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The spillover effect of foreign direct investments on the Chinese economy

In 1980, China set up four special economic zones (SEZ) to attract overseas investors to gain advanced technology and economic growth. Until now China has become the largest recipient of FDI these years. This gives the author great interest to study the spillover effect of FDI in China. The research question is from 1997 to 2016, whether FDI had an impact on China's economic growth, and whethe

The Art of Controlling - A study of performance measurement and control within an art context

Purpose: The overall purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge of how performance measurement and management control are designed and used within an art context. The research aims to answer how performance is measured within nonprofit art institution, how the performance measurement has implications for the use of other control mechanisms, and how and why the context affects the per

How virtual avatars can be used in E-commerce

E-commerce is a rapidly growing phenomenon that constantly attracts new target audiences and finds new fields of application. Some products are popular in the E-commerce and others are considered hard to sell over the web. Even the products that are considered a hard sell over the web are getting more popular, and the E-commerce web sites are evolving to increase customer satisfaction. The E-comme

Polisario Front Before the Court of Justice of the European Union: A Study of Judicial Activism in the EU

Since the CJEU’s creation, it has been significant to solidify and review European Law. However, rather than merely being the dispute arbiter of the European Union, it is also seen to be a driver for political change and integration. The involvement of the CJEU in political matters has often been associated with judicial activism. An area especially prone to this phenomenon has been fundamental ri

Natural Extraction of Pungency

Chilli extract is used in the food industry for multiple applications, such as a flavour for hot sauces or spicy chocolates. The demand for organic products has grown in the recent years, while changes in demography make it necessary to obtain and aroma that can fulfil the market needs. Hence, the purpose of this project was to develop an extraction method to obtain an organic and halal chilli ext

Energiförbrukning för dryckesförpackningar - en jämförelse mellan plast, papper och glas ur ett energiperspektiv

I denna studie vissas att ur ett energiperspektiv är plast och papper ett bättre material än glas att göra dryckesförpackningar av. Det som undersöktes var produktion, transport och återvinning. Pappret var det bättre alternativet i produktion och transport medans plasten var det bättre alternativet när det kom till återvinning. Glas var ett tydligt sämre alternativ ur ett energiperspektiv. ProdukDifferent material is used today for packaging; all of them have different environmental problems. Depending on your perspective one material might be more beneficial than the other. In this study an energy perspective is used when looking at production of the material, the manufacturing of the package and transport of the package in its lifecycle and recovery processes. The materials studied were

Management control i offentlig-privat samverkan

OPS (offentlig-privat samverkan) är en alternativ upphandlings- och genomförandeform som innebär att privata aktörer inkorporeras i utförandet av omfattande, kapitalintensiva och komplexa projekt i den allmänna nyttan. Till skillnad från traditionella genomförandeformer finns det ett tydligt samband mellan byggprocessens olika skeden i OPS. Detta antas bland annat bidra till effektivare resurs- ocPPP (public private partnerships) is an alternative procurement and implementation that involves incorporating private operators into the execution of comprehensive, capital-intensive and complex projects for the public benefit. Unlike traditional forms of implementation, there is a clear link between the different stages of the construction process in PPP. This is believed to contribute, among ot

Internt varumärkesbyggande - En studie om internt varumärkesbyggande i franchisetagarverksamheter

Titel: Internt varumärkesbyggande – En studie om internt varumärkesbyggande i franchisetagarverksamheter. Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management. Kurs: KSMK65 Service Management: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, 15 hp. VT 2017. Nivå: Kandidat Författare: Cassandra Bergqvist & Victoria Persson Handledare: Malin Espersson Problem: För en franchi

Talent forecasting sett utifrån MOA-modellen

The thesis covers the relatively new area, talent forecasting, and how this work method has become an increasingly important tool in society where the demand for work possibilities increases. This leads to an increased need in knowledge and competence within society as well as in companies. Talent forecasting can be described as a work task with the purpose to predict what's coming, a forecast

Perceptions and Experiences of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Education among Students at Swedish for Immigrants – A qualitative study

Background The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a global public health issue. Sweden has a national strategy for prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and migrants are one of the target groups. One strategy to prevent HIV/STI is to increase knowledge through education on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in schools such as the Swedish language scho

Kartläggning av sand och naturgrus med hjälp av resistivitetsmätning på Själland, Danmark

