Omola : An Object-Oriented Language for Model Representation
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In a search for new inhibitors of the IFN-γ mediated signal transduction in HeLa S3 cells using secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) as reporter gene, a novel compound, designated as S14-95 was isolated from fermentations of the imperfect fungus Penicillium sp. 14-95. The compound inhibits the IFN-γ mediated expression of the reporter gene with IC50 values of 2.5~5μg/ml (5.4~10.8μM). Furthermore t
Hur kan det komma sig att en relativt stor andel lärare på en och samma gång är missnöjda med en rad arbetsvillkor och upplever att arbetet är meningsfullt? Varför är, med andra ord, många lärare nöjda med sin yrkesutövning som lärare samtidigt som de är missnöjda som anställda? Frågeställningarna har attackerats från flera håll med utgångspunkt från läraryrkets och skolans utveckling under de sen
Background: p21-activated kinase 1 (Pak1) phosphorylates many proteins in both normal and transformed cells. Its ability to phosphorylate and thereby activate the estrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha) potentially limits the effectiveness of antiestrogen treatment in breast cancer. Here we studied associations between Pak1 expression and subcellular localization in tumor cells and tamoxifen resistance
-Glucosidases belong to families 1, 3 and 9 of the glycoside hydrolases and act on cello-oligosaccharides. Family 1 and 3 enzymes are retaining and are reported to have transglycosylation activity, which can be used to produce oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates. Family 3 enzymes are less well characterized than their family 1 homologues and to date only two crystal structures have been solved. H
The Einstein equations (EE) are certain conditions on the Riemann tensor on the real Minkowski space M. In the twistor picture, after complexification and compactification M becomes the Grassmannian Gr(2)(4) of 2-dimensional subspaces in the 4-dimensional complex one. Here we answer for which of the classical domains considered as manifolds with G-structure it is possible to impose conditions simi
Excited-state lifetimes for a number of vibronic states of (1)Pi(u) symmetry in molecular nitrogen have been determined experimentally in a laser-based pump-probe scheme using a coherent and tunable extreme ultraviolet source based on harmonic generation. States investigated in N-14(2) were b(1)Pi(u)(v = 6-9), of valence character, and c(3)(1)Pi(u)(v = 1) and o(3)(1)Pi(u)(v = 1), of Rydberg charac
Photon-echo-based devices have been proposed for many applications in data storage, image processing, and optical communications. Many of these applications would benefit if the output from the photon-echo process could be used as input in a second photon-echo process. We demonstrate the generation of such secondary echoes, using the amplified output from an initial photon-echo process. The amplif
Abstract This thesis consists of the following three papers Paper I. Hankel operators on Bergman spaces and similarity to contractions. In this paper we consider Foguel-Hankel operators on vector-valued Bergman spaces. Such operators defined on Hardy spaces play a central role in the famous example by Pisier of a polynomially bounded operator which is not similar to a contraction. On Bergman sp