAG formalism, its
On-line dynamic monitoring of the SHARON process for sustainable nitrogen removal from wastewater
Kripke on Psychophysical Identity
This paper deals with Kripke’s influential criticism of the view that mental states are physical in nature, i.e. that such states are identical with certain physical states or processes.
The return of the machine bureaucracy? – Management control and knowledge work
Growth and physics of semiconductor nano-wires and dots
Governing Education in Urban China: New Spaces and New Challenges
VIX Futures Trading Activity and Volatility
No title
Editorial: Recognition, Social Invisibility and Disrespect, in Distinktion. Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory
Orientaliska och syrisk-ortodoxa kyrkor i Sverige
Ämneskonferens i Retorik på Södertörns högskola 1-2/3 2007
Offerkast and Roadside Memorials
The erection of roadside memorials in Sweden is commonly considered a novel practice, appearing during the last 10-15 years. Nevertheless similar precedent practices can be found in the history of Sweden. Stories about marking the site of an unexpected death with a cross could be said to date back to the eleventh century legend of Saint Sigfrid, telling of the first English missionary to spread C
The Glorious Ethno Death: Ethnicity and Identity on and off the Contemporary Swedish Stage
Situating Joint Action
Whether action is joint and conforms to agents´ commitments, and what capacities agents must exercise in order to engage in joint action, is a matter of the social structure of the situation of interaction, not of the agents´ believed sharing of mental states.
Fast Simultaneous Calibration and Quadratic Hedging under Parameter Uncertainty
Är EUs konkurrensprocess rättsäker?
Allt sedan kommissionens gryningsräd mot AstraZeneca år 2000 har jag följt behandlingen av bolagets numera fastslagna marknadsmissbruk. Det genomgående temat har varit om myndigheterna gett AstraZenecas invändningar en rimlig behandling. Har den relevanta marknaden avgränsats på ett korrekt sätt när AZ:s dominerande ställning fastställts? Är undanhållandet av information i ett patentmål och återka
Notes on Some Difficulties of a European Cinema Makeover
Ever since the GATT negotiations of 1993, the level of consciousness within Europe about the economic precariousness of its audiovisual industries has increased. At the same time a prevalent theory about how regions and cities can achieve economic growth and a facelift has spread. Accordingly, to create an audiovisual cluster is often proposed as a particularly promising way to go for places who f