Syftet med denna studie är att analysera resistivitetsdata från ett område i Hilleröd kommun och att kartlägga förekomsten av sand och grus. Naturgrus och sand är eftertraktade material inom anläggnings- och byggnadssektorn men fungerar också som bra grundvattenreservoarer. Region Hovedstaden i Danmark försöker hitta mäktiga lager av sand (0,6-2 mm) och naturgrus (2-20 mm) på Själland för utvinninThe purpose of this study is to analyze resistivity data from an area in Hilleröd municipality and to map the presence of sand and gravel. Gravel and sand are materials with high a demand in the construction sector, but also function as great groundwater reservoirs. Region Hovedstaden in Denmark wants to search for thick layers of sand (0.6-2 mm) and gravel (2-20 mm) in Själland for extraction. Th

Management Control Systems in innovative startups - A multi case study of Swedish R&D startup companies

This paper focuses on description and analysis of the management control systems (MCSs) in different startup companies. The qualitative study with an exploratory approach was chosen. In order to identify factors that affect MCSs in the startups, and examine actual impact on the design of MCS in these companies, interviews have been conducted with three Swedish firms, selected from the group of com

Analys av Lagrådsremiss ”Förändrade skatteregler för delägare i fåmansföretag” -­ Med särskild inriktning på skattesystemets effekt på entreprenörskap

Den 13 mars 2014 beslutade regeringen att ge en särskild utredare i uppdrag att se över beskattningen vid ägarskiften i fåmansföretag. Genom ett tilläggsdirektiv kom utredningen även att se över de särskilda skattereglerna för delägare i fåmansföretag. Den 8 juni 2017 utfärdades lagrådsremissen Förändrade skatteregler för delägare i fåmansföretag. Lagrådsremissen innehåller ett flertal förslag somOn March 13th 2014, the government decided to give a special commission the task of reviewing the tax on owner shifts in closely held corporations (Fåmansföretag). By an additional directive the commission came to evaluate the special tax rules for Fåmansföretag, the 3:12-rules, as well. On June 8th 2017, the council on legislation referral was presented as Changed taxation rules for shareholders

Hur väl följer svenska fastighetsbolag upplysningskraven i punkt 75 & 76 i IAS 40?

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur väl svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolag efterlever de upplysningskrav som anges i IAS 40 punkt 75 och 76. Vidare undersöks om det föreligger några skillnader mellan olika år (2010, 2018), samt om det finns samband mellan upplysningsgrad och tre på förhand utvalda företagsegenskaper. Studien jämför efterlevnad av IAS 40 punkt 75 och 76 hos 15 svenska slumpmä

MHC diversity in house sparrow Passer domesticus in relation to pathogen diversity

Påverkar antalet patogener variationen hos immungener? Hur många olika patogener (sjukdomsframkallande organismer) ens immunsystem kan bekämpa beror delvis på hur hög s.k. MHC-diversitet man har (MHC = Major Histocompatibility Complex). Populationer med hög patogenbelastning förväntas ha en högre MHC-diversitet än populationer med lägre patogenbelastning. Klimat-förändringarna förväntas leda tilThe major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is important for adaptive immunity where the MHC molecules bind and present peptides from pathogens to T cells. The peptide binding repertoire of an individual’s MHC molecules determines what pathogens can be recognised by the immune system, and the MHC peptide binding repertoire is therefore under strong selection from pathogens. Parasite and pathogen di

Stories from within A narrative study focusing on females’ experiences, actions, choices and understandings of child marriage in Zimbabwe

The female child marriage research landscape in Zimbabwe concludes reasons, consequences, and solutions as a means to bring awareness. However, there is an absence in the current literature of an individual perspective focusing on rural females experiences of child marriage and a theoretical contribution that highlights their actions, choices, and understandings before, during and after the marria

Climatic effects of changes in radiative forcing due to clear-cutting in Sweden

Land cover conversion affects climate by imposing changes in the surface properties and carbon dioxide fluxes. Forest management programs often disregard that modification in surface albedo influences the exchange of energy and climate sensitivity. By taking into account the role of vegetation in shaping the atmospheric circulation, forest harvesting not always leads to the warming of the climate.

Equity Mutual Fund Flows and Benchmark Portfolios in Sweden

The purpose of our study is to investigate the effect of net flows to mutual funds by isolating the effects of active managed funds and index linked funds on benchmark portfolio returns. We consider factors that cause demand driven price impacts on stocks. We use data from the Stockholm stock exchange and focus on Swedish registered mutual funds, which invest primarily in Sweden. Mutual fund data