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On nested convolutional codes
Nested convolutional codes are a set of convolutional codes that is derived from a given generator matrix. The structural properties of nested generator matrices and nested convolutional codes are studied. A method to construct the set of all (rational) minimal generator matrices of a given convolutional code is presented. Nested convolutional codes derived from equivalent minimal generator matric
Differentiated Knowledge Bases, Distributed Knowledge Networks and the Role of Sectoral and Regional Innovation Systems: The Case of Biotechnology
On distributed robust routing for transportation networks under local information constraints
En het potatis. Om mat och måltider i barn- och tonårsfamiljer
A hot potato: food and meals in families with small children and teenagers. Introduction, with aims and hypothesis The project ‘Konsumenters problemlösningar på livsmedelsmarknadens nya arenor. Matinspiration under tidspress’ [‘Consumers’ problem-solving/solution to the food market’s new arenas: food inspiration against the clock’] initially addressed the following issue: shopping for food and p
Traffic Engineering and QoS Control between Wireless DiffServ domains using PQ and LLQ
Numerous recent studies have proven that traffic patterns generated by multimedia services are different from traditional Poisson traffic. It has been shown that multimedia network traffic exhibits long-range dependency (LRD) and self-similar characteristics. The area of wireless IP traffic modeling in terms of providing assured QoS to the end-user is still immature and the majority of existing wo
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Reactive Flows under HCCI Engine Conditions
Popular Abstract in English In the past ten years, homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion has been one of the subjects receiving great research interests in the combustion research community and the engine industry. This is because HCCI combustion processes have the potential of not only capable providing high efficiency like diesel engine combustion, but also producing much lowLarge Eddy Simulation (LES) modeling is developed to study homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion under different engine operation and mixture conditions, including real engine configurations and generic test cases. A previously developed HCCI model has been validated by comparing the simulation results with engine experiments. A new spark-assisted HCCI (SACI) combustion model h
Nanowire based electrodes for neuronal signal recording
Hippies and the New Swedish Modernity: Learning to Experience Consumption
A method of interpreting prenominal possessives:incorporating the generative lexicon and type-shifting
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MAPK-associated proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana
Abstract Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases (MAPKs) are signalling proteins that are highly conserved among eukaryotes. They are involved in many biological pathways including cell differentiation and response to different stress situations. The MAPK cascade is composed of three signalling kinases, MAP3K, MAP2K and MAPK, which phosphorylate each other in a sequential manner. The different MAPK sub
Kurdish nationalism under the shadow of a treacherous cosmopolitanism
A Relative Success? Notes on the circulation and wider reception of Scandinavian Crime
In this paper Scandinavian crime, or Nordic Noir, in its filmic and televisual incarnations, will be considered on its relative merits as a transnationally successful, but regionally based popular cultural expression. The inquiry will be conducted against a backdrop which briefly traces the history and some of the obstacles which historically have limited the transnational circulation of European
An Overview of Stored Electromagnetic Energy
Home and health in very old age: Results from the Swedish ENABLE-AGE Survey Study.
Cognitive interpretation and subjectively experienced fear of brown bear and wolf.
Nutrient recovery from waste streams through struvite formation
Popular Abstract in English These days we hear a lot about sustainability and most of us try to live in a more sustainable way. We use less water and energy, we sort our household waste and we prefer to consume products that are produced with less negative human impact. However, when it comes to our own excreta we definitely think of it as waste. And we are glad enough that wastewater treatment syEutrophication or the nutrient enrichment of water bodies, typically by nitrogen and phosphorus has adversely affected the aquatic life and the quality of water. Governments have been forced to take actions in order to reduce the release of these nutrients into the environment. To date the main global effort has been to remove such nutrients at source. However, with an increase in awareness of the